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Everything posted by nunya

  1. You should have no problem with 31"s on stock setup and I am getting that you want to run them on legos so your basiclly running a stock option setup, just may have to touch the torsion bars a little if they are sagged. Other wise
  2. www.westpaxterraclub.com Western PA Xterra Club www.pghoffroad.com Pittsburgh Offroad Club Didn't even know this was here honestly
  3. Pink Floyd-Mother Since I am jamming a little I might as well share it...Least nobody can see me playing air guitar
  4. I'm due for new piston pull-back springs in the next 10k miles. Fresh Nissan approved turn signal fluid. Rebuilt the waternator and mufflometer recently, good to go
  5. That sums it up, just make sure you get the gasket that goes between the targa bar and the truck body as well. That and watch the classifieds on here, never know what someone is gettin rid of or parting out.
  6. Parts stores I deal with at work tell us to rip them off and send them to the g-man. Should use lube either way though...
  7. Stick with your ideas, live by the built not bought phrase. It's your truck, your money, your time-build it how YOU want. Who in what area of automotive likings(4wheelers-drag racers-show cars-any sanction of the lifestyle) don't people think of motor swaps? I've got plenty of dumb motor swap ideas that most people would say why bother too.
  8. nunya

    my new bike

    I'll stick with my 20" Mongoose KO that has no brakes and I have to pump both tires up every time I feel like riding(which isn't often-I smoke)
  9. If it's stationary, I agree w/Tex, if it folds gotta go with GG. Looks like you could make a fairly interesting fishing rod holder out of it maby?
  10. I'm personally a fan of the 90 style 300z over the newer ones, took a while for the 350 to grow on me, but congrats! The 370 will grow on me after I tow a fiew due to non-drivers.
  11. Watch if you convert to seald beam style front end and do the H4 bulb swap, melted multipule plugs out of my HB with them. I guess they run a little hotter than older thin wires can handle. Still not gonna hold me back from converting again, I've collected many extra plugs and pigtails....
  12. Give it a little credit, it is 12 years old! On another note, welcome!
  13. Little piece of info that may or may not be useful, since my experience is a little different and don't know if it would even come to play with a r50. When I had to swap motors in my old HB(91 2.4l 5speed 4x4) the motor I dropped in was from an auto equipped truck. Didn't pay atention and there was a small spacer between the flywheel and crank on the auto equipped motor and when switching flywheels it stayed on the crank and actually held the flywheel out like 1/4". Starter chewed the teeth off the flywheel in a matter of a week. MAKE SURE TO REMOVE THE SPACER WHILE YOU HAVE THE FLYWHEEL OFF. That and make sure you get a pressure plate with your clutch kit.
  14. Best part is I did! Wife got me new hatch struts!
  15. In Nissan defence icemonkey, the Nissan 2.4(at least the ka) can take soem long hard miles just as well...
  16. Just swapping the bulbs won't do much I thought, aint' the actual gauges orange? Try maby finding a cluster out of a same year Hardbody with the same options and change the bulbs in that, I know they are white numbers.
  17. That was goeing to be my question, why use a torque wrench to remove? The gm z-71 wheels don't look to shabby either. Just get that nose pointed in the right direction!
  18. Fiew of my friends do that with their muscle cars(actual 60's and 70's ones) works great for them. I got plans personally of doeing some hood hacking. Mor efor a little visual but with the bonus of keepin it a little cooler between the fenders.
  19. I can give that 100% as long as its' the uncut version with the like 1 1/2-2 minute intro and it don't cut the one verse out. As for the list, depends on what I am driving
  20. Perfect phrase right there FUELER-to each their own. I have drive most variations of somewhat up to date cherokees and no I wouldn't buy one so belive me when I say I agree completly.
  21. The flares don't look bad at all, how much abuse you think they gonna be able to take though molded in especially?
  22. Wow, this turned into a battle since last time I checked. It's all goeing to boil down to personal preference, where the comparasion is taking place, and driver ability if both trucks are similary set up. You forget you are on NPORA so most people are goeing to say Nissan is better(which I am bias and goeing to agree as well) with a fiew exceptions. Go to a Jeep board and ask and it will be the other way around. Go to a Ford board and they are proably mostly goeing to tell you buy a Ford with a couple actually picking one or the other. And how did a wd21 vs. r50 thing start here? Don't that normally happen in PoHo?
  23. It was still your moms truck, shoulda stayed on top of that a little, heck my mom keeps up with her car(which as you said about the 0miles deal, was her second 08 in the begining of 07, it was hers when it was no more than a shell and a vin plate) just so she DON'T have to hear my mouth when I see her.
  24. what codes does the eng light bring up? Might give you a starting point
  25. I am guessing you made out alright since your typing still....
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