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Everything posted by Slick

  1. SCHWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!! I had seen those Daytona's a few days ago.. they are wicked cool lookin.. LOVIN that hood....beffy. Congrats on the new member to the family! :cool2:
  2. WELCOME! I have a "Cali" Pathy too! -bounce-
  3. Us 4 door pathy owners forgive you Sc88..LOL. j/p WELOCME!
  4. I agree with earth1 on that price...seems kinda high, but sounds in great condition! BTW..Welcome! I bought my "California" Pathy ('92 XE 114,000miles) 2 years ago for $3,600..from a friend. Not one spot of rust to be found, but some clear coat peeling in back. Glad you have decided to "find your own Path!" hope you enjoy your Pathy as much as we enjoy ours...most of the time! LOL
  5. A retirement home for exhausted vehicles........
  6. rear bumpers mebbe????? schweet.. you can donate it to me when yer done....lol
  7. I like to enjoy the fruits of my labor I guess..and the bragging rights to say "I built that!"
  8. :o that totally sux!! sorry to hear there are still bad peeps in shops... that's so annoying! Glad you got fixed up with a new amp tho!
  9. When it took a crap 2 weeks ago I had changed the h2o pump, pvc valve AND the radiator cap... it finally had pressure going through the hose....so that musta been it's final calling..... I took the fender flares off today, and after the swap meet tomorrow I will be going out in the back 5 and thrashing around in the grassy...wet.. muddy field....
  10. I got the Chevy free...and tho I am disenchanted.. a 4 sale sign is not yet iminent..lol. however!!! lol..j/k. There was no green puddle, cuz it came out with such force it went everywhere up but nowhere down...lol. spewed n puked out the passenger side between the fender n hood..lol. it was quite a geyser! that's what I call "with good force"... I finished (besides clear gloss) painting the Chebby frame today...mebbe the Pathy is jealous again? I had the jealousy problem when I had the Jeep...dang gremlins....SHOO ya lil buggers...SHOO!!!
  11. Yeah, but after $2,000 in new parts...you'd think the gremlins would stay away fer a while It has been one thing after another..no matter how small.. it's really starting to make me doubt my Pathy's reliability......ya know.. the "wonder- what's- next -that -hasn't- already- been- changed" deal? that's why I am sooooo p!ssed. Let her go a few MONTHS without crap happening and I'll shut up...... Remember.. in the last 2 MONTHS I have had the motor out...and then 3 weeks after re-installing the motor MORE stuff went wrong.. then this! DAYUM! Oh, and I checked the hoses thoroughly b 4 reinstalling them....they were FINE. let me wallow in my annoyance fer a few days..then I'll be fine...LOL
  12. Why??? Please oh lord tell me why? Why must my Pathy test my love this year? After allllllllllllllllllll the darn work I have done to my Pathy this year.... she does THIS: http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pathy4x4/det...8ab.jpg&.src=ph And THAT cost me THIS: http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pathy4x4/det...9b2.jpg&.src=ph Which is leading to THIS: -alcohol- -alcohol- :X :furious: :contract: and them more of this: -alcohol- :X Downtown Stockton (CA) on a main road...center lanes....traffic....and **POOF**...out comes the steam, coolant and water from the PS of the hood while @ a red light. So, thanks to the nice people who saw my prediciment, they backed up, made room and I zig zagged to the first road to turn off on..... Made the call to the bf's brother who luckily had not left for work yet..he came out.. he n Dave took off to buy me a new rad hose (he also brought 5 gals of water with him).. and NOBODY had one..UNTIL...they got to BFE and a RICER store... :X which was THE ONLY place that had a rad hose 4 me. $16 + some change later.. and all is well.
  13. I got my shocks at Kragen (rear only) for like $78.. tell them Summit have them for $75.. they have to price match...hehehehehe I have stock front end and shocks. Works fine after a little torsion bar crank...
  14. Get the Perma Cool oil filter relocation kit if yer gunna install the Thorley's.. I installed both and am REALLY REALLY glad I did the perma cool..... And, you'll be fine if you just remove the motor.
  15. Share oh thout's great wisdomw with yee's peers... puleeeeeeeeeeeeeease! Hope the rebuild goes well 4 ya!
  16. there is a thread about this somewhere too but i think it's basically to each their own at this point... In the classifieds..under "services".....
  17. OK. get 2 JGC FRONT coils (93-97..I got 95).. new or used, then get some Rancho 5000 or 9000 series shocks (I went with 5000 p/n5116) and get a spring compressor.. makes life easier. It took me 1 hour to do the JGC install.. hardly any fuss (PS comes out easier than DS) remember to unbolt your brake line for this task.... I used the stock rubbers for the top of the coils when I put the JGC's in..but you can also make your own rubbers.... There are a LOT of write ups about this job...take a look at 88's write up and pics, it will show you how much to cut off the pigtail of the JGC coil I got almost 4" of lift from mine.
  18. Be careful using an easy-out. they CAN break. I used a reverse drill bit, and believe me... I had 4 broken studs... but I took the motor out. As stated above.. be careful of the water jackets. Take your time and use caution, and everything will be ok. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
  19. Pezzy, pass the salt please..... I would be down for the white letters on black tee too! With "find your own Pathy" on the back...... OH! and WEelcome back Mark!! -bounce-
  20. Another update. Almost done with painting the frame..but here's what it looks like so far. Sposed to have t'storms today so no finishing the job today. -bounce- http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pathy4x4/det...80f.jpg&.src=ph http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pathy4x4/det...2c9.jpg&.src=ph BTW.. those 31" Duelers on the front of my frame are going to find their way ontot the Pathy.. VERY sooooooon.........
  21. '92 4 door XE. doing good right now.. avg 16-18 highway and 13-15 town. all that shifting around town sux! That's on 29" tires. (255/70/15) -bounce- I used to get 8-10 before I did the headers n stuff!
  22. My '92 Pathy has a 21 gallon tank.....
  23. You need to go buy a manual and finish your Pathy yourself! My GOD... WTF is this guy doing!??? I think there is a law against that????? Anyhoo... I have high flow cats, but they are a "generic" version.. no big brand name on them, but they work really well. (I have to smog my Pathy)....
  24. I am primarily wanting the disc brakes for the rear for my Pathy, I have drum rear with the ABS right now, but want to convert it, and also just spare drive lines, differentials (I have the LSD) half shafts and goodies like that.... :cool2:
  25. How did yer Pathy stay soooooooooo CLEAN????????? I am impressed! Great pics.. makes me want to take a trip up north.....hmmmm.... -bounce-
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