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Front Door Panel


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Hi All,

the two front windows on my 98SE seem loose, in other words they wiggle a bit. SO I'm thinking of removing the door panel in order to tighten them up.

Can this be done easily?

Furthermore, can anyone provide me with a step by step guide or maybe even some photos on how to do that?


Thanks a lot guys.

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  • 10 months later...

After taking the door panel bolts/screws out of the arm rest and from under the power window switch panel (3), and the door handle cup (1 screw), pop the panel off from the bottom first, there is a section right under the speaker pod to get a finger or two into. Quick sharp tugs at the panel. If you pull slowly, you will most likley damage the carboard panel...short quick tugs and the plastic pop pins will come right out!


Work your way up the door and beware that the trim around the door handle pull will either lip up to be removed or go shooting off in a direction...this isn't unusual!! Once all the pop pins are free, you will push the entire, now loose, panel up so that it unhooks from where it wraps around the window opening...viola! Panel is completely free...you decide if you want to unscerw the power window switches or pop the connectors out!!


If you look at the back of the panel, it will all make sense. The pop pins may need some adjusting before they line up to go back in....to push them back in....you guesses it quick short close handed blows right on the spot where the pop pin is will lock them back in...just make sure that you lined them up well or they will bend and that is just no fun!!

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A window that's loose can't be "tightened up" in the way you may be thinking. The window travels up and down along channels in the front and rear of the door. The channels have a rubber or plastic guide that is probably worn, cracked, broken, or missing. You'll need to replace the rubber in the channels, but it's actually more likely that you'll need to replace the channels themselves.


Click here for the link


When you remove the door panel, you may want to use a door panel removal tool ($10-$15 at your local auto parts store) instead of just pulling quickly. The door panel is made of flimsy pressed cardboard, and tears easily. The plastic clips holding the panel to the door will want to tear out of the panel and stay clipped into the door instead. Once the clips tear from the panel, they lose their effectiveness at keeping the panel tight against the door after you reinstall it.



Finally, after the door panel has been removed, the door interior is covered by a large plastic water barrier sheet. You will need to remove that plastic sheet to get to the door innards. The plastic is secured with very sticky butyl adhesive, which never dries, and often behaves like molten pizza cheese (i.e. it stretches and makes long strings of gooey mess that'll stick everywhere.). To remove the sheet, carefully pull away the plastic as you slice the adhesive with a utility knife, working from top to bottom. Try to keep the plastic sheet from sticking to itself again. By doing this, you will avoid getting the butyl adhesive stuck to everything, and will also keep the plastic sheet from being stretched out of shape.

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And these channels would be which part on that diagram? I think we are going to get the tool since my dad has to take off the panels on his truck as well...Thanks for all the other info, its really helpful.

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I think the channel is part #3, but the diagram isn't clear enough to be sure. There should be a channel on the front of the window as well as the rear. I'm not sure why only the rear is shown (if indeed part #3 is the channel).


BTW, I got the link by navigating Nissanparts.org.

Edited by XPLORx4
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  • 7 years later...

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