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Everything posted by nunya

  1. nunya

    Best named topic?

    I wouldn't worry too much, I ain't got my glasses on
  2. nunya

    Best named topic?

    Craigslist, I was being lazy and now you gone and made me type it out... Extra moderating eye aimed at you now...
  3. nunya

    Best named topic?

    You don't want to see my CL missed connection ad...
  4. nunya

    Best named topic?

    Anything that sais "tranny" makes me want to go in, not read, and type out "Check for the Adams Apple. you went that far, your commited now!"
  5. Oil pressure switch wire, prolly knocked it off during one of your pulls. Bench test even new parts if possible, especially if you don't like the chance of doing a job multipule times... Learned that one long ago and usually bites me in the azz when I get cocky and don't.
  6. They have a 4 bolt setup (using the door side rail mounts at wash sides bucket). You would lose your center console though and have to re-configure the e-brake handle setup (one of the many things holding me back currently...)
  7. Someone will be lucky here (with WhiteOwl currently down it wouldn't be fair for me to even ask, I'd rather see someone putting miles on get to test these out for you)
  8. I thought JJ used integra seats and put pathfinder rails on or something like that? Could always to a Hardbody bench conversion, just gotta do something about the e-brake handle
  9. As much as you can trust wika-anyone-with-a-keyboard-and-knows-it-all-pedia the pic on there for a 3rd gen Montero has that wheel on it
  10. Track bar on the front axle is a common one to seen worn out, I see that a lot from people who dot like to live/maintain stuff... As long as the body ain't Swiss cheese and the transmission is in good shape, they usually ain't too bad (local observation at least)
  11. Play that cliche circus song, light your hair on fire and run around it with your arms flailing like one of those inflatable tube man advertisements! Seriously though find a sturdy spot at the front half, jack er up till it lines up and ratchet some 2x4s to both sides. Pinch off the broken brake line and gimp it in.
  12. Recycled oil filter=back floor of a Saturn going to the crusher
  13. Which is enough reason for me In seriousness, if done minor transactions with Steeeeeeeeeeeeevo/Rugged Rocks and have had 0 issues/complaints (And gladly have his RR logo sticker on both WhiteOwl and my Blazer. I should order one for the Lebaron ). I've personally never dealt with Rocky Road so I am 100% biased with my opinion though, although if my need comes for something I can't/don't want to make myself arises again, it will be Rugged Rocks (or a factory part through Alkorahil, but that's a different scenario) taking my money
  14. X2, were probably more willing and happy about the sharing f him than a cat forum
  15. Sorry for not paying atention, my mats are usually "doubled up". I have some form of factory carpet ones under the rubber ones at all times. The rubber ones are just generic ones donated from junk cars (and they rotate as I find ones I like better at that point in time). I'll look for my xterra/wd21 may comparasion pics though for you.
  16. 18 bones for the correct one new? I wouldn't bother trying to make something else work for that!
  17. Requires purchasing bagels and not eating them
  18. I can throw a bagel to a higher top speed than a wd21
  19. I think his family works almost every other "public" parts counter too
  20. Canadian Death Metal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GVugJj7BUs
  21. Hey, a little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men
  22. Your thinking of B, and that's 9912 not 99 1/2
  23. He hasn't logged back in yet. Patience is a virtue, etcetera etcetera, Memo bis punitor delicatum!
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