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Please Sir, may I have some more?

Vsicks Pathy

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We all realize N.A.has too much munitions and not enough tolerance. Is the first step admitting to both and adopting the usual bureaucratic approach to N.A. justice? No. I think we need to re-evaluate priorities and encourage judicial reform.


There is also a paucity of basic human respect in society so maybe we should start there.

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When he got suspended, he said 'I got something for y'all'


Didn't know they used those words up that far north...It was an alternative school as well which where i'm from is where all the kids that get suspended/expelled go for school and there is often guns and knives found on campus b/c they're mostly gang bangers



luckily enough he didnt kill anyone but himself

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Nah, it's the black only segregated school. New thing they've decided to try here (and totally the blacks idea). Still a public school, but it is "geared more toward how black chidren learn" :crazy: . We have one here, you'll love the name, "Africentric". I love how in the 60s they threw a fit to get into the "white only" schools, but now they want to go back to black only schools.

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"gun control means using both hands"



I saw this one in front of a house in Baja, right off the dirt path of the Baja 500



"flying dust makes my trigger finger itch"

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Nah, it's the black only segregated school. New thing they've decided to try here (and totally the blacks idea). Still a public school, but it is "geared more toward how black chidren learn" :crazy: . We have one here, you'll love the name, "Africentric". I love how in the 60s they threw a fit to get into the "white only" schools, but now they want to go back to black only schools.


You seem to have missed the bit that he was a white kid in a school of mostly black students. Plus, the place has been billed as a place for "troubled but gifted" students and has quite high academic ratings, especially for the area.




Linky #2

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If I went to OZ or any other State/Country I would be happy to follow there rules... When I go from WA to ID I put on the Dash where it can be clearly scene... Even though I have a Concealment permit here in WA, ID rules are a little different and in the 15 years I have been going back and forth I have only ever had one issue with Idaho State Patrol.... DumbA$$ rookie...

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Blaming circumstances, demographics or the colour of your skin is a cop out. It is all to easy to get guns and settle scores with them. No one sees the problem here??


As for parental control? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. How can parents hope to control what society turns a blind eye to on a daily basis. The NRA will be in that area next week promoting the need......... no no, the RIGHT of all Americans to bare arms. You need a combination of controls. Gun, temper, behaviour, peer group and parents. I am certain I left out a heap of others but you get the point...... Perhaps not on reflection.


Where's HooHaa and the others that condone more guns in the public arena and in schools? I want to hear their thoughts.

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You seem to have missed the bit that he was a white kid in a school of mostly black students. Plus, the place has been billed as a place for "troubled but gifted" students and has quite high academic ratings, especially for the area.




Linky #2



Yeah, I did. I was missinfomed by my local media. :blush02:

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Blaming circumstances, demographics or the colour of your skin is a cop out. It is all to easy to get guns and settle scores with them. No one sees the problem here??


As for parental control? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. How can parents hope to control what society turns a blind eye to on a daily basis.


I believe it is more of the Parents, not Society that turn thier blinded eyes... If the Parents had more control of thier children and held them responsible for thier actions, and Parents were held accountable for their children... Most parents these days are expecting the educational system to raise "Their" kids... that is where the fault lies...

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I'm sorry, but I believe that the parents should be criminally charged for the violent actions of their children. These people act as if it's someone else's responsibility to raise their kids. They dump them off at school and that's it. Maybe if the penalties are a little steeper, the parents might "parent" their children. It's a problem with society in general. Not enough people are held accountable for their actions. It's so easy to say "he has had a history of mental issues", the kid has a violent history. WTF!!! why is he in a school with other kids when he had threatened to stab other kids in the past and blow up the school in the past. He's 14 years old and was arrested for beating up his mother??? Why wasn't he in jail or at least juvenile custody to begin with? Where's his father? Children need fathers!!! Our society these days really sucks, but I don't think guns are to blame. I grew up around unlocked guns, but never once thought of touching them. Why? BECAUSE I HAD A FATHER!!! If I touched them, I would get my ass kicked, and that's what these friggin kids need, a good ass kicking from their parents. They have no respect for anybody and that needs to end.

Okay...I feel better now...I'll get off my soapbox

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You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink


bad analogy...I can make him drink...as long as theres a shoot down by the water you can cram this down his throat and dump anything you want down there...that or just not give him water for a few days/weeks or however long it takes for horses to get thirsty and put a big ole pond in front of him ;):beer:




isnt it willie that says beer for my horses whiskey for my men?

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