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Everything posted by statikuz

  1. nah, but i probably should... i imagine i'll just strand myself somewhere.
  2. have had those pro comp lights and the bar for awhile now but i never got around to wiring the switch up... now its wired up and it works!
  3. yeah, they must have jacked up the price... i paid like $55 but now it's $60. it was a while ago when i did it.
  4. tell them to take a hike and do it yourself, spend the $150 on something else... you never learn until you try. =D they probably haven't done one either and are just looking to get the cash =)
  5. the bracket kit is not necessarily separate. you can get just the shock, which is just... a shock, or you can get the whole kit, which is the one i got. RAN-RS97268 http://store.summitracing.com/default.asp?...t=egnsearch.asp
  6. yeah haven't you all seen gone in 60 seconds?!
  7. http://www.nissanpathfinders.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1044 http://www.nissanpathfinders.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1255
  8. statikuz


    you have more than one?
  9. statikuz


    lipsum.com... great for generating filler content for web design, etc.
  10. statikuz


    it's JIBBERISH! at least spell it right! if people keep replying, his mail is going to start bouncing back: The users mailfolder is over the allowed quota (size). (#5.2.2)
  11. statikuz


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur dui mi, interdum nec, ullamcorper sit amet, pulvinar sed, nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent ornare. Quisque viverra leo at magna. Nulla dignissim. Phasellus luctus facilisis est. Etiam egestas vehicula tortor. Praesent mauris. Vivamus non ante vitae odio congue lacinia. Nullam nibh sem, commodo sed, nonummy vel, auctor vitae, purus. Aliquam purus mauris, facilisis ac, pharetra vitae, blandit ut, enim. Nunc pede urna, hendrerit eu, facilisis quis, condimentum vitae, velit. Vestibulum erat. Integer cursus, enim non aliquam volutpat, turpis neque vehicula pede, non consectetuer urna neque nec neque. Aenean molestie lectus condimentum magna. Praesent aliquam, massa ut pharetra laoreet, purus justo malesuada risus, a pulvinar purus quam sit amet odio. Nulla elit purus, placerat id, molestie sodales, iaculis a, justo. Phasellus rhoncus elit in sapien. Fusce aliquet sagittis ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas laoreet. Quisque vulputate laoreet diam. Morbi dignissim nisl accumsan turpis vehicula ultrices. Donec nec est. Aenean velit velit, venenatis et, gravida a, faucibus quis, diam. Donec ac mauris. Phasellus vestibulum venenatis wisi. Vestibulum id mauris sit amet tellus ornare sodales. Nullam lacinia nisl vel elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam felis massa, pulvinar eget, ullamcorper sit amet, gravida in, nisl. Etiam neque. Aliquam quis nulla. Proin ut diam id dolor tristique eleifend. Ut euismod justo eget purus. Duis tincidunt, ipsum at placerat laoreet, orci erat malesuada sem, non lacinia orci justo laoreet risus. In arcu. Quisque eget risus. Nulla eleifend ipsum non felis. Sed dolor. Fusce tempus augue quis nunc. Nulla molestie, tortor quis gravida accumsan, justo dui sagittis nibh, quis bibendum sapien elit non nisl. Ut pulvinar, ipsum sed pretium rutrum, tellus lorem tempor neque, rutrum venenatis leo mauris eu justo. Nunc ullamcorper dui auctor ipsum. Aliquam sed nunc. Etiam est. Morbi vitae massa. Cras in tortor quis diam congue euismod. Sed in mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In pulvinar wisi vel odio. Proin ac purus id metus luctus pulvinar. Mauris a nulla id mi cursus tristique. Maecenas tempus tempus turpis. Aliquam vel nisl. Donec in diam eleifend sem nonummy interdum. Sed tempor tincidunt mauris. Aliquam feugiat pede eget sem. In justo sem, adipiscing a, vestibulum quis, lobortis a, massa. Pellentesque mattis laoreet justo. Fusce aliquam. Suspendisse magna. Sed feugiat lacus a risus. Fusce felis. Donec pulvinar nibh at ipsum. Suspendisse ut diam. Curabitur tincidunt pellentesque eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi nibh. Nulla vitae velit. Phasellus at turpis et purus ullamcorper tempor. Nulla lorem mauris, imperdiet non, venenatis sit amet, venenatis quis, eros. Duis vehicula purus in dolor. In sem urna, feugiat vitae, vestibulum nec, suscipit eu, enim. Fusce ut elit sit amet nisl fermentum dictum. Integer non mauris. Nam hendrerit congue magna. Donec quam est, sodales sit amet, sodales at, tincidunt vel, arcu. Cras venenatis mattis erat. Vestibulum luctus arcu ac est. Duis tempus massa in orci. Fusce viverra, nunc id volutpat vehicula, augue est posuere risus, at blandit sapien urna sed dolor. Sed nulla. Nulla venenatis eros sed massa. Nulla sit amet wisi. Phasellus nisl nisl, rutrum a, egestas id, rhoncus vel, nisl. Nulla facilisi. Mauris erat urna, facilisis non, viverra ut, bibendum quis, quam. Suspendisse non purus non tortor pretium mattis. Donec vel augue sed eros viverra egestas. Ut tempus consectetuer odio. Duis justo mauris, ultrices eu, cursus et, ornare et, felis. Aenean mattis lobortis nulla. Proin malesuada, risus ut vestibulum consequat, nisl odio dapibus tortor, a fringilla sapien nisl vitae est. Nullam nec purus. Cras pharetra venenatis tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam arcu odio, euismod nec, luctus in, egestas at, felis. Cras quam tortor, fringilla ut, viverra id, volutpat interdum, sem. Donec convallis. Fusce mollis imperdiet nibh. Nulla quis urna. Duis purus leo, consequat vel, consequat vitae, ultricies non, diam. Phasellus commodo. Suspendisse eget tellus vel neque sollicitudin rutrum. Quisque rutrum, augue sed malesuada mattis, dui nibh interdum purus, sit amet malesuada turpis diam ac mi. