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U.S. Politics Discussion


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Ok, I figured I would post a thread where we can talk about what is going on in the U.S. today. We have a new president to elect and our economy has some serious issues. Recent discussion in the POHO tread has encouraged me to start this. I wias talking to Laxman0324 and he was saying how he is not really informed about canidates. I would say its important to at least know some things about people who are running for office, as it will affect his future.

Now, I am going out on a limb and say that I am for the most part a believer in the Republican side of things. Unfortunatly, the way the party seems to be going in recent years, is not what I was brought up to understand. My wife is a little more undecided, not really leaning toward anyone at the moment. We have done some recent research about our canidates for president, and we are actually leaning toward someone else. Remember, there are more than 2 people running, which is not what the media wants you to believe.


As of today, according to the stock market, the whole world is feeling our issues. I would love to hear some good input from others not only in our own nation, but around the world. Oh, and if you make a claim, give some proof.


I will start, I looked up on several websites about who is paying the millions of dollars to our canidates. I find is very disturbing who is getting what money. Take a look att this...




How about how much people are contributing to the individuals...





Now, keep it clean and no need to tear each other apart. If you dont have something constructive to add, dont post.

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George H.W. Bush was really George Scherff Sr., a Nazi sent to destroy America as a teenager and adopted by Prescott Bush (Scherff was also an assistant to Nikola Tesla, and stole all Tesla's inventions after he was murdered by Otto Skorzeny and Reinhard Gehlen). Hitler was still alive in Montana in 1997, and Josef Mengele is keeping himself alive and youthful with a regimen of hormones and cannibalism. Oh, and Curious George was inspired by a young George Scherff Jr.; that's probably why Alan J. Shalleck was murdered by two men he met through a gay sex network one day before the movie premiered. (this information comes from a man named Eric Berman, who claims he heard it straight from his girlfriend's dad, Otto Skorzeny, in Florida during the late '90s. Skorzeny died in Madrid in 1975.)

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Thanks for making me seem stoooooopid Derek... P... But he is right I think this would be interesting to learn things we don't know from each other about this, it is a lot easier for ME to pick up on things said by you guys than try to research it on my own while in school...


I will say that I have not registered, but based on past political parties I would register republican, but at this time I do not agree with either party from what I have heard...

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Vote Republican!!!post-3252-1223437894_thumb.png

:rolleyes: Very Constructive. I just don't want to here you crying when BHO becomes President & the democratic party

puts a huge tax on owning a 4x4 SUV. Then bans bans off roading all together.


I'm in the middle but guys like Al Gore think you should be riding a bicycle while they fly in private jets.


Extreme left is bad Extreme right is bad. Let's meet in the middle without the name calling.

Ya damn hippy tree hugger. :jk:

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Well, I don't believe we have any good choices this election, but I'm going with the Democrats for 1 simple reason. 8 years of Republicans has gotten us little other than a couple of wars (a lot of dead/maimed people and huge expense), big business ripoffs/insider trading (Halburton,KBR,ENRON, etc), a ruined economy/dollar value and the scorn/dismay of the rest of the world.

Will the Demos do better? Can't say.

Will they do worse? I doubt they could without a HUGE effort.


All that said, I often refer to the political parties as Democans and Republicrats due to the wishy-washiness of them both, the infighting and such. Lets face it we need more than 2 stale options!!



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I second that motion! I have no idea who I will vote for. The media only covers the big 2 and I can never believe what I read on the internet. Who are our other choices? The Pizza Hut driver can't do much worse, but seriously, who are our other options?

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You can see a entire list of canidates here...




Personally, I dont think I will vote for either Mcain or Obama. After much research, Im going to give my vote to a independent. These campains have all been about change. Do you really think that a Republican or Democrat will really bring change? After much research, and Im not afraid to say it, Im voting for Bob Barr(Libertarian Party). http://www.bobbarr2008.com/ Lower taxes and shrinking government works for me!


