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Everything posted by 87pathy

  1. I'm starting to like you more and more!
  2. Two Doors Rock!!!!! Go team triangular window!!!!
  3. OMG.. i think thats the 3rd time in my life i've ever heard that..lol just playing man. It looks like it shouldn't be too hard to fix, if you don't have the tools to drill and easy out the broken bolts, sometimes you can get on the edge and drive it arouind with a punch and / or Chisel and hammer.
  4. mine at the moment... he thinks hes' cool in his new boxer briefs.. Son, 23months
  5. x2 ^^^^^^ However MWS, i think it wasn't tight engough, If you look at the contact surface its shiney. This to me indicates movement. Then the "untorqued bolts were carrying the load instead of bolts + Surface friction. If The bolts were over torqued, and just snapped when they pass yeild it wouldn't have such a polished finish, but rather a dull finish, with some scratch marks. (minor oxidation between the two parts) However with such a small pic and no close up, its hard to say for sure. This from the guy who gets to tell the engineers they are wrong.
  6. Oh, hell ya a Full size blazer is HUGE. Chevy axles are like 72" WMS-WMS. Mine are only 65" Plus a smaller body. sorry about the ride, stay in touch, maybe we can go in September or something.
  7. As i do feel for you. BWAAHAAHAAHAa 10 hours a day.. young fellow you had better get used to it. My most worked time last year was 360 hours in 5 weeks. 12-14 hour days are the norm for me
  8. ya we build HDD's too. (horizontal Directional Drilling machines) Those things are so dead simple
  9. Eh, I take that rig through the trails at Elbe. Ask the fellas, i took mine down a Quad trail!
  10. Ya, but i still have my stapler. Hell i don't even have a desk in my home office. They took that away too! Gave it to an engineer
  11. i'll live. Best thing, is i'm not off my rocker. Basically by making this post its kind of a blind pole. Non of you guys really know me and i have just given facts and you all basically agree. Good to know i'm not crazy. I think i'm going to take the job in BC for the next year.. but i'm going to be pulling some strings and contacting a few people. they are looking for techs in india.. big money too. i could get 6 weeks on 2 weeks off and paid the entire time. Thanks for the info guys!
  12. I would be up for it 100% But i'm in Ohio at the moment and getting ready for the rubicon in 3 weeks.. can't aford to break anthing.... YET
  13. ROFLMAO. i told my wife last night that i felt like that guy! Thats great! if my company wasn't alwasy so broke **** i'd have to pull the same crap they did! You guys are great.. You don't even know me and you're all cool. you want to know whats funny is that non of the NPORA guys that i have actually met have posted.. Whats up guys.. see if i go wheeling with you again..
  14. yep, thats exactly what my plan is. I've been actually looking around for a while. Here are the problems that i have. work as a mechanic (no issue for me as i enjoy it) = over qualified. Work as a supervisor / Manger = No degree. Been told this by at least 6 companies. Your gonna say, oh you can find something.. yes i can but i have a morgage and bills to pay, i can take a pay cut but not too much.. i have to find somthing as to not interfere with the financial stability i have been working toward for the last 10 years. I'm somewhat over it.. I'm pissed but WTF do you do? Oh ya, he already tried to pull @!*% today! Can you believe it :oops:
  15. No i didn't really have to deal with him. Now he gets to tell me what to do. yes make decesions as my boss. Not happy about it
  16. Already did that! First thing i did!
  17. Thats a tough call. I admire you for your commitment. If i want to travel i could have a new job tomarrow. Spain, Peru, Germany, Austrailia, China..ect Those machines on the linky.. have over 10,000 parts and i can tell you where every one goes and what it does Oh I'm going to be asking questions when i get back to seattle! This is my only relief at night, at this moment i'm sitting in a chair in a hotel in ohio watching Family guy.
  18. Cheap! $40.00 per hour + parts.lol seriously i'll call you when i've had enough same story as all of us,, if i didn't like my job so much (excpet for the travel) I would have thrown my laptop at them today
  19. No but i can do a Full width Custom SAS on your pathfinder! Draw me a picture on a napkin of what you want and i can do it!
