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What Is Your Favorite Expression?


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Just something that dawned on me. We all have our favorite little catch phrases; either something we heard, or made up. Some of them can be damn good!! Share some of yours, the reason why or maybe the story of what brought it to life...


A few of mine.


*Piss Off!!

Certainly not original, but it is short, sweet, and NO ONE can missunderstand what you mean. The delivery can speak volumes also...


*If life was easy, everyone would have one

I came up with that while talking with a worried friend about the future over a few beers. While it's nothing amazing, if you just think about ita moment, you see just how damn true it is!


*That's what she said

Useful in 10,000 ways, you can convey almost anything with it, it's all in the context. In the middle of someones dialogue, insert where appropriate to convey a totally different meaning. Rarely fails to get a laugh or a frown, depending on who it is and what you meant... :D



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"sometimes i think i'm amazing, but then i wake up"


my fave. which i kinda don't say much but when i said it the first time, it stuck with me


my other is "WTF ..over!"


me n an army friend say that all the time...

Edited by Slick
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You have to be smarter than what you are working with (Also applicable when working with People)


Seriously, you read the book on that???


About reading the Newspaper or watching the News... If its that important, someone will tell me....

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"Aw it don't matter."

My grandfather's favorite saying, and it has also become one of mine.


"I don't need your CHUMP CHANGE!" (with extra emphasis on the chump change)

The phrase that got one of my co-workers fired, and is now the accepted phrase to tell the waitress at the end of the night when she tips out the kitchen.

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"If I wanted a Hummer I'd ask your girlfriend." (or wife)


"No worries"

That one I seem to be using more and more, not sure why


I'm sure there's more, I'll just wait for them to spill out and edit my post as necessary!

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"Thank you for that stunning demonstration of your knowledge on this topic"


Kinda self explanatory, eh?



Oh, and: "Jane, you ignorant slut"


Both have to be used in the proper context...

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"Your face"

^^ me and my buddies use that when "Your Mom" gets old..


"Your observation of the obvious is astute"

^^ because it always gets a laugh... and makes the person who is saying something obvious feel dumb :P



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Oh, and: "Jane, you ignorant slut"


heh, those were the good ol days...




lets see...


"How 'bout NO?"


"Load the pistol!"

(used at work, in lieu of exclaiming how *insert name of task* makes me want to slit my wrists)


"You're pretty..."

(said while patting your hair after you do something really dumb. I actually use that one on myself when caught doing a 'duh')


"Blow it out your ass!"

(very lady like, I know!)

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Heh, some nice ones!!


Oh, and: "Jane, you ignorant slut"


Yep, classic!! I use it a bit myself, but most people just wonder who Jane is... :(



Another one I use is "Look!! An Eagle!!" which is when I feel the desire to kick someone in da forks...

*for the people who have not had the pleasure... of viewing...



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Heh, some nice ones!!

Yep, classic!! I use it a bit myself, but most people just wonder who Jane is... :(

Another one I use is "Look!! An Eagle!!" which is when I feel the desire to kick someone in da forks...

*for the people who have not had the pleasure... of viewing...





wow i've not seen that one in years, a good laugh for late night bordom

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Yep, classic!! I use it a bit myself, but most people just wonder who Jane is... :(

That's exactly what I did :lol: My first thought was who the... is Jane :laugh:

Then I did my homework


Though I've never seen that show now I at least will not wonder who Jane is :lol:


Another one I use is "Look!! An Eagle!!" which is when I feel the desire to kick someone in da forks...

*for the people who have not had the pleasure... of viewing...

That's one of the best commercials ever! :D I saw it a couple of years ago, but thanks for providing the link anyway, I had a good laugh :lol:

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An old one we used in school. "She's all arms and legs" Like "She'll be good" the She part refers to the situation not a she. Used to discribe something out of control or wild.


My sig line...spits in the face of death.


I also really like Iron Locust's sig line "In Russia there are no roads, only directions"

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Hijacking this abit, but I wanted to share and find out more.


"Whole 9 yards"

1) It takes 9 yards of cloth to make a mans suit.

2) Spitfires were fitted with ammo belts 9 yards long and to use it all up was "giving them the whole 9 yards"

I like #2 better



On ships the human waste was stored low in the hull, gas would built up and then explode. They started to store it high so it could be vented better. They wrote on it "Store High In Transit".



Going back a few years if you were well off and on a cruise you would be on the port side of the ship leaving and on the starboard side coming back.

"Port Out Starboard Home" (Don't ask me why)


That's all I can remember at the moment...I love to see some more.

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