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Thanks to all the mods


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I just wanted to say thanks to all the most for (most of the time) not being asshats...I have seen some complaints but nothing too major...it seems like everytime I post on pirate4x4 my posts get deleted and its pretty frustrating...This last one was b/c I did not put an exact price on the axle I said make offers and the mod jumped me for it and I told him to adjust their terms of use to say monetary value...


anywho I'm glad the folks around here are nice and easy to deal with...out of all my boards pirate is the only one i've ever had problems with...and I've had some pretty rough posts here that I was for sure going to get in trouble for but didn't so I can't be that big of a PITA.



This bud is for you mods!



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we're not here to make everyone's lives harder.. the opposite is true.. none of us are on any kind of a high and mighty trip either.


i find all the posters are good peeps too.. that makes a big difference.. just look at XOC or pirate for the "quality" of postings and you'll see a huge difference.



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simnon, you're going to get this threat shut down fast with that kind of bad attitude!

;):D :D


I don't know who this simnon guy is, but he must have quite a bad attitude if you're dropping the hammer on him like that! :lol::tongue:

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I also would like to give a tip of my hat to the mods here. They have answered questions I have had and I think dealt with what I have seen in a fair and reasonable way.


I will toast you all tonight over a pint of Guinness :beer:

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