  20. Don't want to post the company name, But here is a link to the web site.. Good business good peopel.. Bad politics.. Very high dollar low profit industry LINKY
  21. No worries B. i posted this cause i am pissed and just was wondering how others would feel. 3 years is how long this guy was supposedly my boss but wasn't. WTF? what gets me the most is that somebody i trusted said they took care of me but in the end ommited some details. My company is very interesting, 1 of 5 in the world tht does this type of work. I am the youngest in the world that does my job (seriosly i know all of our competitors). No i was doing a job that is actually a higher possition that what "my boss" has Generally speaking field service manager works for project managers in alot of situations. Corporate polotics...OMFG :oops: I hate All the BS and politics but i deal with it, i've found that i don't need to be such a BS artist since i am actually very good at what i do (or so i thought). Compensated.. yes and no. I should make more than i do. I know what all the field guys make cause i do budgets and proposals. At one point in time they have all worked for me. I make 5 bucks an hour less than the lowest paid one. I accepted this in hopes of ADVANCEMENT of possition, money isn't that inportant to me
  22. I think i'm going to do to BC for a year (starting in October) but bewarned, i will be looking for a new job. i have turned down $$$$$ because i have been told that i'm on my way up.. traveling will stop. The money i was offered (by other companies) was not what i really wanted (money isn't everything) i wanted to stop traveling, I have seen everything in this world i want to see except my children grow up (13,10,2) so i always turned it down in hopes of working my way out of travel permantly. (Best offer i ever had was 9,000 Euro per month after tax with all expenses paid but that was in bosnia for 3 month contract) so.. i think i'll go to bc but i'm just pissed that i have been wasting my time. Anybody need a mulitlingual Hydraulic, electrcial, mechanical technician with international manufacturing experiance? No degree except the one of hard knocks.
  23. aint' gonna happen for me guys, extended to the 4th, and got no time to get ready. sorry, i'd love to go.. next time
  24. So guys here is the deal, We all have bad days at work but i got so pissed off today i had vaines poping out of my head, red face and tears in my eyes. Long story i'll try to sum it up. In 2001 i worked for the Field service Dept. Boss F___ked me bad. Told the Big boss (VP) i'm done, i quit.. to hell with this. (field service manager is a total wanker) he begged an pleaded for me to stay, i said its either me or him i'm not working for that SOB. I got a raise, a promotion, and a new boss. During this i lost a few perks since i'm no longer in the Field service dept. Thats cool, I won't be traveling so much. WRONG, i was traveling more doing over seas manufacturing managment (like go to china with engineering dwgs and build a 10 million dollar machine with local unskilled labor) I was traveling so much and without the perks, i was making less money that i did in the service dept. I spoke with the VP about this and he said, i'll take care of this (this was in 2003) Finantially he did, told me my boss was bob (not real name) Bob was cool, no issues, i got compensated correctly, did a few more manufacturing jobs. Then they wanted me to be a project manager every aspect of machine manufacturing and customer relations/handleing including contracts..ect.. I did this well. Made money kept customers happy. Today the Field service manager came to me and asked me if i would be willing to go to Vancouver BC (nice place) for 1 year and take care of 2 10 million dollar machines. I said i'd think about it. I sent an email to MY boss telling him what went down. Said i'd do this but with some stipulations. This is the responce i got. You don't work for me. You work for Field service. Talk to dip@!*%. WTF? i was being USED for 3 years. I was flabergasted, i hate that SOB. I have been working for a low wage (lower than what i should make for the job that i do) doing everything i can to advance myself in this company, working insane hours, spending 85% of the year away from my wife and 3 children to be told that i know have to work for a man who is not capable of doing my job! I have basically been spending the last 5 years of my life being told that i am going places and then today i got Shat on! WTF? Am i off my rocker for being so pissed? :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
  25. ya, buzz boxes are pretty good if you don't care about penetration.
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