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Everything posted by 87pathy

  1. mine has them but i've never had an issue
  2. $#&% **** and bush.. thats kinda funny they want to run this country as if we were a communist nation. weren't they arresting people for that about 50 years ago? now our government is doing it... I'm not into politics and won't ever pretend to be.. but good lord, whats wrong with people
  3. i finally got around to reading all of the Polls from this TOTM, thanks to all, and to answer the questions about damage.. here is a pic of my drive line on the rubicon... I even took it wheeling with Mr. Pickles with the damange..ENJOY
  4. sorry for not responding earlier.. i've been busy busy busy.. thanks for all the compliments ya'll
  5. no, didn't have to pump her full of booze.. but when i do she likes to get naughty.. even more fun
  6. thanks you all, i had a great birthday, my family came up to vancouver to visit me, we went hiking in the woods, and then me and the missus went out and i pumped her full of booze. took her home and well um, we wont get into those details
  7. This is exactly what popped into my head when i read this thread. but.. i snowboarding, golf, offroading, camping, hiking, woodworking, and building stuff when i do have 30 sec of free time
  8. In a recent interview Sadam simply shows a gesture when asked how many little boys he has violtated
  9. " The Snozberries taste like snozberries"
  10. OK, see you at the safeway at 10 on saturday.. you can't miss mine!
  11. can we meet say... on Elfendahl pass road just at the beginning of the 4x4 loop? I think there is a parking lot there. (i'm going by maps since i've never been) say around 10 am? or do you have a better location? 99% sure i'm comming cell number is 253-820-3835 Jeremy
  12. Ok, got your number. I may come out and join! i'll tow the pathy. driveline is beat up and vibrates.
  13. Tahoooya? where is that, i was going to go to evans creek on saturday but always up for something new. How far from Bonney lake Mr. P?
  14. I'd say 88 was on the right track.. However I have the perfrect pathy. The ony thing i'd like to do to mine to pic up some power is transplant a new 4.0L V6 from a new frontier! and a set of 4.1 transfer case gears...
  15. Mr. P. if and when you solve this problem, let me know. my reverse lights have never worked since i bought it. i have gone through all the same BS you did but still no lights. Keep us posted
  16. well i'll be the first one to say, that brought a tear to my eyes.. Great! such compasion and love for your son / father. wish this kind of love was more prevalent
  17. I'm going to be in eastern oregon labor day weekend. (hermiston / pendelton area). My old man wants me to take him wheeling with my nephew, can somebody help me out on were to go? as hard core as you can think of! I would travel to la grande no prob. Just would like some ideas JP
  18. Come on.. at least i agree with the security issues But seriously, what would happen if you found your phone was tapped? don't think of these things on a grand scale, think of them indiviually like they are happening to you. The Government has no way of making things safe. When they try they do it half assed. Example Lighters are not alowed on a plane. Book of matches is. Whitch would start a bigger fire for quickly? Can't have any sharp objects. I can (until recently) take a SoBe bottle on the plane. (broken bottles are dangerous) Osama Bin ladin Organized an attack on the United Stated.. We couldn't get him so we go to Iraq and get Sadam.. perfectly logical to me. Yes they are all different issues but in my opinion these are simple issues that show how half baked the governments security ideas are. Ok, since i'm not a politician and i don't want to get into a political debate (cause i'll loose) i'll shut up now
  19. Lots of good posts and coments here. i am in favor of security and just about anything to protect our sissy asses. however the government has still yet to find a way to do it. Invading peoples privacy is not the way. I'm not going to venture to say that i have a better way but hell. At least if they are going to illegally tap our phones, for gods sake don't tell me about it. They don't tell us any of the facts anyway, just omit this little detail one.
  20. I have had a pierce county cop behind me, and on the side of me at the same time and they didn't do anything. I have no mud flaps, my tires stick out like 4" past the body.. i think it depends on if the cop god some morning nookie
  21. yes they are, after you upgrade the axles, steering, and reinforce the unibody
  22. To teach to operate these machines, I would have you sit in the cab with me for 1 day. Next day you would be in the seat and i would watch. Third day i would leave you alone for about 15 min intervals.. 4th day.. hour at a time 5 th day, your on your own.. call me if you have problems
  23. Yes, the degree is my hinderance. however i spend 80% of the year on the road. I would have to find another job in order to go to school. I could teach a monkey to drive these machines in a week
  24. 87pathy

    Water Pump

    There is nothing wrong with a rebuilt pump. Just depends on the quality. I personally have always purchased rebuilt pumps. (generally) Number 1 reason for water pumps going bad after install is over tension of teh pulley.
  25. when mine broke, it was the same conditions as you mensioned. I guarantee you ran the valves into the pistons. I personally bent 6 of 12 valves. I'd pull the heads
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