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daver123 last won the day on May 3 2016

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About daver123

  • Birthday 04/07/1987

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  • Your Pathfinder Info
    4.3L TBI Chevy V6, blue printed, balanced, performance cams, performance chip, Thornley headers, MSD ignition, dual electric fans, high output alternator, Center Force dual friction clutch, Advanced Adapters gear splitter, SM465 4speed, NP241 T-case, Dana 44 custom front axle, 5.13 gears, Aussie locker, 3 link front and triangulated 4 link rear, Warn premium hubs, re-geared h233b to 5.13, sway bar discos, custom 130L fuel tank, fog lamps, long range driving lights, auxiliary backup lights, Pioneer Deck, MTX 300 watt amp, Infinity 12" subwoofer, 300 Watt Alpine for aftermarket mids, rocksliders, custom bumpers, old school non-planetary Warn 10k winch, dual battery system, on board air, 1000w power inverter, Linex in the cargo area, 35" General AT2's on 16" black steel rims, custom wheel spacers. Just to name a few things ;)
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    I Own A Shop Or Work As A Professional Mechanic
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    Weekend Warrior
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    Coquitlam, BC Canada
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  1. TIG, TIG, TIG... One day I will learn you. I don't feel too bad about the look of exhaust pipes under the truck as I find I smash them so frequently. I build my exhaust with removable sections in any of my vulnerable spots for easier replacement. Yea, skid plates, I know, I know... On the to do list. If it was stainless pipe on a street rod I'd be all over it.
  2. Good reference material. I think I am definitely going to track down an Xterra pump, and get a cooler. Just need some money and time. Maybe next month... Do you know which year you got yours from and how many grooves on that serp pulley? The 4.3L is 6 groove. .
  3. I would like to see those pics but photobucket is dead to me.
  4. I was doing some parts research on rock auto and it would seem that the 04 and earlier Xterras use a very similar steering box to the first gen pathy's. The r50 uses rack and pinion, not sure how different the flow and pressure requirements are. That or just dig up a 95 pathy ps pump. just thought it would be better to try and rob a newer pump from a 04 xterra. Good thread on pirate4x4 though, I just think I trust the nissan pump more than trying to make a gm pump play nice with the stock steering box.
  5. Fair enough. I'm looking at newer pumps than the stock 95 Pathfinder unit. I think the 2004 and older XTerras have a possible donor. They still use a similar PS box to the original Pathfinder ones and their PS pumps might be a good match, possibly new and improved too.
  6. Power steering issues... So a GM Saginaw p-series pump is not happy about pushing 35s on a D44 via stock pathy PS box.The box seem solid and isn't complaining, but the pump has issues. Very hot and fluid shot out of the system somewhere haven't solved that one yet but after topping up the system no leak, but pump seems weak. I am digging like crazy trying to find specs on both the PS box and pump to figure out what my compatibility issue is. Far as I can tell its mixed reviews. Some Toyota guys say their steering works with a GM pump. Others say the GM has too much flow and heating issues. I could go remote reservoir and cooler on another new GM pump, but I never had issues with the pump on the vg30e. I'm leaning towards the latter. I'm now considering frankenstiening a nissan pump to a gm engine, MUAAHHAHA... Anyhow any ideas on which of our lovely jap built pumps are the most robust?
  7. Did anyone find out what pressure the stock 94+ pumps put out? I am killing gm p-series pumps on my truck. The steering box seems to be up to the challenge of pushing around 35s on a SAS system. Would be great to know what the stock steering box needs out of the pump to not die.
  8. Dimensions front 3 link with PH setup on my rig, measurements are on center from mounting bolts. Panhard length - 27.5" Upper link length - 37" Lower links length - 35.5" Lower links distance apart on axle - 38" Lower links distance apart on frame - 26.5" Upper link distance from Passenger side lower link on axle - 11" Upper link distance from Passenger side lower link on frame - 3" Upper link height from Passenger side lower link on axle - 7.5" Upper link height from Passenger side lower link on frame - 5" Drag link length - 40.5" Top of axle to bottom of frame directly above axle at rest - 14" Disclaimer here, this is not a perfected engineered setup so use these numbers at your own risk.
  9. I have put all my photos of this project up on imgur now at this url http://panzer95.imgur.com/ so anyone who might be interested in any of my many modifications can browse the whole build.
  10. Mine can run up to about 120 km/h (top speed due to gearing) without too much drama. I really need to rebuild the sway bars a little heavier and that should calm things down even further. It's not impossible to have reasonable road manners but you're right it will be a give and take for on road vs off-road performance. This is why all the sickest 4x4s are trailer rigs. I will try to gather some data this weekend on the setup. I have and try to translate it into something everyone will be able to decipher, as I'm sure others may want this info in the future as well. I had to revise the geometry a few times to get all the steering and clearances right. I need to get some new pics up, as I noticed that photobucket decided to be aggressively profitable and are now charging $400 per year for 3rd party image hosting. I think not.
  11. I have spent more than I ever thought I would on mine, but I like doing it so I don't care. It's amazing how fast that total creeps up though lol. Nice build btw.
  12. I can get some measurements but I have done a lot of modification to the frame and the fact that I have a non-stock motor in there as well means that the measurements that I get may not be terribly helpful in your setup. I'm unfamiliar with the terminology you are using to describe your current setup, I'm not sure what a military wrap is? Is that a leaf sprung setup?
  13. I have never done a leaf setup for a SAS but from my experience with doing a 3 link setup I know there is a bit of a learning curve and it doesn't happen over night if you haven't done one before. I had to rework my setup more than once to get the geometry right.
  14. Thanx, Progress is not as obvious anymore mostly just working out the bugs. My biggest bug is sorting out some computer programing issues. The last 2 noticable mods are on the way. I rebuilt the tire carrier its getting powder coated and then paint for the sides of the truck to cover up the body work. I did install a VHF radio as well.
  15. I have been busy building my pathy with a '93 4.3L TBI engine swap and now that I have everything running it would appear that all is not well in the PCM and I need to tune it from what I can tell. Im trying to find a shop that can do this or I've got to try to sort this out myself and I'd rather not have to. Has anyone got any leads?
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