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Everything posted by TrailChaser

  1. If it's not in 4wd the CV on that pathy should not move... Maybe you have a bad auto hub that's keeping it locked. Probably time to tear into it and see how it looks.
  2. It's all custom.(well, I used a master lock for the latch) I bought the jerry can to get measurements. Used scrap steel from work. I just knew I wanted to be able to take it off when it's not needed.
  3. Here are a few pics of a Jerry Can Carrier I made to attach to my custom bumper/tire carrier. I made it removable so I don't have to have the extra weight on the truck unless I need it. I also made it with a locking latch to deter criminals from getting free gas. David
  4. My 3yr old sings "The Roof is on Fire" by Cake when he wants attention. It's cute till he get to the part about not needing water let the MF'er burn. I still get in trouble for him doing that. He just picks up music a little too good for his age.
  5. Yep, and it's funny to see how freaked out people get about the stuff. They act like it radioactive or something. We had a freaking list of steps to take to safely remove it from underground pipe on the pipeline. If we did the crap on that list to remove and contain it we'd still be there.
  6. Here's an example of the public having guns being a good thing... I remember a time in Texas before you could legally carry a loaded pistol in your vehicle. In Houston the criminals could pretty much take(carjack) any car they pleased, as long as they had a gun and didn't see any cops around... It got to the point where people were afraid to stop at redlights. That just doesn't happen as much now. Now the criminals have to not only worry about getting busted by a cop, but also have to worry about the owner of the vehicle shooting them or a driver in a different car that sees what's going on. I keep a pistol with me most of the time. I don't carry it to only protect myself. I plan to use it to protect anyone who's being victimized by an armed criminal. Main thing to keep in mind if you carry a gun... You are MUCH more likely to die from gunshot wounds if you carry a gun. If you plan to be a hero and yell some crap that you saw in a movie like "drop it, or freeze or I'll shoot" you might as well have a plot already paid for at the local graveyard. Once a gun toting criminal sees that you also have a gun the situation suddenly gets much more serious. You're forcing him to make a quick decision to shoot or be shot. Not a smart move. Another thing that gets people killed is standing there like you're in shock after shooting an armed criminal. What you see happen in a movie when someone gets shot is nuthing like what happens in reality. Shoot and move if you want to survive a shootout. Most grown men can still shoot and fight for at least 30seconds(which is a long damn time) even if you get a nice solid upper torso shot. My dad was shot in the chest with a 12gauge with birdshot from about 15 feet away. He disarmed the guy, beat him to a bloody pulp, and then proceeded to drive himself to the hospital that was over 30mins away. k9sar... Ever heard of a home invasion? Where the criminals break into your house while you and your family are there. It happens. I wouldn't like to see some guy rape my wife and kids then kill'em and not be able to do a damn thing because I didn't have any guns in the house. You're scared of a criminal breaking in to steal your gun? That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day. Do you personally know any cops? Do they all leave their guns at work because they're scared of criminals breaking in their house and stealing them.? Hell no, they keep them within reach at all times.(They're suppose to anyway) Because they KNOW first hand how F'ed up some people really are, and prefer to have protection for themselves and others around them. If you TEACH your kids about gun safety as soon as they're old enough to know what it is and what can happen you shouldn't ever have a problem. My wife doesn't like guns, but you can bet your a$$ she knows how to load/unload and accurately shoot all mine just in case she needs to one day when I'm not around. I taught her the basics... Like: Don't announce your presence, shoot from low to high in a house,(meaning squat down so you're shooting in a upwards direction) know what's behind your target and know that most bullets will pass thru and continue on to strike something else, don't shoot once(3 to 5 shots in the torso is key), but at the same time save ammo in case there is more than one guy in the house. Everyone go check your medicine cabinets and find one bottle of pills that could kill a kid.(I'm sure you've all got several) Now make a little game of seeing what it takes for your kids to get the bottle open. Remember to let them use any means that they have at their disposal. Dads tools out in the garage is always a favorite, but they can just smash the (childproof) bottle with a book or something. You'll be amazed by how quick a 5yr old can get "candy" out when noone is watching. I guess you need to get all the medicine out of the house now. How about your vehicles? Kids can and do kill themselves with those too. Vsicks, This is a politics, religion, blah blah blah topic. Everyone is right and wrong and noone is about to give in or change anyones mind. The comment about the constitution just being a piece of paper is about like me saying gun control in Australia is a good thing in your case, because you are all just descendants of criminals and thus more prone to violence and can't be trusted with deadly weapons. Not nice. I do agree about the Bush tho. He's a classic douche bag.
  7. TrailChaser

    Game On!

