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Vsicks Pathy

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Everything posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. I think that "sinking feeling" is worse when you are in the car and it is sliding backward, then sideways down a steep undulating slippery slope with your foot pressing so hard on the break that you think the peddle will snap off. For some reason, I never get used to it. But it certainly puts a massive grin on your face when it finally stops and all is well.
  2. Check out the young ladies. Oh, I don't want to be off topic, while you're there check out the current debt of every person in the USA. Take a quick look only though, it will be a larger figure next time you look.
  3. Who is this man that shoots from the hip and calls a spade a spade.
  4. And your link to that is where?
  5. How right you are mz.
  6. Vsicks Pathy


    I'd hate to be is (Blair's) shoes right now. :lol: If, when he is locked up, he has a bunk in his cell, will he be on top or the bottom when his good mate eventually joins him? Hmmmm......... That would be a good poll question.
  7. Yes indeed.... Where? Still, a damned teacher had to spoil it for everyone. Typical!
  8. 1. Do you know what elaborate means GG? 2. Or is it that you can not elaborate because you were wrong with your comment? and last but by all means, not least.... 3. You wrote "You aren't worth the waste of time." Sorry buddy, that just doesn't make sense. Would you mind restructuring that nonsense so I might read it without doing my head in? On a lighter note.... It does bring back fond memories of when my kids were small and learning to talk and put a sentence together though. lol.
  9. You didn't miss 'annex'. So going by your factory comment you just didn't understand it. Sad that you feel you can partake in a conversation even though you do not understand a word that is said. It does explain a lot.
  10. As I said before, Pandora's box has been opened with the rewriting of your constitution along the new laws, and everyone that looks in it likes what they see. I still think that Bush, to save himself from prison (he IS a war criminal), will do something desperate. He has set up all the parameters by changing laws, making new laws and raping the constitution for such a move, and it will be legal. So I think you are right not to hold your breath mz. Which other aspiring leaders have said that they will put your constitution back together again, besides Ron Paul? That information will at least give you a guideline as to who to vote for I would suspect.
  11. Why are you yelling mz? lol.
  12. Getting stuck is easy. Getting out can be the hard part. You have learned the same lesson I, and no doubt others did first time around. A 4x4 isn't actually a 4x4 after all.
  13. Waterboarding is not sick sh!t. What lies are you listening too? Worse still, who are you listening too? It certainly isn't the terror group known as the neocons on Capital Hill. So fess up now, before you get a night visit and a free flight. Come on GG, TC is trashing your country and being negative. Put him straight buddy. Another scare monger 'like me tells it how it actually is' said this..... “The American Republic is in remnant status. The stage is set for our country to devolve into a military dictatorship, and few seem to care.” That scare monger? Rep. Ron Paul The whole article.
  14. Did you miss the part of the post that said annex GG? For your benefit GG in case you just don't understand it. And ignore the part about the Geneva Conventions. Your Government does so there is no need for you to take notice either.
  15. $12 per hour??? Who could afford to live on that? It goes back to the woman that was having a go at Bush... She was working 3 jobs, still couldn't make ends meet and all he could say was, good on you.
  16. He seems, on the surface to be in touch........ "A few years went by after 1990 when the right was inching toward a Paulian consistency. Then 9-11 happened, and the great excuse for Leviathan again entered the picture. Never mind that, as Congressman Paul pointed out, the crime of 9-11 was motivated by retribution against ten years of killer US sanctions against Iraq, US troops on Muslim holy lands, and US subsidies for Palestinian occupation. No, the American right bought into the same farce that led them to support the Cold War: Islamic fanaticism is a unique evil unlike anything we've ever seen, so we have to put up with Leviathan (again!) for the duration. Well, Ron Paul didn't buy into it. He is unique in this respect, and this is especially notable since he has been under pressure from his own party and at a time when his party has ruled the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. He stuck by his principles, and not merely as a pious gesture. His critique of the post 9-11 warfare state has been spot on in speech after speech. He foresaw the failure of the US invasion of Afghanistan. He never believed the nonsense about how US bombs would transform Iraq into a modern democracy. He never went along with the propaganda lies about weapons of mass destruction. Nowadays, we often hear politicians say that they have changed their minds on the Iraq War and that if they had known then what they know now, they never would have gone along. Well, hindsight is child's play in politics. What takes guts and insight is the ability to spot a hoax even as it is being perpetrated. In any case, they have no excuse for not knowing: Ron Paul told them!" I didn't have the time this morning to actually find out what his policies are in terms of implementation but I will look into it further tonight.
