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So I rolled my Pathfinder


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does anyone know how to transfer a spare tire carrier?


You need to drill out the pre-welded nuts under the body under the hatch (4 dimples), then install the interior brcakets in the rear and drill out the holes in the body there for the screws to go through into the brackets. IIRC the brackets are bolted in on the inside somewhere and not at all easy to remove.

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so after my friend got done d!cking around, he told me that we couldn't use his dad's forklift. no big deal. it's not like he owed me anything. so my dad and i made these a-frames and used come alongs and ratcheting tie-downs to lift the body. after we lifted the body, my friends and i slid the frame out from under the body. check it.




bigass body lift!







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so i got the black body on the red one's frame yesterday and bolted it in today. it fit quite nicely. not much hassle getting it into place. here's the pix.


gettin it off the black one's frame (that guy's my dad)



got wood? don't mind my dumb hat. it was sunny/hot out :(



i tried to get both bodies and both frames in this shot. kinda hard to see the red one's frame (behind the black one)



red frame slid in easily



wtf! idk how this happened. maybe because the suspension was topped out all the time w/o the body. and i was washing my frame w/ a pressure washer. lol.



black body on red frame (not quite bolted in at that point, but it is now)


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i'm actually a mechanical engineering major. only my second year of college tho and i haven't done much ME stuff. mostly general ed so far. i'd like to say that i have the instincts without tooting my own horn. i'm always trying to do stuff the easiest/least amount of effort way while still doing it right.


i have to admit that a-frame idea was my dad's. i just built them :tongue: but if my dad hadn't thought of it first, i would've later. lol.

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Hey! Good on you!

I have absolutely NO regrets having picked Mechanical Engineering as my major! The decision making skills I learned in engineering have done me very, very well. I have actually never worked as a typical design engineer, ending up up on a fast track into management pretty quickly.


You are entering the worst part of the whole engineering curriculum - the weeding year. The first two years are a lot of general ed with some vicious weed-out classes to get the non-committed out. In our program, it was the second year of physics (particularly the Electricity and Magnetism section) that caused the frat boys and partiers to flunk out. Oh, that and the electrical circuits course. Both of those were just too theoretical and imaginary for most gearheads to get a hand on.... And both had about 50% failure rates.


Bear down hard and get through it. Give up partying and social life for a couple months and just do it. Trust me, it WILL be worth it. The last two (four for me as I picked up a couple minors and pursued a Masters as well) years were a lot of hard work as well, but I found it to be fun work as it was interesting stuff! Spending all night on topics that interested me just wasn't so bad... I still remember those sleep deprived but incredibly fun years... Have many good friends from those years. We pretty much studied together all the time and got each other thru. And made some mighty fine beer along the way as well!


And if you're struggling, don't give up hope! During the first half of the program, I was on academic probation a couple times and repeated a couple classes. The second half and into the Masters was pretty much constant 4.0.

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hahaha awesome man...I used 2 boat cranks when removing the body from my scout along with a come-a-long



partiers to flunk out.
I made it...


but no joke it was hard for me...I am not book smart so my common sense got me through school...for me the 1st 2 years were easy as pie and the last 2 kept me going...I worked anywhere from 40-60 hrs a week and took 18-20 credit hours every semester...I had to retake my electrical class b/c the TA didn't like me so I got a D by .1 of a point...I failed Thermo II due to 1 exam being sprung on us 3 days prior to spring break and he took the charts away and there was a formula I hadn't memorized and he refused to tell us it...I was still hammered from the night b4 and as soon as I left I was heading to Baton Rouge...I made a 40 on that 1 (the class average was like a 55) so that left me sitting at a C going into the final which was unreal (my buddy going into the final had a low A and he failed the class too) and thats the only engineering classes I didn't make it through I graduated with an overall of 2.5 and a 2.7 in ME...


My approach probably wasnt the best "C's get degrees" and the classes that would accept a "D's they get a diploma"


not saying that is the approach to take b/c if I went back to school now I think I would appreciate everything a lot more.


I did not pass my FE which was borderline passing according to my adviser at the university when we went through the results but what pissed me off even more were the guys that randomly filled bubbles and passed (i knew 3 of those). I should have taken it again but by then I already had a job in industry (3 months prior to graduation) and was just ready to hit the real world...i miss college for sure now (about 2.5 years into industry) and have thought to go back for higher level or at least an MBA.


