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Everything posted by Toby

  1. Yeah i dunno what to do yet. I don't have time to do the work but i have a weekend off now. The metal doesn't look stretched. Creased, yes. But i dunno if I'd say stretched. I'll look for a core support tomorrow as well. I gotta pull some misc parts for mine. Gotta pull a rear bumper and some leather seats for my S10.
  2. Is there alot of difficulty in pounding a core support out? I originally didn't think the damage to my right front fender was all that bad. apparently everything only lined up mildly because the last owner used small wood pieces to line everything up. So i gotta get that knocked out back in place. I had pictures but I can't find my camera cord. so i'll post pics whenever I find the cord. EDIT: Here are some pictures. Sorry if they aren't too good. but my camera kinda sucks
  3. I think it was his employee. my step brother works too much.
  4. Nobody is really pushing me around. The deal with my step brother I found out was he wasn't working on it, it was one of his employees. And kept my step brother out of the loop. and my boss... Well the job of a boss is to boss people around. But my supervisor is just abusing her power. I'm holding onto the job until I clear another job. I need comparable pay to what I make now. Mcdonald's won't pay my bills sadly.
  5. It's a kia, she can probably buy a new one for $15. And i dunno what could be causing the squeak. A shim? I'm not too an expert on brakes though. I know how to do mine and that's about it.
  6. Spray some Axe on it and call it a day
  7. So a little update. Job security is looking iffy because my supervisor easily gets away with abusing her power and HR, the big bosses at my job are about as worthless as anything. So i'm in the transitional period for a job. still working the bad one but I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep it. So i'll stick with the Nissan now. went through today and put the shift boot/console thing in. Gotta get a new front carpet because the person who removed the boot before cut the carpet at the corners rather than remove the carpet. But it doesn't take that long. But i gotta replace my rear bumper because somehow at my step brother's my rear bumper got twisted. No clue how. I honestly don't want to know. He still has my sensor and gear so I gotta get those back. I am hopefully calling tomorrow about a set of Thorleys from Rocky Road Outfitters. Gonna cost me like $395 or so. Might buy them so i don't waste that money down the road lol.
  8. Toby

    Heavy Rain

    Nothing wrong with SNES lol. I'd love to have one. I've noticed that Heavy Rain is sort of glitchy. Parts where sound drops off entirely. and where the game freezes up. hopefully it's nothing major.
  9. Toby

    Heavy Rain

    Makes sense then. I haven't even played mine in a while. I got a fat one though. Still got an original Xbox lol
  10. I'm missing two that snapped off. I'd like to replace them at some point though. I really do think it's a great idea personally.
  11. I didn't http://www.nissanpathfinders.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25643
  12. Toby

    Heavy Rain

    I got a PS2 for all that business. That and it sure is nice not having to worry about updates leaving my PS3 more unplayed than it already is.
  13. Got my Nissan back today to find that somebody decided to go off roading in it without my knowledge. So they twisted my rear bumper. Removed it tonight. Didn't unbolt the brackets from the frame. They were on there a little tight. So I unbolted the bumper from the brackets. Not the easiest way but it wasn't too bad. Probably gonna be a pain to put it back on with those brackets still on.
  14. Toby

    Heavy Rain

    I have a slim, yes. I held out for it because the Fat PS3's were power hungry boxes. The Slim has been great thus far. But tonight Sony is releasing the patch. They missed a line of coding or something when they released the new update and it reset the clock to 1999. The PS3 Slim's clock only goes back as far as 2000.
  15. Toby

    Heavy Rain

    Just an update. Bought the game today. Thus far it's pretty good looking graphically. has it's moments where the visuals aren't great. But for the most part they are good. The voice acting is kinda bad. And the graphics are kinda clunky at first. but honestly I love how it's different. And it's not a fast paced action game. Anyone who wants a slow paced very involved story should at least rent this. It's got alot to do with decision making and all too. I'm enjoying it.
  16. Same here. it's actually a really neat feature. Especially if you fold your seats down for whatever reason. And it makes them look a little bit more presentable than laying all over the place
  17. Never said anything about i couldn't fix my pathfinder. I don't have time. I work 10+ hours days usually and my days off I got side jobs. And Audi's aren't near as bad as people think. My mother has a 1.8T beetle that hasn't had near the problems people complain about. The 1.8T isn't too expensive to fix, nor is the 3.0 V6 they have. the only real expensive one is 2.7T. That's about the only "problematic" one they have cause the K04s wear out prematurely. $800 a pair. Also some slight hiccups with CVTs but that's only for the first year. But I've done my research, and alot of the hype is BS honestly. They just aren't near as problematic as people make them. Any car is a money pit when it's not taken care of. If you don't have full maintenance records it's a lost cause. But same could be said for any vehicle with a timing belt instead of chain. Belts are very easy to forget about with alot of people. And the Audis have the same timing belt intervals as the Pathfinders.
  18. you need credit in today's society. I don't do credit cards so a loan is the most sensible option. Plus I can't get an apartment or anything without credit. And I have no friends with trucks. And honestly with my hours and the few people I did know with trucks dropped off cause they got girlfriends. Literally, i have no access to trucks. and $150 a month in payments isn't really that bad at all.
  19. Reason I took it up there is I don't have time. I work weird hours. And I'm buying this other car already lol. Going to the bank this morning to make sure everything will be straight with my loan. Gotta build some more credit up. Well I can't exactly threaten my brother with a lawsuit. he was doing it as a favor but now he's just being a dick. I also lack a truck (one that can pull any amount of weight), car dolly, etc. KBB said i should get around $1200 or so for it in fair condition. I like it, it grew on me then it had to sit up there for months lol.
  20. Yeah. I'd love to keep it but I just need something newer and I keep getting jerked around on getting my pathfinder back. Too much drama involved with trying to get it fixed. This way if I at least tell them I'm selling it I might be able to get it back to sell. Already burned bridges with the nissan dealer cause they said they'd take it there for me and never did (my brother owns a towing company).
  21. While I've enjoyed the short time I've posted here, sadly it looks like I'm selling my Pathfinder. So here's a "what's my truck worth" thread? It's a 1994 Pathfinder XE. V6, 5-speed, cloth, no roof rack or tire rack. 16" chrome wheels (stocks). No power options at all. The truck is solid outside of the dent on the front fender, small rust on the back left wheel well, and the vehicle speed sensor (which I have) needs replaced. I have the sensor that needs replace, an extra gear for said sensor, a brand new grill, new shift boot and HB Center Console. Just looking to see what it's worth kinda. Got about $700 in the truck thus far. So looking to get at least what I put into it back out. Whole deal was I wanted it fixed. Wanted to take it to Nissan and my step father knows it all and suggested I take it to my step brother. Who then kept it since October and hasn't done a damn thing to fix it. All my attempts over the past few months to get it back have been met with empty promises so I'm just going to sell it and get a new car. Build up my credit some more. And i've defected to another continent lol. Looking at buying an Audi. So any help you guys can give would be pretty awesome. I've had a great time and I'll still probably end up lurking around these parts just cause everyone here is friendly.
  22. I think the backspacing is different and i think the hub is either too small or too big.
  23. I don't think i've ever seen an older person driving an Accord Coupe. The sedan maybe but that goes for any age. Same with the Altima. Just don't understand your generalizations at times tbh
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