    One word...(ok, it's a compound word...) Superglue. Should I start a list of interesting things you can do with it? Glue the windshield wiper to the windshield. Glue their front door shut. Glue hair to their doorknob. I could do this all day.
  8. Here's a pic of where mine's mounted. I like it there. It's easy access and out of the way. I need to pick up another one for the same spot on the other side.
  9. I've seen a few video's featuring the Wheely King that were kick ass. I think those were modded, but that's where some of the fun is. I know you'll be modding the hell out of whatever you end up with. I've been wanting one for a while also. Watching video's of the different trucks, how the run, how they jump, and how they're modded is a nice way to decide what to go with.
  10. I know if I post this someone's gonna try it and see if it really works, but I think it's a fake/edited video.
  11. Would you believe there are actually still groups that think that... For example...They say when you get on an airplane to go "around the world" you're actually only traveling in a big circle.
  12. This really got me thinking when I saw this. I want to see how many have seen this or heard about it, and see what you think.
  13. Cable snapped? She's gonna be handicapped, but she's gonna get paid.
  14. Welcome to the boards Radioaktiv, If you're dead-set on getting an 80's model and can't find one locally you should do a search in Craigslist for some Colorado cities. They usually have a few of the late 80's two door with a manual tranny listed between $500 and $900. I almost drove there from Houston to pick one up. Cuong had some great advice. Check us out over at TNT if you're looking for a good group of Nissan wheelin Texans to hit the trails with. We have pretty regular events, and everyone is always welcome.
  15. X2 I'll take a Corona, they don't even come in a can AFAIK.
  16. Bryan, is that weld from your Ready Welder? Looks good, looks good and hot.
  17. How does that work when the manual tranny shares fluid with the transfer case and the automatic doesn't.
  18. In most states you don't have to stop at the scales in a rental truck that doesn't require you to have a CDL to drive. In other states it's about whether you keep a log book or not. You don't have to worry about either, but it wouldn't hurt to get a CB and ask truckers about the scales as you get ready to deal with them. Truckers call California, Commifonia because of all the weird trucking laws and crap. Have a safe trip and get plenty of sleep on the road.(While stopped)
  19. I bet she didn't have any problems pulling that trailer up the mountains.
  20. I mostly agree with what Slicks friend said. Looks like someone who knows how to weld but doesn't do a very good job used a lil welder like a 140amp instead of a real/good welder. You could have the welds ground out and rewelded by someone with a commercial grade welder, but then you'll burn up the grease in the bearings and have no way of cleaning and repacking them. For the limited amount of movement these bearing see you would probably be better off doing it this way for the sake of keeping you, your kids and anyone else around you safe. I'm sure he uses a jig to weld these on. So when you take it to a welder to have it redone you should have him only grind the weld on one side flat then weld over it before touching the other side. Don't have him grind the welds out completely because you want it to stay true and the heat from a good welder will pull/draw with quite a bit of force if it has a chance. Also you may be able to save some grease if you tilt the CL to an angle that allows you to have the sleeve and bearings sitting in water on one side. You could use a steel cake pan for this. As for the double shear holes lining up. If you can force the bolt thru it'll be good. Double shear on these is overkill anyway. Phil if you're reading this my advice to you would be to recall any CL's you've sold with similar welds from the HH140 before someone gets hurt when an end comes apart at 70mph on the way home from a trail run. You need to remember how important it is to put good welds on anything you sell. The DS IA's, PA's and IA braces are one thing, but when you put weak unfinished welds on the centerlinks you are just asking for bad things to happen. I see at best 5-10% penetration on the tack weld in this pic.
  21. I'd be a little worried about the labor costs, but I don't see why a good shop wouldn't do the swap. It's 100% bolt on. You might want to print out a little "how to" of the install from here to give whatever shop you hire. I'm sure they'll act like they don't need it, but will end up using it. Main thing to keep in mind... In 92-94 somewhere nissan went from analog to electronic speedo, and you should get a matching tranny if you want a speedo. I did about an hour of work with a dremel to get the old speedo equipment into the gauge cluster on my 95, and I still haven't hooked it up. I still need to drill a hole thru the firewall(behind the engine) to run the cable from the transfer case to the back of the speedo. Be sure to tell them about the proper fluid level. David
  22. Glad to hear that damage was minimal and you're okay. I've heard some real horror stories involving deer being hit. Here in Houston there are parts of town where the deer are out of control and you just about can't drive around at night very fast. No hunting in the city, so they over populated like crazy.
  23. It's mostly heat from the engine/exhaust manifolds flowing under the pathy. If you crack the windows you'll notice the heat becomes really bad, but with them closed it's not nearly as bad. I thought for a long time it was heat from the auto tranny, but it's just as bad with the 5speed.
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