  17. The rogue element (nearly said dictatorship then, but it is not quite there yet... and I do mean YET!) that is in control of your country only gets away with what it does because most of your fellow countrymen think it is OK. Keith Olbermann is correct to be outraged, but he seems to be a lonely voice of reason. GG cries fowl and has a hissy fit continuously when he thinks I put down your rogue Government. I wonder what he thinks about Keith Olbermann suggesting that your rogue government is criminal? I would hope that more Americans aspire to be as outraged and as AMERICAN as Olbermann is.
  18. You gotta love the poetry.
  19. Stay the course? Bush has opened up Pandora's box. Oh, and guess what? The democrats like what's in there too. Total control, total power and no one can stop them. Not that anyone has the courage to. But it still remains.... The USA attacked itself using the "Northwoods" type plan and no one is interested. Keep starting new wars and changing your constitution when the finger of blame points your way. That way, we will forget about what happened yesterday. Any new pics of the magic plane that left no trace at the Pentagon? It must have been made by the people that made wonder womans plane... Invisible! Gee, this subject still gets my panties knotted up! I will not even start on the only buildings to have ever collapsed either. No mz, the course has long dried out. Complacent are we, and and that makes us accomplices to murder.
  20. So are you going to bother elaborating on what makes me a scaremonger or not? Or was this meant to be your attempt at it? The reason I only post interesting things, as opposed to the majority of the same old same old here at the moment, is because I am an interesting person. An interesting and complex thinking person that is interested in world events, and as such I post in the "off topic section". How about you find a little spot and post your blinkered views there. Why not do it in the poho thread, you may notice that I never post there (I did look in there once and it scared me. (I am still not sure if it was too deep or too shallow. Go figure!)), so you will be safe from me (the scary scaremonger man, though you seem to be pressed as to explain yourself) in there. People might not even call you out on the fanciful, head in the bucket (obviously) remarks you make while you are in there. I mean to say, we are talking about events, by we, I don't mean you, that need to be debated or viewed with some maturity. That said, when something comes up (in other threads) that I think I may be able to help with or that deserves comment, I will assist, applaud and give my views and experiences as I always have. I forgot to add..... Are you happy with that GG?
  21. How come I just found this thread now? And this is the thread that killed off DSM_guy. lol. And I had no part in it. All these years on, are we still any closer to uncovering the lie on that day? Or are we to preoccupied by the mess those lies got us into and can't be bothered asking anymore.
  22. I think you will find that China is doing what is required of it under the Kyoto Protocols mz. Developing countries are given time frames etc. to meet criteria. The US and Australia, both developed countries, don't want to meet the criteria and use developing countries like China and India, for example, or that, it will be bad for the economy, as their justification. It is a joke and a cop out.. We should be ashamed.
  23. Look out! That fact of the matter is scaring GG. I demand you cease and desist at once mz!
  24. Sorry, I am a scare monger? How exactly do I qualify for that title? Please... I want you to elaborate. Though I am concerned about a certain rogue country attacking and inflicting itself on other countries ATM, I am hardly crying about it. In fact the more events that occur regarding that rogue country the quicker it will run out of money... God only knows it has already ran out of friends.. No, no GG, a new age is dawning, and for my mind, it looks pretty good, though some enlightened thinkers, of which there are a couple on this board, do not share my perceived pleasure at the new possibilities. So let the cards fall where they may. I have my fingers crossed!
  25. ?? You haven't been watching CNN or FOX news have GG. They will give the impression that China is consuming equal, if not more oil than the USA... Scare mongering only GG. China is still way behind the USA with its oil consumption. A long way behind. China has discovered the cons of being the only contender for the single most powerful country in the world.... pollution. Old technology with its coal powered factories, inadequate infrastructure with regards to waste disposal etc. are causing major concern for them. China has clearly been taken by surprise given how quickly the economy is growing and they have not been unable to modernise quick enough.. As for no environmental concerns? They are pretty serious about it in fact. Actions speak louder than words..... They have done something to correct the pollution problem (besides building new factories etc. to replace the old ones), something that our two countries are yet to do, they have accepted and ratified the Kyoto Protocol, though if Labor get in at the next federal election, we will ratify it too. It will be a lonely word according to this map of ratified countries for you guys. Oops, I forgot that some can not read maps. Here is a list of countries. I hope that they amend the comment about Australia, it isn't true. Well it is if Howard somehow stays in power.....
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