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DJ Dank

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Everything posted by DJ Dank

  1. Like everyone said, adding a bigger exhaust tip isn't going to do much. Think of it this way, imagine blowing through a thin straw...like those coffee stirrer straws. If you added something like a funnel to the end of it, it would still be just as hard to blow through. Now imagine blowing through a fat McDonalds/Big-Gulp type straw...sly Your best bet is to get a whole new exhaust with bigger pipes.
  2. Welcome to the message board!
  3. Hmmm...thats interesting if they did have them. As much as I would like them to have them in stock, I don't want to get my hopes up. So keep up posted!!!
  4. You're right about that... Here's Doja as a puppy.
  5. Thats awesome! You see guys, Phil's not so bad after all!
  6. Thats sad man but on to bigger and better things!
  7. Welcome to the board! Next stop is to look at the pics you posted!
  8. Welcome to the message board! Whats the 4runner deckplate mod?
  9. Just seafoamed the Pathy this afternoon for the first time. There was a $hitload of smoke that came out. It was funny driving around the neighborhood leaving a trail of smoke. First thing I noticed was how smooth the car idled. But after reading a few posts on here about it, I didn't pour it into either of the recommended vacuum lines. I used one of the two vacuum lines that was attached to the intake tubing elbow using a funnel to pour it in. But seemed like it still did its job.
  10. Check out the answer to that question now...
  11. Don't forget ALL the interior panels...all you want is a bare metal interior!
  12. That bottom rabbit has that paranoid look in his eye too...LMFAO...
  13. DJ Dank

    1/8 scale wheelin

    Thats sweet!!! NismoSkyZ I also used to have an RC100 too...actually a couple of them. I sure do miss them!
  14. I wasn't aware you could report that 88. I just got used to seeing cheap "Buy Now's" and excessive shipping since Ebay doesn't take a cut on the shipping price. But maybe if they started, that might change things.
  15. Hey welcome to the board! The stock wheels were what..15x7? or were they 15x6? There are people who've gone up to 15x10's on huge rubber.
  16. Hey if you need someone to keep those babies running and warm let me know as I recall you telling me that you had family in Paradise Valley. I'm living in Livingston now(only 5 minutes away from the Valley).
  17. I'm looking to change out the oil in the diffs and the transfer case...never had them done since I bought the vehicle at 60k and I'm at 103k. :o
  18. Your speedometer needle is warping from the sunlight? Wow never heard of that problem before. I've got 5% tint on the front windows so I've never encountered that prob. Are you sure the sunlight is the culprit? Its hard for me to imagine that sunlight can be directed so precisely into your gauges and onto the needles to cause them to warp... How bad is the warp? Post some pics! Now you have an excuse..."You say I was going 80 officer? Sorry, my warped needles said that I was going 70"
  19. Whats wrong with the shape of them??? Its not like they're that much different than any other vehicle?
  20. Sheeet Dan, I thought you'd be all over this thread and be the first to respond! I got excited at first but then when I saw the price, my excitement quickly changed when I realized how much it was going to be.
  21. DJ Dank

    Bash Paris!

    I'll participate... There's a movement called Citizens for a Better America thats trying to get Paris Hilton to go away. They have a petition on their website. Here's the video off YouTube:
  22. Like Harbinger said, those computer fans work pretty good IMO. Not sure what size you're looking for but I've bought tons of stuff off NewEgg.com. DId a quick search on their website and came up with tons of stuff...worth checking out! NewEgg.com
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