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Everything posted by gv280z

  1. Baker Nissan North, is that on 59 near Humble? If it's the one I'm thinking of, that's where my first D21 came from when I was 18. Congrats on the new purchase bud, nice ride. What engine ? Are they still using the VQ35 or the 4.0 ?
  2. Sweet man! But, umm..what is that on the top of your grill? We might be able to go wheeling this afternoon...my wife is off work this weekend so I try to stay home, we don't get too many of these. Oh my God, you wouldn't believe the bullcrap 4 Wheel parts tried to pull on us with our F250, new front end rebuild and 1 pair (2) of Pro Comp tires at 35" x 13.50 R20 they were going to charge us $5000! So I yanked it out of there this morning. When they knew we weren't spending any money, they couldn't be bothered even to rotate the tires, thieving greedy bastards...that place is useless man.
  3. Yea, I know it was a stretch, I'm just a really strong proponent for thinking outside of the box and trying to think of every conceivable route / option to finding clues or any kind of information, which I 100% believe there is a trail, there are clues to follow, to help find his truck.
  4. No, I don't think a member would but this site gets tons of anonymous traffic, even if they can't see the pictures they can still read an upgrades list and if they have any hacking ability they can get your IP address and reverse search it. Hell, teenage kids are doing this to each other when they get pissed off at each other while playing Call of Duty and one mad kid sends a swat team over to the house of the other kid (teen). This is all a bit of a stretch though. A little while ago I did a Craigs List search for the Sea/Tac area and just by searching for Nissan Pathfinder I got back like 300 results, it's a freaking hot bed of Pathy activity in that region, and having lived there for almost 4 years I was shocked, I had no idea. In CL I saw one particular Towing company kept coming up with an engine and transmission for sale for an 87. On the face of it, it seems the thieves had an educated eye and knew exactly what they were looking at and had apparently driven around and cased the neighborhood before, probably a couple of weeks or months before, knew where the score was and acted on it. What's interesting is they did it during their window of opportunity and had no fear of being exposed. Which means (I think) they had a plausible story cooked for if any of the neighbors did happen to wander over and see what was going on. They would have said something like "Oh yea, so and so asked for our help with this truck, we're just trying to get it running" I mean, it's the most natural thing if one guy see's another guy working on a truck..duh..of course the one guy would wander over and share in guy talk. Towing that truck, they couldn't have towed it very far..I wouldn't think no more than a couple of miles, where ever it got stashed I'd have to guess is within 5 miles away Mr. Jim. The theives knew the truck was there, they knew it needed work, they knew they could work on it in front of the neighbors and they knew they had plenty of time.
  5. Hey those cats are cool man! Pretty neat and I think they do kinda look like Danger, they seem to have similar color patterns on their face and head with the mask and stripes over the top around the ears. Linewar really sweet cat Bro, beautiful. I am fully back in the fold now I think as being a cat person..I'm both actually I love dogs and cats. Thank you for the birthday wishes as well.
  6. What a bunch of dirty losers. Do you guys have red light cameras around there? I wonder if you could talk to the various stores in the area that may have their security cameras trained on the road that might have caught a glimpse of it being towed passed. This whole thing is really high profile and suspicious. The guys actually worked on it there infront of everyone and then took it. Unbelievable. I'm wondering if someone did an ip trace on your account here on the forum and found out where you live to go on a treasure hunt of their own. Do you guys keep logs of the IP addresses that browse this site, even if they don't sign in and create an account? I agree that you should start seeing those separate parts popping up here and there. That sucks man, damn thieves.
  7. headers, larger diameter exhaust but I wouldn't go over 2.5 and I personally wouldn't even go that large, single chamber flowmaster, delete the resonator, stage 2 cams.
  8. Danger has not been cut yet and yes we are going to have that done, maybe possibly Friday morning, he's going in for a check up and some shots and stuff. And he already doesn't need a reason to get outside the fence even though he's never seen any tail before. He already has a territory in the area around our shop, which is his Home. Yesterday he learned how to climb a 6 ft chainlink fence and then walked across the top of it. There's no way to keep him in unless we deliberately lock him in the office and then lock the Cat door before he can run through it. Danger is one of the most entertaining, annoying, surprising, affectionate little creature I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. He goes from running around the shop or the office at 100 mph and looks like he's hopped up on Coke, to cuddling in your lap and either A. Biting and clawing the crap out your arms and hands, or B. chilling out and purring and using his paws to try and gently figure out what your face is made of. Ten minutes of sweetness can turn instantly back to him constantly gnawing on your hands and the more you throw him across the room to land on a couch, the more he comes right back at you and he loves it. Such a fun game for him...not his victim. Hey Precise I think Danger is a Charcoal Bengal too. I don't know what an aquatic cat is though. Do Bengals like the water?
  9. Two new Danger vids. This freaking cat man...it's pretty unbelievable, it's stolen 3 grown mens hearts, the 3 of us that work in our shop. And we're all DOG guys. I've got a Maltese, Danny has a Rottie and a mutt and Adam has 2 PomPoms and a pure bread German German Shepherd from Heidleberg. We're all stupidly in love with this stray cat that somehow appeared in our yard. Now we have two cat boxes and a cat door and get attacked by this little monster while we're trying to work. Can't make this stuff up.
