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nismothunder last won the day on October 12 2013

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About nismothunder

  • Birthday 12/07/1990

Previous Fields

  • Your Pathfinder Info
    1995 XE 3.0 V-6 Auto LSD rear,Alpine cd and speakers,245/70-16 RoadRunner tires,American racing wheels, Junked the POS vg for a 305 chev, th350, np205, 10bolt front. Roll cage and the sun roof still works. 35 inch claws. I'm finished with it, now onto my full sized monsters.
  • Mechanical Skill Level
    Wrench And Socket Set Mechanic
  • Your Age
  • What do you consider yourself?
    Weekend Warrior
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Contact Methods

  • MSN
    Hey look, I can by pass the safty features
  • Yahoo
    Yeah, I do have a yahoo account. You think I would leave it here.

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Rush city,mn
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Machines that cut metal with lasers, machining and hunting. I'm a truck driver by trade. I build high tourqe non import 8's as a hobby.

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NPORA Old-Timer

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  1. I say top it off with fresh stuff and seafoam. Then run it till the filter starts too clog. I've ran gas that looked like antifreeze without issue and odd cocktails. If it'll burn a gasser will run on it.
  2. I ban ^ Guy because he never brought me a burrito last time I was in seattle.
  3. Congratulations on the recovery of the little one.
  4. Pull the intake. Take pics of the gasket. It sounds like a bad ass intake leak. FYI, you will loose cylinders (not compression) from this. Take the 5 minutes too do so. Might end up saving you some money. Not that I really care. Just giving advice.
  5. Did you remove the valve cover? What did the intake manifold gasket look like?
  6. I will assume you don't know how too get a wet reading.
  7. What was the problem with the factory engine? Besides it having a dead cylinder. Did you ever even look into it?
  8. Yes. But that requires machine work. Kyle wont do that.
  9. No problem. Only one I'm looking too piss off is Kyle. Now. Back too the important stuff. Lets see more speedo's.
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