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Vsicks Pathy

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Everything posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. I think seat belts are uncomfortable myself, and helmets.... they muffle sound and obscure your view too. They do however save lives. I wonder if a race car driver would get into his or her machine without them on?
  2. I got a bit of a chuckle with this. All I put up in reality is a story, one that the press puts up, I just post it here. What part of what I out forward gives you the impression that I portray all Americans in that vein? Is it the way I reply to what has been said here perhaps? Read this very carefully.... He is correct about laws, laws are to protect us from ourselves. Yes, we are morons, we inherently do stupid things, hence the need for laws. And even with the laws in place, we still do the moronic thing and break them, don't we? He is correct again, that the laws do work and save lives. He then goes on to say that the seat belt laws are stupid? Make up your mind, the law can't save lives and be stupid at the same time. Then he uses the analogy of kids on a 20 tone bus not wearing seat belts to justify the argument of the stupid law. Ever seen a bus that has rolled? And how many kids actually die in school buses each year btw? Though I do not agree with "all" laws myself, is anyone seriously suggesting that drink driving is OK? Is anyone suggesting that speed limits should be removed. Could you imagine trying to get from one side of town to the other without the laws and controls in place? I hate red lights as much as the next guy, and I do love to have a few coldies before I hit the road. But the laws say I can not run a red light, why? I could very possibly kill someone. The red light is there in the first place for that very reason! And a few drinks are fine but too much.....well, the law says I can not drive if I am drunk. Why? For the very same reason as before. Yes, even here we have what can only be described as revenue collection. Soft and pathetic laws or regulations that are designed to bleed you dry. These laws are obvious for what they are and have nothing to do with preventing deaths. Just try to comply is the only advice I have for that.
  3. I tip my hat (that I don't wear) to you.
  4. If you could give an example of your fear actually happening somewhere, that'd be good. Don't use Australia for your example though, because nothing like you have predicted has even been spoken about, nine or ten years after gun control, let alone implemented.
  5. Not including Alaska or Hawaii, from memory, I think the USA is just a tad smaller than Australia. It could be the other way round? I will find out later.... but I bet you didn't know it was such a close call, re: land mass. Lets take into account that Australia only has 20,000,000 people and the most deadly creatures on the planet. If virgin land and the size of the country are the discerning factors for automatic or semi automatic weapons, then perhaps we really need them here but don't know it yet. You have nothing to apologise for either.
  6. What can I say about that without getting banned from this site for bad language. I think I will hide it...... So far as to say, that Bush does come across as a....... caring, understanding, newage type, doesn't he?
  7. I am sorry to hear that you guys think I am saying ban all guns. As stated I have only said gun control was needed. I assumed that you had seen the gun control thread and know my position. Here it is again for those that missed it. The ighlight section is of most interest.
  8. Correct. Semi auto is a weapon that loads the next round. How many wild boars traverse suburbia over there?
  9. The 10.5 will get more grip in the boggy stuff (not tend to float as much) than the 12.5. The issue of turning them... a 33 inch diameter is a 33 inch diameter, and the V6 should turn them no problems.
  10. Should do a yes or no poll. Question being... Does gun control mean no guns? The murders in you town mz fly in the face of statistics. No one is suggesting that anyone give up their right to bare arms. I haven't. At least I don't think I have??? WE HAVE GUNS HERE STILL PEOPLE! The only guns that are banned here are semi and fully automatic. It is a matter of collateral if someone goes off the deep end. Does that not make any sense to anyone? Do you not get it at all?
  11. Those countries referred to have very strict gun controls. A simple check will confirm this. As for Holland? What was the murder rate exactly? Something to browse through.
  12. Ok, so you guys are suggesting that I take childish rebuffs and not question what the author is trying to say? I just asked for a clarification, that's all. I wanted to ask "Kittamaru" How many spelling mistakes can he make with his pencil in a minute? I was then going to suggest that he use a typewriter so he could amplify his erroneous punctuation and grammar. I was then going to say "You see where I'm goin' with this?" GOOD! To suggest I get may become "all giddy" about such atrocious events is really clutching at straws. I am never not disappointed in your countries complacency for, or lack of regard to human life. Not to mention the cowardice it takes to do nothing at all to stem the flow of innocent lives lost. To say what was suggested is incomprehensible.
  13. Good one mz. But unfortunately the latter is true. No, I am not kidding. It has cost the guys family over $20,000 already to defend the charge. A mistrial, so they have to go through the whole thing again. Perhaps another $20,000? I don't know where it will end. lol.
  14. Is the odd part that someone has killed "Father Christmas" and replaced him with a person called Santa? Or is it that he calls people ho? Political correctness gone mad is what it is. What's the snowball girls excuse?
  15. Look, I know I said I get it now, but I lied to you. Can you explain, in factual terms, how what you wrote is relevant to mass murder? Mean while here are some facts for you. Old but still relevant.
  16. Wow. Now I get it. It all makes perfect sense now.
  17. The kid had a history (mental) and was still able to acquire weapons? You give some pretty imaginative ways that mass murder can be carried out. It has already been proved that most people don't like to go to extreme lengths when it comes to killing people. Is it also true that another mass murder has just taken place in the US?
  18. "You, Mr.. Bush, are a bald-faced liar." Too good to be true.
  19. As Simon said... No, I am not making a joke. The heater direction issue could also be at the heater box. You should be able to see where it goes by looking under the dash. If it is not connected there, you are lucky. If it is connected there, then you will have to remove the slide panel. That could be a pain in the arse... Not because it is hard to do, more so that the plastics you have to remove to get it out are more than likely very brittle and prone to break.
  20. Your point is taken k9. But it is a far cry from the claim that no one helped. As for the level of aid and the money that was donated, yes, I agree it was a very poor showing. People in/and other countries tend to sit back, America being the richest and most technologically advanced country in the world and all. The offers of help were token offers at best. Had to world caught on that you couldn't or weren't able to cope, or had you guys asked for more help, I am certain you guys would have got what you needed, if not more. My old man used to say... The squeaky wheel gets the most grease.
  21. What is your problem 88? I doubt (and I have said this before) if anyone can give a hoot about what Jim would do. Most of the guys here wouldn't know who Jim is. Get over it and move on. So what if this "off topic" topic is not about a Pathfinder. It IS the off topic dection and last time I heard anything about off topic it was exactly that.... I put it to a vote to remove the "off topic" section remember. It is still here though, isn't it? Why? The childish banter and derogatory remarks have been removed by mature, vigilant mods, thus keeping it in line with the forum guidelines and your family friendly concerns. The thread is evolving, so what! Everyone is on there best behaviour, so what more do you want?
  22. While I agree with you on every point you make, it still has to be said. Why report it in the media then might be the next question asked? People will have problems everywhere and for every conceivable reason too. That's life. It is what they choose to do the damage with, the availability of the weapon. Had he not had easy access to a firearm would the death toll be the same? It is a simple question.
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