Good luck with it man and if you ever need any help give me a shout and i'll try and give you a hand

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dammit, both you guys sound just like me! or i'm a mix of what both of you guys said. lol. i'm not sure what my book smarts/street smarts split is (close to 50/50), but i think it's leaning towards the street smarts side, which may not be the best for engineering, but i'm sure i can do what i put my mind to. i'm just lazy is all :shrug:


as far as schooling goes, i already took calc 1 and 2 and an intro to physx class in high school. so when i took calc 2 again in college (i wanted to redo calc 2 but not calc 1 cuz both calcs in high school were a joke. way too easy) i failed it cuz i didn't try at all cuz i figured it'd be a breeze. and in my physx class last semester (called "principles of physx: mechanics) i was fine for the first half of the class, which was just your basic mechanical stuff that i had learned in high school. then we started learning about rotational stuff and i didn't really study at home so i dropped the class cuz i wasn't really ready to go on after not really learning rotational stuff. i'm now on academic probation as well. i can't be on it for this upcoming semester otherwise i can't go to school! lol. so i'm retaking both those classes this upcoming semester, which starts a week from today. i just need to push through and actually try.


i heard that most ME's go into management. which would be fine with me cuz i'm good at giving orders and knowing how to get stuff done. when my friends come to help work on my pathies, i put those slaves to WORK! i'll have the general plan in my head and i'll start telling ppl what to do. i tell them "figure out how to do it. if you can't, find me and i'll show you" in the meantime i'll be workin on something else that requires my special knowledge of whatever.


uncc, you're crazy! that's a ton of school and work to be handling at the same time. i only work about 20 hours a week or so, so work shouldn't interfere with my schooling.


and mws, tell us about this beer :beer:

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Any 1 is easy. Pick any 2 and you'll probably make it with some sleep deprivation. Pick 3 or more and you're in for some serious hard work, or failure....


I paid my own way through so I was usually working at least 20-30 hrs per wk. So I rarely took more than 6-9 hard core engineering units. Toss in a couple gen. ed. classes and that was all I would take. 12-15 was the norm. Sometimes 18.

This allowed me to take Friday nights off to party, and a few hours off during the week to mountain bike (usually 2 rides per week). That was it. The rest was work or study. It was seriously hard, but well, well worth it. A few years of sacrifice for a lifetime of jobs you actually ENJOY is such a trivial investment....


Don't get me wrong, losing the high school girlfriend/fiance was very painful (she wanted more time than I could spare), but in the long run, was a good thing. I flew "solo" for several years (hey, it was the 80's so Friday night pick ups were easy) and then met the perfect woman.


Ahh, the beer. A few of us got together and made our own. One buddy had the equipment. We were all broke. By eating nothing but Ramen and vegetables for a few days and doing a lot of bartering, we could scrounge together enough raw ingredients to make a batch of beer every couple weeks. Mostly ales, porters, stouts. Those beers aren't as "sensitive" as lagers or pilseners which could go wrong with just a day's neglect, resulting in two weeks with no libations. MUCH cheaper than drinking even Lucky Lager or Schmidt or Carlings... Yes, I tutored physics in exchange for barley!

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Any 1 is easy. Pick any 2 and you'll probably make it with some sleep deprivation. Pick 3 or more and you're in for some serious hard work, or failure....


I had all 5 :blush02:


Went for Electronics Engineering, went to DeVry and honestly I didn't drop out from being over streched, I dropped out because I they lied. This was when the original Pentiums had been on the market for 6months......there was only 1 Pentium in the entire building, and it was a professors personal build. We were working on 8088 machines doing C+ and I thought, what a rip! Their biggest pitch was that they train with the latest equipment, BS. Took me 3 semesters to see the reality.

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Any 1 is easy. Pick any 2 and you'll probably make it with some sleep deprivation. Pick 3 or more and you're in for some serious hard work, or failure....


I paid my own way through so I was usually working at least 20-30 hrs per wk. So I rarely took more than 6-9 hard core engineering units. Toss in a couple gen. ed. classes and that was all I would take. 12-15 was the norm. Sometimes 18.

