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Everything posted by RedPath88

  1. Banned for not adhering to the KISS method
  2. Everything's back to normal now... minus the slightly over powered rear brakes...?
  3. Okay Summer, you had a good run but it's time to move along now!

  4. Banned for not taking responsibility for OPP
  5. /\ confused < Allergy to sun means more akin to (non-sparkly) vampires \/ prefers sparkly vampires
  6. Banned for allowing Monday to come again
  7. /\ likes big hairy things < should be asleep \/ got plenty of sleep
  8. /\ NEEDS a Pathfinder < Is wondering how tonight will go \/ Needs to have more fun
  9. Not sure if this will work, but let try and get B's attention here as he was a 720 guy before Pathfinders. Calling @Precise1 for some advice!!!
  10. Please see the following thread dedicated to /\ Chrisco's /\ issues...
  11. Evicted a group of squatter bee's from the rear hatch!
  12. /\wont stop talking about his lady lumps <can't believe this it's been 21 years since he flew solo \/ will understand once day
  13. Banned for using a good selfie as a profile pic
  14. Banned for thinking anyone cares about "facts" anymore
  15. /\ used to watch Fraggle Rock < likes cool temps under rocks \/ now knows what a Fraggle is
  16. Banned for believing that it was not already broken
  17. I understand and agree with what your saying as people on this forum are normally pretty mellow and not looking to cause problems, but I would also guess that you probably don't go around posting your address all over the web either. You are of course free to do so, we just don't require or directly recommend it here. As for the off chance someone grabs the negative attention of a nut job, why make it any easier for them? Besides, I think that it's also fair to say that there are a number of them out there without the ability or patience to track someone down to an exact location. There are other, less paranoid, reasons as well. I personally was tracked down once via the original NPORA website. It was years ago, before I was part of the staff, before the current website and before the Member Map existed, but nonetheless it happened. Almost 10 years ago when we rolled out the new NPORA website the info that allowed that to happen was changed, for good or bad. In that case I was contacted via email by family I had not heard from in years and in that instance it was welcomed. However, today I have other family which I would prefer that they not just show up on my doorstep unannounced, if I put a pin on my house that could just happen. But again, placing it at your doorstep, city center or not at all is the choice of each NPORA Member.
  18. Permissions have been fixed, so you should be able to add and update your location now!
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