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wrecked the pathy


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so yesterday around 5 pm i was involved in a 5 car pile up. the gentleman in front of me slammed on his brakes, and i did the same, but sadly i was to late hit him doing about 10-15. i don't know if it was outta shock or what but he then proceeds to hit his gas propelling him forward at full speed into the back of a brand new toyota mini van, destroying the back of it and slaming it into the cars in front of it. the van took the most damage, then the jeep(that i hit), and then my pathy. the two cars at the front of the incident had no visible damage, but had been hit, an older gentle man out of the minivan went to the hospital, and the man in the jeep went because he had a baby in the car, and they wanted to be sure it was okay.










Edited by jimmaw
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oh and i was up till about 3am last night at my friend mikey's house where we were able to make some decent progress towards making my truck look all pretty again. will post pics when were finished, just neeed a bumper and headlight bracket, for now. will be getting a passenger fender and hood soon as well

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Hope everyone is okay. That minivan took a beating!


as far as i know everyone in the others cars are okay, me and the two other people that were in my truck are fine.

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the real sucker punch is that anytime in the next 5 years the guy you hit can come back an sue you. thats whats happening to me right now and the incedent happened over 3 years ago. I hope this doesn't happen to you and I'm glad your ok.

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Damn!! Like every one else, I'm sorry that happened. At least everyone is alright, that is what matters. As for the truck, yeah, it shouldn't be too hard to fix. Too bad you aren't closer, I have a bumper I don't need...



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what really sucks is that i had just changed the oil earlier that day, and bought plugs and wires, and was going to do a tune up for the new year.

seems like every time i get around to doing something on the truck something else happens.

Edited by jimmaw
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