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Do you have other Pets?


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Pun intended. ;)


She's a big one alright!! So, I gotta ask...is she still alive?? At least she is serving a purpose and trying to keep the yellow jacket popular in check around the house..
Hey Ebay..thanks for the back up and being wise on the proper use. I'm hoping that topic can die now before it takes over the thread. I guess we could always all head over to the rant section and yell at eachother over there :) (if there is one, I'll have to search for it..I've heard I need the practice..I'm just being playful Nunya, I'll stop now.) :)

I doubt it, she disappeared months ago. I did appreciate her efforts though, I have a lot of yellow jacket nests in the eves. Normally I don't care and leave them alone, but last year one stung me in the ear. That was a week of serious discomfort and having a clown ear so I'm a bit less tolerant now.


Sorry, no rant section that I know of, we just biatch at each other freeform. :D

Seriously though, people might quibble or disagree but it doesn't go any farther than that. We are pretty mellow here...



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You guys an all of your talk of training critters. My mom has the ADD, ADHD energizer dog that will get distracted before he covers 30 feet. He likes to go out in the meadow and run in circles while staring at the sky. Training him is hard. Give him a command and by the time he starts to respond he has forgotten about it. He is a mini aussie/husky mix. Fluffist thing in the world. Also the most retarded. When ever I try to take a photo of him he has a dumb look on his face.


Parents also have chickens, horses, cats and a sheep right now. While I lived at home we had goats, pigeons, lots more chickens, a burro, parrots and fish.



The only pet I have is a Peach Face Love Bird named Killer. He has more energy most days than the energizer bunny on drugs. Constantly shredding paper and toilet paper rolls and stuffing them in his tail feathers. Training this little bugger is constant battle. He has been at the point where he does not pinch you at all for a while but not much past that. He just chews on everything.


Cant get a photo to work today for some reason.



Edited by deerhurst
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