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Oh what a WONDERFUL day...


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Well, I was late to work because my Pathy didn't want to turn over - dropped to around 40 last night after being around 80 all day... took a few tries for her to turn over, but she finally did... then had no power. I'm guessing condensation somewhere in the system... after a few minutes of idle she was fine, but that ate away my buffer time to get there and, go figure, today the highway was crawling.


Got to work, and goddamn what a day. All day spent correcting other peoples mistakes. Fun fun!


Got out of work and went to get ready for class, and I can't find my damn USB drive with my school projects on them! STILL no idea where it is!


Then, on her way home, my fiance's 99 cavalier gets backed into by an idiot in a Mercedes Benz...


She is a little sore and very shaken, but okay. The car... I dont' know. Hit right between the transaxel and the door on the drivers side... another foot back and it... it could very well have killed her... needless to say I'm a bit shaken right now.


If there's any good news, it's that the other driver already called his insurance, who called us - he's taking full responsibility for the accident (damn well he should, as he backed across the ENTIRE ROAD and INTO HER LANE to hit her!) and is willing to pay for a rental while the car gets fixed (as well as damages of course). Just hoping the soreness in her back and neck is nerves more than actual damage... she didn't get hit THAT hard... but it was VERY close to her.


So yeah... wonderful day for me today... yay... *sighs and goes to find chocolate*

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wow, glad she's alive and I hope that there are no long-term injuries.

as far as the pathy not starting idono what to say mine starts up below freezing even after a day of beeing almost in the sun (over 60 degree drop over night.) maybe somone else has an idea the cause.

best wishes to your fiance in her speedy recovery.

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Holy cow man! What a day! Glad nobody was seriously injured. You guys should definitely have her checked out by a doctor tomorrow to make sure that nothing is seriously wrong, cuz that would be very bad.


Good luck with her and the job tomorrow!

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