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Everything posted by mjotrainbrain

  1. Nice video! Man is that exhaust leak loud though
  2. February 2019: 02_Pathy *Send any member of the Mod team two additional pictures and they will be added here. *Pending official border.
  3. Congrats @02_Pathy! *Send any member of the Mod team two additional pictures and they will be added here. *Pending official border.
  4. Very nice Titan! Welcome to the forum, and good luck with the Pathfinder restoration.
  5. ^ doesn't want to admit he lost his charger < flips burgers like a pro v smells almost as bad as their Pathfinder that one time they soaked the carpets in a mudhole
  6. To answer your question, yes you can install an LSD into an axle that didn't have one to begin with. Here's a link to Google search results from this forum (more user-friendly than the forum's built-in search feature) about swapping an LSD into a Pathfinder without one. WD21 Pathfinders have an extremely similar rear axle to the one in your R50, so even the search results about older trucks will be relevant. https://www.google.com/search?q=npora+lsd+swap+site:www.nissanpathfinders.net&amp;safe=strict&amp;rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS759US759&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=2ahUKEwi3r73Aw8PgAhVG1IMKHV43CNEQrQIoBDAAegQIBRAM&amp;biw=1536&amp;bih=723
  7. Moved from FAQ/Pinned section for greater visibility.
  8. Mine were too, not fun. Mine were trashed though, so worth the difficulty! @02_Pathy how does it feel with the poly bushings?
  9. The links those guys posted are really useful, check em out for sure. To answer some of your concerns/questions directly, basically your friends are right. Spacer lifts cause issues with your suspension, and any bigger tires or offset wheels will add additional wear to various components. However, as long as you keep up on maintenance you shouldn't be concerned; those parts will still last a good long time unless you're absolutely flogging it on the trails every weekend. A 2" lift is generally regarded to be the safe upper limit for lift for the front end, however you can dabble with more by various means (pushing your luck, SFD, diff drop). You can get a 2" lift pretty simple with just some 2" lift coils from 4x4parts.com ("AC" coils). There is a decent variety of options available though, especially for the rear end. As far as tires, if you want to go bigger than 31" you'll need wheel spacers or new wheels with ~3.75" of backspacing to clear the strut. Welcome to NPORA!
  10. If @TowndawgR50 is involved with these parts this should be good! I have guesses ready.
  11. This thread has been a long time coming! Can't wait to see what you've got "coming very soon".
  12. As fast as the cupholders, I know some had a really big cup holder (fits a 1L Nalgene) up by the 4WD switch if it had an electronic transfer case. If you have a standard 4wd lever you may be out of luck for that though.
  13. That's a handy trick! Just make sure your neighbors don't see you holding a lighter under a spoon haha.
  14. The R50 section should have answers to lots of your questions!
  15. When I had mine I was paranoid and stuck with the old 4k mile interval. Probably totally overkill, but I felt better about it, especially with only 2-3 changes a year with how little I drove. No idea what condition the inside of the engine was in since I had never even had the valve covers off. I always brought it to the dealer to have it done because they gave me a sweet deal, so I don't even know what the oil looked like. (Worth noting I do 5k+/- intervals now and change myself.)
  16. Ordered some new tires, they'll be put on next Friday. Falken Wildpeak AT3/W in 265/75R16 load E. Can't wait to actually have traction in the snow; my current old Cooper's are pathetic in the slippery stuff and the deep stuff. 18/32" tread depth is gonna be cool too.
  17. I didn't read carefully enough...OME springs with a spacer (depending on thickness) will probably be a bit taller, but AC springs are stiffer than the stiffest OME springs so if you have extra weight like Micah does they'll probably net more lift.
  18. The opposite should be true, AC is 2" and OME is 1.5"-1.75" usually.
  19. Banned for tempting me to get myself properly banned!
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