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Everything posted by Fukinitupagain

  1. It sounds like you need to buy the new housing for the corner lights (I think thats what its called?). I smashed the sh!t outta mine about a year ago & had to go to a pick-n-pull to get another one.
  2. Thats what I thought. But then again it is shiney & pretty...
  3. Jesus thats what they quoted you guys?!!! I'd say piss on that too. My uncle owns a tombstone building company (I don't know what the technical term is) & like 10 or so years ago he had one installed at his work for like $2000 (plus he was able to write it off owing to somebusiness expenses or something). Hell I guess the cost of installment has gone way the hell up. And yeah I am talking of CNG not propane. I was thinking thats what he was talking about cause I've only heard of a few vehicles that run off of propane (a bunch of equipement runns off of propane though-floor buffers, etc.) but I've heard/seen quite a bit of vehicles that run off of CNG. The compressed aspect of it is a bit hairy but at the same time I used to drive a 1969 Volkswagen Beetle, & if you know anything about those cars the gas tank sits right over your legs so if you are in a front end collision you're pretty well f*cked. My point is that there are pros & cons to everything, but if you get serious about it you can figure a way to minimize the cons of it & make it safer.
  4. Here's something I found on eBay that I thought you guys might think was interesting enough to share. eBay link
  5. Go with something like this! (just scroll down a bit)
  6. I heard this on the radio this morning! So when they say they went into God's house & found scales & more coke, do they mean that church? Like was it behind the organ or shoved in the cushions of the pew or was it out in the open like on the communion table or something. "Come on Gabriel don't be a b!tch, snort that f*ckin' line!"
  7. I don't know much about cube trucks but I do know that propane is a pretty good alternative right now. The thing is you don't get that much better gas milage but propane is only like $1.20 a gallon right now. It's actually called CNG (compressed natural gas) & there might be a filling station near you & if not you can alwasy get one installed at your home pretty cheap. Not to mention that this method as been around for a couple of decades so it's not "new technology," plus here in the states we have an over abundance of natural gas (much of the world does actually) that nobody really does much with. Now I know, I now what you are saying in your head "but what if I get in a wreck & there is fire, propane is flamable & my car might blow up!" (thats what all of the envior-Nazis have to say against CNG). Yes, & so is gasoline & diesel! There is a roofing company around here that does it & they really like it. Bottom line is it's better for the enviroment (Christ now I sound like one of the enviro-Nazis), cheaper to purchase & the overhead is not that big of a deal (it's much more cheaper to convert to CNG than bio-diesel)
  8. I say go with option 2 (or whatever option this is) & make her your toy. Buy a POS car for like $500 to drive daily but buggy this bad MF out!
  9. How close are you to getting started?... any update pics on the R50?
  10. Its always nice to be first, welcome
  11. Hey welcome! I go to UNCG (greensboro). Give me a holar some time.
  12. Well... it's uh.... well it's 'special'... yeah... The Fronty conversion is pretty damn neat though.
  13. What he said^....just lower the rear axle until they can come out but watch all of your lines back there!
  14. Good luck man. My best friend just got back after a tour of Afeghanestain (spelling?-like I care) & 2 in Iraq (marines though). They won't let him go back though ,cause this last time he was shot through both knees, but now he's a personal trainer & lives the easy life (he got his college degree before he went as well). Don't be stupid, do what your told & try not to get hurt too badly. Enjoy & hope to talk to you before too long.
  15. God why does that not suprise me, I love it!
  16. I second the motion, WTF are you think or are you not thinking? *where's Simon? "Simon!"*
  17. I always thought is had something to do with aerodynamics (spelling?), but eh what do I know?
  18. It still looks drivable, just cut away some of that sheet metal there & she's good to go.
  19. Yeah I'm the same way too. I've always thought that mapquest was kind of cheating too.
  20. I would have probably just ponied-up a kidney instead...
  21. In all honesty Taylor just wait & buy a 4wd Pathy if you plan on running it on the beach or offroad any. You'll be much happier. Good luck.
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