This allowed me to take Friday nights off to party, and a few hours off during the week to mountain bike (usually 2 rides per week). That was it. The rest was work or study. It was seriously hard, but well, well worth it. A few years of sacrifice for a lifetime of jobs you actually ENJOY is such a trivial investment....


Don't get me wrong, losing the high school girlfriend/fiance was very painful (she wanted more time than I could spare), but in the long run, was a good thing. I flew "solo" for several years (hey, it was the 80's so Friday night pick ups were easy) and then met the perfect woman.


Ahh, the beer. A few of us got together and made our own. One buddy had the equipment. We were all broke. By eating nothing but Ramen and vegetables for a few days and doing a lot of bartering, we could scrounge together enough raw ingredients to make a batch of beer every couple weeks. Mostly ales, porters, stouts. Those beers aren't as "sensitive" as lagers or pilseners which could go wrong with just a day's neglect, resulting in two weeks with no libations. MUCH cheaper than drinking even Lucky Lager or Schmidt or Carlings... Yes, I tutored physics in exchange for barley!


i'm paying for my school as well so i have about the same hours at work. community colleges rock! I also take only 6-9 hardcore units and at least 3 units in a ":wackinit: class" as i call it. weekends are party time for me as well since i'm only takin ~12 units.


and idk too much about beers, but makin your own sounds sweet! lol.



I had all 5 :blush02:


Went for Electronics Engineering, went to DeVry and honestly I didn't drop out from being over streched, I dropped out because I they lied. This was when the original Pentiums had been on the market for 6months......there was only 1 Pentium in the entire building, and it was a professors personal build. We were working on 8088 machines doing C+ and I thought, what a rip! Their biggest pitch was that they train with the latest equipment, BS. Took me 3 semesters to see the reality.


you shoulda got your money back :ar15:

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went to DeVry


When I worked collections for the DOE, DeVry was considered a 'problem' school. They would sign up people for courses/student loan and take the whole amount up front. If the person dropped out, no refund, many times the cirriculum wasn't as advertised (as you noted), the degrees were not necessarily accredited and sometimes they would merely close before the end of the courses, again with no refund. In other words GG, you didn't lose anything.

Personally, I don't think I would ever attend such courses.



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Full time school schedule


Party lifestyle




all 5 are possible...i wasnt as lazy as I could have been and I didnt party as much as I could have...there were times i skipped class to work...I used the gf to catch up on sleep b/c she was in AFROTC and was good about going to class and we had a lot of the same classes so I just let her go and tell me about them which was usually "I should have stayed here with you"...I just figured out how to make everything work together...the hardest part was when one of my ex gfs lived 4 hrs away and I was seeing her almost every weekend on top of everything else...


Just figure out your limits and stay within them...a buddy of mine went ape @!*% when he got to LSU and he will graduate in one semester (3 years late but late is better than never)

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When I worked collections for the DOE, DeVry was considered a 'problem' school. They would sign up people for courses/student loan and take the whole amount up front. If the person dropped out, no refund, many times the cirriculum wasn't as advertised (as you noted), the degrees were not necessarily accredited and sometimes they would merely close before the end of the courses, again with no refund. In other words GG, you didn't lose anything.

Personally, I don't think I would ever attend such courses.



Well, unlike ITT, DeVry actually did offer accredited 4 year Bachlor degree programs as well as 2 year Associate degree programs. I was in one of the Bachlor programs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

aight, i got all the wiring and the dash in. all body parts are on minus the doors. i still gotta swap over the power windows and lox. i'm gonna drive w/o doors for a while since it's still pretty hot and i don't have ac. i'm leaving most of the interior off so that if i have any electrical problems, i'll have easier access to the wires. oh, and the brush guard is on too, i just don't have a pic of it on. i still need to put in coolant and some more atf before i start 'er up. and a chair or two. lol.




damn gas struts still don't work. although the red hatch is significantly heavier than the black one.



somehow the deck came out crooked :shrug:



that gap in between the turn signal and the headlight on the right bugs me real bad. there's not much i can do about it though cuz the body's kinda tweaked right there.


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Patience... Start at the power source and go from there, not the other way around...

Patience... You are doing more than most peolel do automotively in their lifetime...

Patience... And it will all come together, soon...



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