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ahardb0dy last won the day on December 12 2024

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About ahardb0dy

  • Birthday 11/24/1965

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  • Your Pathfinder Info
  • Mechanical Skill Level
    Standalone Tool Chest Mechanic
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  • What do you consider yourself?
    Do Not Go Off-Road
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  • Location
    Sorrento, Florida
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Nissan's, boomboxes Aiwa especially, CB & ham radio, collect knives

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  1. What ever engine has the clear tubing
  2. I would suggest getting rid of that clear tubing, possibly the vacuum is sucking it closed, you need to be using vacuum lines.
  3. I may have the cylinder case, will look little later, If I have it I can also rekey the lock to match yours.
  4. Found out last night, that the photo hosting site I use, Tinypic is shutting down, so I'm sure any and all pics I have posted will be disappearing. I'm going to save all the pics before it shuts down, I should have most if not all of them but want to save them just in case I don't.
  5. Just a heads up, I just bought a used column cover from a member on another forum and went to install it and came across a problem, not his fault, I never even knew there was a difference in the top covers, this probably wouldn't be an issue on the Pathfinder a most probably came with tilt steering, just wanted to share what I found. pic below is the stock cover from my 93, non tilt that I modified to fit the tilt column, you can see the opening for the ignition cylinder is towards the rear. New/used tilt column cover from a 90 Pathfinder, you can see the opening for the ignition cylinder is towards the front: I also noticed the bottom cover from the 90 Pathfinder is not as deep as the one from my 93, but the bottom cover would have worked, I just had to move all the wires to the right side
  6. The little pins are removed by drilling a small hole next to each pin, than prying the pin out with a scribe tool or similar tool
  7. My former 87 Hardbody never passed emission tests on it's own, with full emissions, cat and everything. I heard way back, not sure if it was true that Nissan rushed the VG30i into production and is why they had emission problems ??
  8. Compression/strut rods are dealer or junkyard only, Torsion bars I would recommend Sway A Way
  9. I worked in a 4x4 shop back in the best times for the Nissan trucks, 87 -90 ish, We installed many visors and all were made by Lund. Not saying there wasn't another company out there but I do not recall one off hand. There was a company that made them out of metal that were shaped differently than the Lund visor. I have a very old Jobber price book from one of the warehouse's who we got our parts from, I'll look through it and see if I can find another company.
  10. welcome I'm from Long Island, now living in Florida
  11. Does the AC clutch engage when you turn the AC on? May just be low on freon.
  12. I always recommend OSC radiators from Rockauto, they seem to be a good part
  13. Anyone know if a 4x4 Xterra trans can be used in a 2wd Xterra? Are they the same other than the tail shaft part? Thanks
  14. Non matching bottom, my bottom has a textured finish, the new ones are now high gloss, got the bottom for x-mas couple years ago: Original Craftsman box on the other side:
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