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Everything posted by 96Pathfinder4x4

  1. First look here for tire size and lifts. http://www.nissanpathfinders.net/forum/topic/19867-max-tire-size-vs-lift-kit-used-vs-custom-or-oe-wheels/ Then go here and look at a SFD. http://www.nissanpathfinders.net/forum/topic/23821-subframe-drop-for-r50/ Welcome!
  2. Someday, I'm going to take the time to wire this up.... I finally got the seatcovers installed. And wired up the box that I made for my winch solenoids. I have to figure out the best way to mount it. There's no room behind the bumper or under the hood. The wires reach from there. I have to get a bigger step bit. That hole is the biggest one that I have. The plug for the control will mount there. Once it's done, I'll paint it black and silicone where the box closes.
  3. Get a photobucket account. Upload there. The provide the links. You then just cut & paste the "IMG" code here.
  4. She helps hold the organizer down. My last camping trip with the kiddos, the cargo area was loaded. My plan, when it's just her and I is to put her dogbed back there.
  5. Nice setup jhvaron! Custom roof rack for the tent? That's the law here too. If they are above the headlights, they have to be concealed with a non-see-through cover.
  6. I have excessive play, but no clunk. After all the old cars I've driven, excessive play is no concern.... Clunks are usually bad bushings/joints.
  7. Some wood and a dog. I copied Stioc's idea.
  8. Hahah! It was a selling point when I bought the truck. That and the low-bottom dollar of $2500. If I had power in my garage, I would make so much more progress....especially on Sundays.
  9. I would suggest carrying a couple spares and the tools needed to swap 'em on your next offroad adventure.
  10. I'm an Amazon Prime customer. Never had a problem in many years....other than Kalifornia insisting on sales tax.
  11. Added a winch. Built my own control box...going to seal it once I get some grommets and figure out where to mount it.
  12. I ordered the stock stuff from Amazon...paid for Prime. With free shipping, it pays for itself. All the other stuff has come from different vendors.
  13. I don't think the strut tower extensions can go 6", can they? 4" was a bit tough getting in there. Figure with 6", it's gonna be under the fender... Pics?
  14. This user hasn't been flagged for spam and booted yet? http://www.nissanpathfinders.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&mid=34803 Were these other 2 users hacked? http://www.nissanpathfinders.net/forum/topic/35664-does-this-kind-of-place-exist/
  15. I stock replacement F350 shocks. I ordered from Amazon. I think they're KYBs. Cheap and quick at the time. I am considering something adjustable in the future.
  16. How are the CVs holding up? I would imagine you have quite the angle on your front axles.
  17. Might check that #6 plug. I had a stutter, then decided to do a tune-up...don't think it was EVER changed. Welcome to the R50 side!
  18. If they no longer make it, ask for the drawings. Take it to a local shop. ...after scanning and posting up here.
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