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John Boy

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Everything posted by John Boy

  1. Anyone have any success with a specific shampoo product. My seats and carpet could use a good shampoo. I would just put car seats covers on but they never fit snug, they always start to droop making them look crappy.
  2. I been spraying it like crazy, it's gotten much better, you had to see all the brown rust liquid that poured out of it.
  3. So I took out the whole reservoir and low and behold there was the leaking pump. New one at the dealer cost $38 ouch! Anyway nice to have washer fluid again, thanks for your help.
  4. I have a 95 XE and keyless entry as you described it. The only weird thing about mine is the panic button on the factory remote is what controls the locking and unlocking, the other button does nothing. I actually don't even like the idea if I push down on one button all the doors lock. Another weird thing is there is a aftermarket alarm on it also which is disabled.
  5. Isn't that the truth.................
  6. Could be to much torque..............
  7. Thanks Slick! No wonder I wasn't seeing it at first, so is the motor and pump one piece or two seperate pieces?
  8. The A/c is got to be the most PITA thing to repair because it takes forever to find the problem. Most mechanics will put dye in the system to find a leak, if it's indeed a leak. Yes it could be the compressor, or O rings. I gave up on my AC but i could living in NY, we only get 2 months of HOT weather.
  9. I take it it's easier to just replace the whole reservoir.
  10. Where the hell is the front windshield washer pump? It's had really week pressure and now it's stop working all together.
  11. O I got one............................Lighted power window and door switches would of been nice, especially if you have tinted windows.
  12. So you want to live in the "Big Apple City"...................... $3.45.
  13. Actually according to a insurance guy I know it bends the chassis.
  14. Thanks! The dam dealer wants $65 for one rear brake line.
  15. I lived in Arizona for a little while and except for a few major companies it's not a state were you will get rich at. Being a republican state the laws are more geared for business owners opposed to the working man. Right to work state it is. I believe the lack of unions is one of the problems, the lack of unions once again comes from the predominately Republican government. I was quite surprised to see some of the pathetic starting salaries even for skilled workers. I found the only thing really cheaper in Arizona opposed to back east is the real estate and even that is skyrocketing. Yes I think the large population of Mexican immigrants plays a huge part in all of this also. No offense to Mexicans as I understand how poor that country is. Personally besides the employment situation I just couldn't deal with that prolonged heat and moved back east. But it is a beautiful state especially in the mountains. I did like hanging around ASU and watching some of the most prettiest girls I have ever seen.
  16. Thanks, Anybody have any success with these http://www.4x4parts.com/public_html/shop/i...e40868bc486f9d2
  17. So my timing belt job was a success but am notcing that my brake and fuel lines need replacing, they are really corroded. Those are some mighty long lines going to the back, is there any place I could get them already pre bended?
  18. Sorry to hear that! I have a hard time letting my girl drive the truck.
  19. Thanks! How about white lithium grease?
  20. Let me guess, the fuel pump is in the tank, lovely.
  21. It's a good idea but they usually just pop the hood and jump out the starter. Good thing about the Ravelco is it dissables other things like the fuel pump.
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