Its a tough choice and everyone should that can vote should get out and do so. Things are changing quite dramaticly in our world. The same ol' same ol' isnt working anymore.

Edited by 5523Pathfinder
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My vote is based on one simple criteria.... If you are looking to cut defense spending, I don't vote for you. That's my paycheck son!


I just hate Obama cause he waffles and dances around subjects and questions. Case in point... the last question from the second debate:


The question: What don't you know and how will you learn it?"


Obama's answer:

My wife, Michelle, is there and she could give you a much longer list than I do. And most of the time, I learn it by asking her.


But, look, the nature of the challenges that we're going to face are immense and one of the things that we know about the presidency is that it's never the challenges that you expect. It's the challenges that you don't that end up consuming most of your time.


But here's what I do know. I know that I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the fact that this country gave me opportunity. I came from very modest means. I had a single mom and my grandparents raised me and it was because of the help of scholarships and my grandmother scrimping on things that she might have wanted to purchase and my mom, at one point, getting food stamps in order for us to put food on the table.


Despite all that, I was able to go to the best schools on earth and I was able to succeed in a way that I could not have succeeded anywhere else in this country.


The same is true for Michelle and I'm sure the same is true for a lot of you.


And the question in this election is: are we going to pass on that same American dream to the next generation? Over the last eight years, we've seen that dream diminish.


Wages and incomes have gone down. People have lost their health care or are going bankrupt because they get sick. We've got young people who have got the grades and the will and the drive to go to college, but they just don't have the money.


And we can't expect that if we do the same things that we've been doing over the last eight years, that somehow we are going to have a different outcome.


We need fundamental change. That's what's at stake in this election. That's the reason I decided to run for president, and I'm hopeful that all of you are prepared to continue this extraordinary journey that we call America.


But we're going to have to have the courage and the sacrifice, the nerve to move in a new direction.


Thank you.



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My vote is based on one simple criteria.... If you are looking to cut defense spending, I don't vote for you. That's my paycheck son!


Vote dictated by personal greed? Go work in the public sector instead... :rolleyes:

As I said before, I'm not all that hot on Obama myself...



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Not to sound racist (cause I'm not) but do you think Obama only ran because this was his best chance to overcome the minority in office issue when he saw that Hillary was going to run? Perhaps he was counting on the fact that people would rather see him in office than Hillary. :shrug:


and if he did... that was pretty smart of him.

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I was listening to Joe Biden speak last night. I actually believe that he wants to be president. Im beginning to believe Obama might have something happen to him and Biden will move up. He talks a better game than Obama....

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So, do you think we are gonna have a race war? I think if that idiot does get elected that that would be the last straw for all the white supremest groups in the country. They would probably be pushing each other out of the way to take the shot and the credit. :rolleyes:



Back before he was even picked and it could have been Clinton, I said, "Wouldn't mind a black, wouldn't mind a woman, but NOT either of them!"



The son of a Muslim terrorist, who fratranizes with former domestic terrorists, who also associates with religious leaders that hate our (and their own) country, and says he was a community leader (that led the community he was "leading" nowhere, still a slum), and wants to turn our country into a bastardized Canada (USSA). No thanks, NObama.

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Well, listening to the guy (Joe Biden) speak, he sure sounds a lot more like he wants the presidency than Obammer. I think the nation would easily elect him after Obammer was done(full term). IDK, sounds like hes trying to sell himself more than Obammer. I will give him this, hes a good speaker.

Plus, Biden already had one run for presidency that failed. Looks like a back door (w)in, to me.

Edited by 5523Pathfinder
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hey... gotta look out for number one, right?


Where's Ross Perot when you need him? This could be his year. heheheheheh




And if you think either candidate is interested in helping you, or even capable if they wanted to help you, then you'll get what you deserve. Or you are now, time will tell how these economy issues are going to pan out.

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