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Sweet 18th Birthday Present


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So I slept in this morning, sweet! Didn't have to go to the first block at school. My mom asked me if I wanted to drive to school, I said not really... she said I should

So, I did... jumped in my Pathy started er up to warm up.

Get out and a snow plow goes up the road (it's a dirt road.. 30 min from the closest town). There was 5" of fresh snow on the ground. So, after a quick breakfast I jump in my Pathy and head down the road in 4wd. I was going pretty slow, probably 40km/h tops. I come around a slight uphill left corner, and right as I crest, I start sliding to the outside of the corner... Couldn't turn, I kinda freaked out and hit the brakes.... I went off the little bank and into a barbed wire fence... If I woulda been going a tiny bit faster (if I didn't hit my brakes 20 feet before I went off) My pathy woulda been scratched up way worse on the passenger side. Not wanting to go home and get our F-350 and my mom, to pull me out, I tried to get out on my own. Started to crawl forward as the barbed wire scraped my tail light, then, BANG. Smacked my LCA off a big ass rock covered in snow... God damn, so I back up, paralell to the fence about 2" away from it... Back end slides into the fence... 4Low, cranked it to the left and began to crawl, then gave 'er and made it up onto the road. First "accident" if you will, for me... Kinda hurt my shoulder and neck when the truck came to a sudden stop.


To add to the Birthday presents... I got a speeding ticket yesterday in my dads F-350... damn thing.. it's so freaking big you dono if you're going over or not (unless of course you're looking at the spedo like you SHOULD be doing)

But you know how young drivers are. Well I've learned my lesson AND paid a $196 fine. From now on I'll be watchin that spedo like a hawk... or setting cruise control :o


A little touch up paint and I'll be ready to go


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Thank ya.

I'm not too pissed, heh but it is kinda unfortunate.

I was obviously going too fast, but I didn't think 40k was too fast... since a snow plow had just gone by, and it looked as though he put out gravel behind him... Guess not.

Oh well there are about 10 scratches that aren't too major, a few gouges in the pass tail light, and some notches in the fender flare. Minor stuff though, just glad I didn't roll... heh.. I moved as close to my window as I could so I didn't roll.... hahaha I highly doubt it woulda made a difference, but yeah..

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I have given up worrying about scratches in my paint, ever since I bumped into that stupid concrete pillar in a parking garage last year. All it did was put a quarter sized dent in the left front fender and scratch off a little paint. My first reaction was to be pissed (I mean seriously who puts a concrete pillar in at a diagonal?!). But then I took a good look at the pathy: Hood has numerous pits in the paint, scratches all around the key hole on the drivers side door, pits in the paint behind the wheel wells, scratches all along the sides from trees/brush/who knows what, clear coat flaking off on rear door under the glass, lower bit of front bumper folded a little from prev. owner, etc. etc. etc. At that point I was like F it, the pathy ain't never gonna look beatiful. As long as she runs I'm happy.

Scratches give character, and if you leave the pathy a little dusty it's hard to see most of them (my pathy actually looks WORSE when I wash it :crazy: )

Speeding tickets suck, loosing control and crashing sucks, dinging up your car sucks. But as Calvins dad says "It builds character" :D

Anyways HAPPY 18th! You're a man now, that means you can buy cigs, jump out of a plane, join the army, go to REAL prison, and (most importantly) buy PORN! :aok:


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Thats to bad, but if it helps any it won't be the last (not talking about the accident, that will hopefully not happen again). As you wheel you'll you will likely get more scratches.... it gives the truck that used well broke in look... aka that comfotable, just right feeling. Just like an old pair of shoes ;)


But... Happy Birthday anyway :)

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From now on I'll be watchin that spedo like a hawk... or setting cruise control :o


Just a few words for a young driver......."DO NOT USE CRUISE CONTROL ON ICE OR SNOW" I don't mean to yell, but this is very important ;)


Happy Birthday and happy wheeling WAVEY

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Congrats about the birthday, and sorry about the accident and ticket. The good part is it seems like you are taking it in the right spirit and learning from it rather than just whining. Guess you ARE a man now... ;):aok:



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