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Everything posted by Kittamaru

  1. I have found that at higher speeds my steering improves - it becomes more responsive and has less play in it (normally my wheel has around 1/2-3/4 inch of play in it, when above 65 that disappears). Alignment and front end is fine (just had it all checked and repaired after a previous shop fubar'ed it up) but yeah, just seems at higher speeds the truck squats down and tightens up... almost like a Veryon LOL
  2. PM sent - I might be able to help you out NVM - guess your inbox is full... Anyway, shoot me a message with an e-mail or IM we can talk over - if you package and mail me the hard drives, I'll recover everything I can off of them and burn it to DVD for you (no charge of course). When I send the DVD"s back to ya, I'll shoot you an OS copy for you to use, along with instructions. Win7 or XP your choice, but it'll get you back up and running till you can find your install (or permanently if you so choose)
  3. Agreed... I could do a better weld than that using Oxyacetylene for Christ's sake... I hope you get this resolved man!
  4. It's also highly ILLEGAL in many states - please be sure to check state and local regulations. I know here in PA, our tires cannot stick out past the "body" of the truck, but fender flares count as the "body" for this regulation. I've seen some people use 6 inch wide fender flares to cover up huge tires!!!
  5. Lol, well, in that case, want to make me a frame too I know HOW to tig weld, but the problem is I dont' HAVE a TIG welder
  6. As someone who's built and repaired multiple PC's - looks like your Hard Drive is shot. It's time for a new one - can I get some more info on the system? Seems like your boot sector went *poof*, but that's a lot of bad sectors... and I mean a lot. You could probably access whatever data is left on there if you put the HD into an external enclosure, but I can't say for certain. It's also possible you could have it professionally recovered (or use something like Hirens Tools or Winternals) but again, can't say if it'll get everything, or even anything useful. EDIT - nvm, see that you got a new install on there. I'd recommend backing up what you can to an external, and then getting a new hard drive - that one is on it's last legs. I'd recommend Western Digital Caviar - very reliable, and you can get the BLack series (faster), Green series (low power use), or Blue series (standard)
  7. my headlights work fine And my fog lights aren't like the ones in his sig... at some point, I need to get some pics of my truck up XD I just waxed her too...
  8. My fog's dont' work either, but they went out slowly... like, they'd take time to come on. Are you SURE they aren't relayed? Because what would happen is I would pull the switch, then 3-6 seconds later the lights would come on. Now, nothing happens... 0o' at all.The switch doesn't even light up. Granted, my fogs are not factory (they are mounted under the bumper on L mounts) so I dunno...
  9. Would you care to come and do that for me? I'd pay you of course
  10. This scares the @!*% out of me... I don't have a welder (I hvae a little MAPP brazing kit...) nor do I have the money to get even scrap metal to use for something like this... and I know my frame is rusty, though a few good smacks with the hammer make it sound solid... argh!
  11. So, yeah, today I went snooping around at all the relays and fuses in various places on my baby... and notice one of the labels - Seat Heaters. SWEET! I thought... cept I don't have a switch for em Why would I have a fuse for something I don't have (and yes, the fuse is installed)
  12. I went over tonight after work and there are some rather f***ed up looking ruts on either side of the street - near as I can tell, the damn thing was too wide and mired down in the boggy shoulders on either side of our little podunk back road... lol
  13. You wouldn't do that Pezzy You love me too much
  14. Sadly I wasn't able to actually get pictures - I wasn't there at the time - rather, my mother was describing it all to me over the phone, lol. I'm going to go over tomorrow and get some shots of the aftermath if I can and see if she got any pictures.
  15. I'm the resident pro-fps'er and pro-rts'er here
  16. So, they're re-paving our road and re-grading it so the water actually drains off, instead of freezing into a five meter long, road-width ice rink every winter... Things had been going great... until... and I don't know HOW... but they got the paver STUCK. Yes, the big, yellow, asphalt-laying, tracked, paver... how the hell? Three big 8x8's (dual axel) F-350's tried to pull it out, no love... so what did they do? They brought in what looked like a giant backhoe on CRACK (I mean, this thing was like, 3 times the size of a normal one)... they put a couple chains on it's bucket to various points on the paver, and it LIFTED the entire front end of the paver six foot into the air and dragged it to one side, then it went to the rear and did the same thing... ... That was entertaining to watch... but wtf? How do you get a PAVER stuck?
  17. Good point - my bad on the lingo. It was just the front end alignment, but they did the rotation (kinda linked the two, doh, silly me)
  18. Sweet jesus they look cool!
  19. Well, after driving her to and from work tonight, I have to say I'm very happy with how she's handling. Steering is crisper and more responsive Brakes are more responsive and react faster (and my rear anti-locks are working again, woohoo!) Only strange thing is I keep thinking I'm hearing a new "ticking" noise... but it's also raining so I think my imagination is just mucking with me XD Now I just need to get my damned fog lights working again... I think it'st he relay, so i'll start there
  20. Want to come to PA and help me do mine?
  21. Rear link bushings as in? Not too sure what part you're referring to Tires were balanced as part of rotation and alignment (one of the reasons I like that shop so much) and an off balance tire wouldn't make it pull, would it?
  22. Well, I got my baby back from the shop today: 4 Wheel Alignment + Rotation Brake Check + Service 4x Shocks (mid grade) Rear Sway Bar End Links 6x Shims (front end camber. toe in, and alignment process had to be done from scratch cause the last shop fskced it up so bad... they showed me the old parts... yowza!) 7 hours labor + random bolts and nuts (lots of rusted bolts they had issues with) Total was 750 bucks... not bad all said and done. They only charged me for two hours labor, and didn't charge at all for the brake check and service. They also tightened up my accelerator (not sure what they did, but it's firmer and doesn't have the inch of give with no response it used to) The good news: she's driving GREAT, handles far far better The bad news: Radial Belt issues on my BFG A/T's - perfect alignment, but truck still pulls to the right Rear Axle Issues - even with the sway bar, end links, new shocks, and everything else working perfectly, I still have a rear end shimmy- the mechanic thinks it's something with the axle assembly or mount itself. At least now the shocks work and dampen the swaying so it doesn't simply oscillate out of control like it used to 0o' My question is - where do I go from here to diagnose/fix the death wobble? I mean.. it isn't so deadly anymore, but it's still there... and I knwo that has to put undue strain on the shocks... Also, how do you fix a radial belt problem? Can you just replace a single tire if you can locate the bad one? How would you tell?
  23. You can for short periods... but here's the way to do it - start the truck, engage 4x4, move a few feet forward, and then disengage 4x4. Now your hubs are locked in, and you can shift on the fly at any speed up to 30 mph
  24. Hell, I live in Harrisburg... if he's in DC, I could see if I can go pay a visit... though it'd have to be after this semester ends (16 credits in courses... class every day but sunday) and working full time (every day but sunday) has me on a serious overload 0o'
  25. If I'm not mistaken, it's an E-Locker, and only active in 4x4, right?
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