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris interdum vulputate sem. Nullam imperdiet. Pellentesque aliquam. Nam interdum felis sed urna. Proin scelerisque. Maecenas aliquam est at dolor. Nunc felis libero, viverra vitae, rutrum in, volutpat et, nisl. Nam dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Vestibulum tellus quam, placerat ac, ultrices a, luctus et, tortor. In vestibulum diam sit amet nisl. Ut euismod dictum massa. Maecenas egestas. In consectetuer varius lectus. Sed pretium leo et elit. Duis at metus sed nunc tempor cursus. Sed egestas, lectus id dignissim ullamcorper, lacus nulla interdum enim, vitae sagittis felis est sed sem. Vestibulum aliquam, augue a nonummy imperdiet, massa erat porttitor arcu, id tristique justo orci vitae velit. Aenean pede. Aenean sollicitudin libero non augue. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque euismod imperdiet orci. Vestibulum luctus sodales odio. Vestibulum commodo orci vitae quam. Mauris ut purus sed lorem rhoncus condimentum. Nullam nunc diam, lobortis eget, porttitor et, condimentum eu, magna. Fusce ut odio. In vitae sem. Pellentesque congue. Nulla at enim. Ut vehicula. Fusce turpis neque, lobortis sit amet, luctus non, fringilla ac, augue. Vivamus lacus felis, convallis vel, consequat nec, convallis ut, lorem. Sed sed ligula vel urna tristique condimentum. Nam libero. Phasellus facilisis turpis at purus. Phasellus erat felis, gravida quis, pellentesque condimentum, dignissim quis, massa. Etiam id arcu. Praesent laoreet tincidunt nisl.
  12. i'm diggin that daniel stern site... he tells you all about how PIAA bulbs are overpriced (whoops), how Sylvania Silverstars aren't the REAL Silverstar, how fog lights DON'T "penetrate" the fog at all, how "xtreme" and "ultra" and "super" white bulbs are all generally crap... seems to know what he's talking about. in related news, i toddled down to summit and snagged that wiring kit... a steal of a deal for all the stuff it includes, although the sockets that it comes with are TOTAL crap. i plugged in a bulb just to test it out, and forgot to put on that snap ring thing that holds the bulb in the reflector. well i needed to get the bulb back out of the socket to reassemble the whole thing... and i couldn't get it back out. so i took some vise grips to the socket and it just disintegrated into plastic dust. time to go find some new sockets. maybe my walmart will have some too edit: the crappy ones that came with the kit looked an AWFUL lot like these: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...item=7992308560
  13. sledgehammer =D that's what i used and it did the trick
  14. c'mon 88, you can't just say "TSL" like its a noun, you hafta at least say "super swampers" because TSL just stands for "three stage lug"
  15. yep, new plugs, wires, cap, and rotor will do you right... an open air filter won't necessarily get you "speed" unless you match it up with new exhaust too, which can put you in the ~$300 range altogether...
  16. yep, i ended up putting 5x7s in both locations, front door and rear roof panel, and i had to trim a decent bit out of both holes to make them fit right... =(
  17. okay, sounds good... are relays relays? the article goes on and on about how you need quality relays and the kits he sells include "Hella heavy duty relays"... do you need a kit or are you just as far ahead buying two relays and a wad of wire? the required components are: (?) good relay (x2) 12ga wire (like a few feet?) replacement 9004 sockets (necessary?) the ebay wiring harness just says "Features heat resistance head light connector terminal plugs, dual heavy duty relays" the kit that daniel stern guy sells: "Kits include all Hella-made extreme-duty parts to accept your own 10-12ga wire: 40A relays with dual output terminals, relay brackets/terminal blocks, terminals, extra-tough fused fuseholders and extra-tough headlamp sockets."... and his kit is $55. summit racing also sells a kit ( SUM-890030 ):
  18. alrighty, so let me get this straight... the old power wires are run directly from the switch to the headlights. with the upgrade, you're simply placing relays close to the headlights, running the wires from the switch to the relays instead of the lights, and connecting the relay to the lights / power / ground with some gnarlier wire?
  19. yep i just discovered that, i should have read before i posted but it wouldn't let me delete the thread once i found the answer. =D thanks for your help though =)
  20. alrighty, so when coolant overflows from the radiator into the overflow tank, what prevents it from just sitting in there? the radiator doesn't just suck it back up when it needs it again, does it? i've been known to miss things, but there doesn't seem to be a connection / fitting on the bottom of the overflow tank for it to flow back into the system...? hehe alrighty you can all make fun of me now, ready go!
  21. it's kinda torn up i don't think anyone in their right mind would buy it for much more than like $10
  22. haha yeah i think i'm gonna get the other 4 at costco just cuz the price is right, its comparable from summit racing but i would have to take them to les schwab or the like to get them mounted onto my current wheels, and then i would have four extra tires to get rid of =) and yeah, summit racing was PACKED with people from hot august nights getting last minute parts and pieces... i've never seen the place so busy. don't suppose anyone needs the stock spare tire cover?
  23. $163.15 for the tire, wheel, mounting and balancing from summit racing, they're having a 10% off sale of everything for hot august nights here in reno
  24. i've read something like 15,000 miles... depends on what kind of spark plugs you have in there. if you can't remember the last time it was done, then now might be a good idea
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