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Everything posted by SC88Pathy

  1. Why April 19 is my birthday! But I'll probably be spending that here in SC with my buddies. You're welcome to find a way down here! I don't know exactly what me class schedual will be like, but I'll probably go with tuesday thursday only classes. I could maybe do something the evening of the 17th or the day of the 18th. So that would mean bars for the 17th (but where would I park, or stay for that matter... ) or something fun like Chinatown, Japantown, The Metreon, etc for the afternoon of the 18th.
  2. Happy birthday Tex! -bounce- -alcohol- -bounce- -alcohol- -bounce- :oops:
  3. This all goes back to the very beginnings of autos. In the beginning the only Europeans who demanded autos were the rich, and they wanted "fine driving machines." However in America everyone demanded a car, simply because there's more distance to be traveled in the US, hell most of our states are bigger than some European countries. So Americans demanded simple autos that would get them from point a to point b. Thus a difference in manufacturing methods and approach to designing cars is engrained in our history.
  4. NPORA kittah says it's about time we got a new house! This one's drafty and terrible in a rainstorm!
  5. DMV Vehicular code. Memorize that and write it back word for word. The person reviewing you paper will fall asleep and hopefully write an A in their sleep.
  6. No no that is fine. See because veterans can come from every part of society every race and every religion. As would be setting up a charity to say help criples. This isn't discrimination. You are targeting a diverse group of people. You also aren't purposefully denying one group of people. This group by serving pork soup is purposefully denying a group of people help. They know that these people won't want to eat what they are offering, so that only proud upstanding White Christians will eat what they're offering. I would love to see these peoples expressions when you point out that those dirty Hindus will truely enjoy their offerings. Charity should come from the goodness of one's heart. You should be willing to give to anyone no matter what their background is. If you don't won't those damn Jews/TowelHeads/Niggers/Beaners/Spics/Chinks/Irish/WHATEVER getting your help, then simply don't offer any help.
  7. The way I see it the judge is in the right, this is clearly a way to discriminate. If you want to do something charitable it should be for EVERYONE in need. No-one should be excluded simply because they believe in something you don't.
  8. DRAGONFORCE!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwJrl5b5m2o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLGI4VZLrho
  9. I'll admit it is funny. But at least Steve Jobs doesn't act like Steve Balmer! http://www.ntk.net/media/dancemonkeyboy.mpg http://www.ntk.net/media/developers.mpg
  10. I generally cruise at 70 or 75 although the pathy has no problems cruising at 80 if the traffic allows. Fastest I'v gone in the pathy was 85 or 90 I think.
  11. I just went and got myself some component cables for the DVD player I got for xmas. Progressive scan is very nice!
  12. Yah I'v noticed that photobucket occasionally craps out due to excess traffic. Just try again every 10 minutes or so.
  13. Got a good haul this year Sony Progressive Scan DVD Player Final Fantasy XII Flogging Molly - Whiskey on a Sunday CD and DVD combo VERSUS - Special Edition Beerfest - Unrated Edition Clerks II - Unfortunatly my Grandma got me the fullscreen edition, and I didn't realize it until after I opened the shrinkwrap $145 in gift certificates Fishing tackle box and tackle to go in it Pants, shirts, and a jacket A note saying GTO Box Set Vol. 1 is in the mail. I need to go buy component video cables for the DVD player, and exchange Clerks II for the widescreen edition. Otherwise it was a good xmas.
  14. SC88Pathy

    Wine cabinet

    I think they'v removed that tesla coil cause I ain't never seen it. Fry's does have some good deals, but there's hardly anyone helpful around (plenty of people to shrug and say I don't work in this section or the like though), checkout always takes forever and they're WAY over zealous about stopping shoplifters.
  15. Me thinks someone needs to learn how to count...
  16. Oh I didn't read the whole thing, just saw that you nominated yerself...
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'll tilt one back for you tonight. -alcohol-
  18. SC88Pathy

    Wine cabinet

    Real men drink whiskey. And I happen to know that MWS drinks whiskey so Oh and CD because you drink wine doesn't mean your gay, unless you're drinking white zinfandel.
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