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PathyDude17 last won the day on July 30 2024

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About PathyDude17

  • Birthday 01/01/1872

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  • Your Pathfinder Info
    4.63 Gear Swap. Front Lokka. '00 Xterra Rear LSD. 67” Trail Gear Rock sliders. 2-2.5" Lift using front AC Coils and Rear Land Rover NRC9449 springs. Bilstein 5125 (33185569)
  • Mechanical Skill Level
    Wrench And Socket Set Mechanic
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  • What do you consider yourself?
    I Go When I Can
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    Boise, ID
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Golf, Cars, Camping

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  1. No. Land rover springs only fit the rear of the R50
  2. Really sad news guys. Andrew, who goes by @Dbot on here, has passed away. Prayers and condolences to his family. https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/2024/04/15/andrew-hendrix-killed-car-crash-near-lake-springfield/73329149007/
  3. Hi, this is my pathfinder! You need an 02-04 SE roof rack off of another R50. It will bolt onto your roof just fine, you'll have to remove everything that's currently on top of your 02 LE. For the white Nissan Lettering, that was a little more custom. All of those fairings come with raised black lettering, I just put some white plasti-dip on mine to help it stand out. Paint would probably work better. I would go looking for the roof rack in a junkyard, I doubt nissan still sells this. Ebay also might be able to help.
  4. I agree. Haven't looked to see if the blokka was available, given what's going on in Russia. But, that's encouraging if they're on eBay!
  5. You can also get air lockers or E lockers, both of which are discussed elsewhere on the forum. Swapping the rear axle shafts to a different spline count can be done to make other auto-locker options possible. http://www.nissanpathfinders.net/forum/topic/42436-31-spline-swap-or-how-to-install-a-rear-mechanical-locker-in-the-r50/?tab=comments#comment-781291
  6. They do not make one for the rear. Blokka (Russian company who seems to like Lokka's branding...) makes one. Doubt you can get one given all that's happening over there right now. EDIT: Blokka is the product name, the company name is like izno-tech or something...
  7. The lokka works great. A year or so ago, they were struggling to get orders out on time... not sure if that's still the case.
  8. Provided the strut mount is installed properly, there's not an issue with them.
  9. OEM works fine, KYB is a popular choice for OEM replacement struts.
  10. That's on the previous generation WD21's with automatic hubs. Aftermarket Manual hubs for R50 Pathfinders do not have this issue
  11. The other limit that you start maxing out when you lift above 2" is alignment. Even if you in theory had axles that allowed you to lift 4" of suspension, I don't think you'll get an alignment good enough to let your tires wear evenly. 3" seems to be alignable sometimes
  12. I don't think there's issues with any kind of locker and the AWD mode, as the AWD mode really just allows for different front-rear power splits instead of 50/50. The transfer case is a little more complicated overall, but you should certainly not have problems using 4HI with the locker. Refer to this thread:
  13. Good start! I would not mix a spacer lift in the front with a locker. While I applaud the front locker purchase (I had one myself and LOVED how the lokka worked), I think the extra extreme angles from the spacer lift combined with the use of a front locker will lead to blowing more CV axles than if you had a spring lift up front. You may be able to get 4.6 gears from another R50 (Certain Xterra's and Frontiers work for the rear end as well) if you're currently on 4.3's, but you're right - no one makes custom gears for the R50, the front gearset is different from any other nissan. You can source a 4.9 rear end from Xterra's that will swap in. That might make your overall setup cheapest. Definitely keep us updated on the BLOKKA. Not many reviews or install photos floating around yet.
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