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Please think of Mr. Jamison


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its been a while since i've posted here and dont necessarily agree with the moderation here as of lately but have a 2nd chance delima on my hands..this is the 2nd time i've delt with lung cacner...the first being my uncle and after his passing hte reason i wound up with a pathy...now is 10 years later with a great friend, college roommate that i got to know out of luck and him bringing a set of cams to class from campus pickup...at this stage i wish i was right there but i cant be...his family isnt in a great situation and me being through this and seeing it 1st hand and not wishing it on my worst enemy isnt helping...i've been really positive but I dont wnat my buddy, his sister or his mom to see what i saw b.c. its nasty/scary and just awful...


i'm not giving up and neither are they but everyone could definitely use the support...i really wish i wasnt so far away...but I know this is the place for support and It will be shared with the family...i just wish i could be there to see his smiles when they find out they got it all...that would be one of the greatest moments in my life


Thanks all!\

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im sorry to here it aswell. i am a smoker and a single dad of 3 kids. the recent adds here in australia have put me on the way of giving up the ciggy's. for me and for my kids. i have never been around someone with ung cancer but dont want to go through it myself.

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Thanks all...Yea he was a smoker (works for RJ Reynolds) and is healthy other than this coming up...My uncle was a smoker as well but neither are heavy smokers. I don't beleive my uncles was small cell and I don't know that they know what type my buddies dad has yet and I havent asked b/c I don't want my buddy to get overwhelmed with trying to read about it.


I still swear to this day if we had a video of my uncle over the last few days he was with us and put that as an infomercial on lung cancer it would scare the crap out of people who smoke...I was 15 almost 16 and was smoking...yea after seeing that I didn't want to smoke. Since then I have maybe smoked 5 cigarettes


Once again thanks for the thoughts and it means a lot

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I have not seen it first hand but I know it is bad. My grandfathers brother just got over it and my other grandfather died from throat cancer which is probably just as bad. I couldn't stand to watch him lay there I was only 11 when he died. I remember my dad used to pick him up in the pathy and they used to have to lift him into it b/c he was too weak to get in... 6 months earlier he was driving me around in it...


Sorry John

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I've lost three grandparents, as well as watched my best friend lose her Mom to lung cancer, so I have a pretty good hate-on for lung (and all) cancer.


Hope he can kick it's ass. It deserves it!

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My Grandfather has been battling multipule cancers for many years and keeps on putting it in his place so to say(stubborn old German, his way or his way-there is no alternitave). He was a smoker and a drinker, quit both many moons ago. My Mother does cancer support walks all the time, which I always donate to as well. A strong will and helpful and like-minded people surrounding will definatly help if you ask me. My best wishes and support to all involved uncc.

p.s., you should pop in a little more often. You have more knolidge and are mo0re usefull than you think, plus I personally gotta couple questions for ya about electronics when you swapped some of your interior parts anyway...another time though.

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I have not seen it first hand but I know it is bad. My grandfathers brother just got over it and my other grandfather died from throat cancer which is probably just as bad. I couldn't stand to watch him lay there I was only 11 when he died. I remember my dad used to pick him up in the pathy and they used to have to lift him into it b/c he was too weak to get in... 6 months earlier he was driving me around in it...


Sorry John


Thanks adam


I've lost three grandparents, as well as watched my best friend lose her Mom to lung cancer, so I have a pretty good hate-on for lung (and all) cancer.


Hope he can kick it's ass. It deserves it!


Sorry to hear that. I have run into different types but lung seems to be one of the most evil ones (all are evil).


Ah, lung cancer strikes again. Good luck to your friend man.


Thanks king


My Grandfather has been battling multipule cancers for many years and keeps on putting it in his place so to say(stubborn old German, his way or his way-there is no alternitave). He was a smoker and a drinker, quit both many moons ago. My Mother does cancer support walks all the time, which I always donate to as well. A strong will and helpful and like-minded people surrounding will definatly help if you ask me. My best wishes and support to all involved uncc.

p.s., you should pop in a little more often. You have more knolidge and are mo0re usefull than you think, plus I personally gotta couple questions for ya about electronics when you swapped some of your interior parts anyway...another time though.


Yea I started relay for life last year and it was awesome; probably one of the most amazing events that I've ever participated in...shoot me PMs anytime you have questions...I've had more communication that way lately than posting up that way


Good luck to your friend.






A short update: He is doing good but still in a lot of pain which is expected but seems to be in great spirits. I assume my buddy will call tonight once they leave the hospital

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Good to hear he is in good spirits... I truly believe a good attitude will get you far when it comes to these things.

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Thanks guys...


I wont ever forget 2 years ago when i flew home after being in CA for a year and they picked me up from the airport and had the keg in the back seat and we went to my buddies place, tapped the keg had a couple beers and shot the @!*%...then we sheetrocked a doorway that he didnt need/want anymore...me and his dad were chilling out on the deck and he was like man i'm glad you and parker (my buddy) became friends bc you've been a good influence on him...that still makes me feel good


it still sucks tho bc i wish i could fly there to at least go see him and say hi...he would @!*% that's for sure...then maybe get teary eyed but we'll see what comes about...Hopefully when he gets better they can fly out for a visit and we can just kick it

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I don't know how I missed this one!


But I hope for the best for your friend. A coworkers ex-wife got breast cancer not long after they... re-married. She battled it for a year and won... for a year. Almost exactly one year to the day, it returned in another part of her body (she no longer has "real" breasts). She is currently fighting it again.


Seeing what they have gone through, I really feel for you, your friend and his family!


Give him my best! :beer:

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Thanks...will do...


His dad went home on Sunday. He is on leave for a couple of months and is taking it easy around the house. I assume he's still hurting a good bit and trying to adapt to having half of the lung capacity he used to have. My buddy is lucky enough to have the ability to work from home so he's been up the road a couple of hours from where he lives taking care of things for his mom and dad. I think he goes home today to check on his place and then back there tomorrow night for another week.


I don't know when they start checking to see if they caught it all or if it started spreading but lets hope is the earlier of the 2...Chemo from what i've seen is as bad if not worse than the cancer itself.


Cancer is an ugly beast that's for sure

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Yeah, I understand chemo is pretty draining. Former coworker of mine just hit the half way mark to his chemo treatments right now. Sounds like he has some good days and some bad days... but he's keeping his spirits up, and trying to maintain a 'normal' life.

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