  10. You guys will be glad to hear that Danny built a cat door into one of our office doors between the shop and office for Danger to go through and it works great! Which is actually a double bonus because he inadvertently fixed a hole I'd punched in the bottom of that door with the forklift a while back, now it looks great and Danger can come and go as he pleases. We've found he appreciates using the cat box in the a/c as opposed to the one out in the shop. He's also now got a collar with his name and all our numbers on it. So hopefully if anyone finds him, they'll call us...yea he's all sweet at first but then he starts attacking your hands and feet and wrapping himself around your arm and then he starts kicking with his back feet to really tear you apart! I'll try to get Danny to give me his video of when we were teaching Danger how to use the cat door. It's also got a lock on it for when we don't want him coming in the shop..so He's learned to test it before trying to go through it.
  11. Yeah I was at the shop, I had been out on the corporate jetski today and had just returned it back to our yard, and sitting there at the desk drinking a bottle of water and getting some Danger lovin. He was nursing me and taking care of me, licking my wounds. These things are everywhere out here, the very high end for maybe a 01 - 04 being about $8000 probably. Believe me I wish I could jump on it.
  12. Well I can't get it right now, I'm in the middle of buying airline tickets to the Philippines for Christmas and buying a house too so this will (omg Danger is licking my hair and laying on my head as I type...lol) be a next year thing eventually. And then my son will probably start driving the 94 so I'll have to get another one! Yay! I'm definitely sold on the QX4 though, it's just too fine...I love it. Driving that must make you feel like a hundred thousand dollar'aire!!! Everyone come to Texas to get your cars! We don't have snow / salt on our roads so no RUST!!! We do have gills though...to breathe our water air....
  13. I am going crazy for this QX4 man, holy crap I want one of these so bad now, after seeing this one. This (something like this) is going to be my next vehicle purchase, which will be the wife's car and sell her Altima...damn this thing is beautiful. Only thing I don't like is the electronic transfer, that's scary. Could someone please talk me down. These things are riddled with electronic demons, right? I'm looking for the drawbacks here. http://houston.craigslist.org/ctd/4452265846.html
  14. Changed my oil yesterday, poured in liquid gold, it was beautiful. Oh yeah, btw, O'reillys having a sale on right now on 5 quart jug of Mobile 1 Synthetic in 5w-30 and 10w-30 for $30. That's less than what the 4 quarts would cost you individually. And ofcourse I used a Mobile 1 synthetic oil filter to boot This is the first time I've run a 5 weight so I'm hoping to see a little increase in mileage.
  15. He lifted his truck twice! Nice lift man, looks good. I'd like to do the same, what did you do in the front? I'd like to do my lift but hesitant to crank the T-bars because I don't want to screw my truck up. Also, how do you like those Nexen Roadian M/T's? They look good.
  16. I found a lot of dialogue regarding Maxima owners looking for Pathfinder TB's just by doing a google search for "Maxima throttle body for pathfinder" or something like that..
  17. VQ35 Throttle Body Adapter - run either 4th Gen TB or PFTB $109.99 Make your VQ35 swap into your 4th gen Maxima much simpler! One of the challenges with the VQ35 swap is that the motor will come with a drive by wire throttle body when the 4th Gen Maxima is drive by cable. This TB adapter plate will simplify your install by allowing you to run either your OEM 4th Gen throttle body or the legendary 70mm Pathfinder throttle. The duel bolt pattern allows you to initially install your 4th Gen TB but later upgrade to the PFTB. No need to buy two separate TB adapters! CNC Machined from aluminum. Huh?? Anyone know what this is talking about? I thought we were always swapping up to a Maxima throttle body...???? Did the R50 use a 70mm? Here is the link for that page that I copied this from http://rtgengineering.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=11
  18. wow Kdj, that's quite a vehicular history there...I don't think I've ever gone 120 in a car either It's cool you've still got the VW, that's a unique one. I like VWs but I've no experience with any except my piece of junk rabbit I had once, my worst car ever. I'm talking about the boxer engine cars though..I don't know if I'll ever get to play with one.
  19. tim-BERRRRR!!!!!! You're right, I guess I don't have long to worry about that, the things that set us back also make us stronger. Un-sustainable society, you mean like how we're 20 trillion in debt, the Fed has no gold and we've all forgotten how to get anywhere without a GPS and a smart phone, or parallel park because now our cars do that for us. Yeah...hard times ahead.
  20. huh..interesting..I've never known of this before. Yes, thanks for clearing this up. That E-brake trick sounds handy...
  21. I don't understand, I thought both tires would pull, he's got one on the ground, why wouldn't it walk him back out? Are you telling me that even with the lsd, the tire in the air would just spin and the other one on the ground would do nothing, like an open diff? I thought that was the whole point to having an lsd that both tires would push regardless of traction..similar to a locker, right? What's the E-brake trick?
  22. awww man you don't have an LSD? You should have been able to back out of that...so once you went into 4 hi were you able to pull forward and get out? How'd it go with the alternator?
  23. maybe too hot a thermostat, and try cleaning the vanes of the radiator, if they are all clogged and not allowing air flow the heat can't dissipate.
  24. Hey that looks cool! Great photo too man, I likey What size tires? That's a hell of a lot of work you've done there Sir, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to get through 90 percent of that. VHF? Points? Lets see that subwoofer! I like your propane tank on the back there... Hey I didn't know we could use giant movie monsters to name our trucks! I wonder if Mothra is taken yet....
  25. I know this is cheesy and dramatic but anything is possible, I'd like to hear from all our friends that live in the Southern California / Santa Barbara area just to let us know they're okay and didn't get caught up in that psycho mass murderer from this past week, the Rodger kid. I was just reading the story and realized a lot of members live in that area. I hope and pray to God that none of you were affected or lost any friends in that. I know it's like less than a .01 % chance and they were mostly all college kids but they guy was just going around all over killing randomly. Just drop a line and say Hi or something please.
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