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Everything posted by Slick

  1. Yeah. I took mine off and loved it, but my tires stuck out waaaay too far, and Cali cops just love to give tickets, so I put them back on 3 days later.....
  2. I wish I could upgrade the cams...but then I wouldn't pass smog...then I wouldn't be able to drive the Pathy on the street... then I would DIE. LOL
  3. :gossip: sssh hmmm.. I got my roack crawlers (15x8..5 lug) for $33 each from 4 Wheel Parts here. (I had my 36" SS Iroks mounted and powder balanced on them).. and those rims look exactly like the ones I picked up at the swap meet for $40....and I sanded the chrome, and painted them black..they look great. I would hold out for a cheaper set....
  4. glad it all worked out! Let us know how they feel after a few good wheeling and road miles. I think I will just hold out for teh Calmini stuff. I already did teh JGC rear thang..and it's wicked good.
  5. Slick


    That sh!t is tooooooooooooooooo funny!!! 18.9? i would definitely race him in my Pathy! ROLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg...the Cali ricers would have a field day on those guys.....thanks for the great laugh! Seafoam... sounds like it casues more harm than good... it cleans..then clogs....what the.... :furious: Use it to clean things out.. then you have to pull all kindsa stuff off to unclog them? humph..... sssh
  6. Another thing I do with EVERY oil change, is add a can of RESTORE with my new oil. I have been using it for several years, on 3 different trucks (not all Nissans) and I swear by the stuff.
  7. Slick

    WTF BBQ?!

    Well Said! PYRO. Come over and set our wasps nests ablaze.....
  8. I got my shocks at Kragen (rear only) for like $78.. tell them Summit have them for $75.. they have to price match...hehehehehe I have stock front end and shocks. Works fine after a little torsion bar crank... I'll just quote myself again as I guess you didn't see it the first time.. LOL -bounce-
  9. Yes, I got considerable HP gain and gas mileage. It doesn't seem to have affected my torque. I gained about 25hp, and my gas mileage went from 8-12mpg to 15-18 (depending on driving conditions ...and my mood..hehe).... They are WELL WORTH the expense indeed. :contract:
  10. My best stuck was when I (with best friend beside me) went wheelin with 7 other friends (3 trucks) and my Jeep was always topless. The boys dared me to get braver with the water/mud hole...and as I grew confident.. I headed for the middle...going too fast..and got cut off.. KERSPLOSH! up over the hood.. a moment of splutter...3 more feet.. and the water coming in under the doors (I had a 6" lift and 33's) she died. us girls were laughing.. the boys thought it all too funny.. and I can ever figure out how to ge tthe video from teh camcorder tape to cd.. I would post it.
  11. sssh Hmm... last time I tried that... the post came out before the dent......just another sector of redneck entertainment I guess.... LOL -alcohol-
  12. OK. I am sold on the "cleaning of the MAF sensor" thing.. I think I will have to go out there this weekend and clean mine now.... -bounce- that is....AFTER I take deliveryof my new truck.. hehehe.. found a 1973 (NO SMOG!!!!!!) to use as a donor for my frame.. it has a 350..fleet side short bed and cab on 2wd frame.. it will all be transplanted to the "Big Ugly" frame.... -bounce-
  13. I asked if anyone wanted a write up or pics on my stuff..but 88 beat me to it...... I have pics up teh ying yang when I pulled the motor.....
  14. Slick

    WTF BBQ?!

    Lucky for you it looked like nobody was "home"..that could have really sucked if they flew around while you were driving! :X
  15. MyPathy would hate me forever if I drove her through there like the second (I think) truck..... umph.. rather them than me! But dang that looked fun!
  16. -bounce- the ticking went away after I installed the Thorleys... and DANGSNABBIT did I get more power!
  17. The pain is shared indeed -alcohol-
  18. The kids are driving around in expensive SUV's.. because their parents aren't there to supervise them.. because... they are working 7 days a week to make $$ for toys.. for themselves, adn their kids..instead of having family time....they learn from teh parents..ok.. so there are a LOT of things I did as a kid my parents didn't do... but as a general rule.. if no one is there to rule the roost.... :gossip:
  19. Yet again, I have been tossed to the jealousy tigers! Looks wicked goooood
  20. Yeah... I have been pissing n moaning about mounting my 31's fer a looooooooong time.. now I can FINALLY do it! YAY! BF has his op tomorrow..but after that.. game on baby! Whooooooohooooooooooo -bounce-
  21. Been there....done that! :X
  22. That's cuz Dave's with me! (that's my bf's name)..hehehe... nice beer bong...... or were you REALLY building a snorkel? hmmm sssh Good luck! post pics!
  23. -bounce- The swap meet was good to me today.. picked these rims up for $40. They started as chrome, but after 1 hour back home...they were sanded down to rough them up and I painted them black to match the ones I am already rolling on. There is a slight difference in backspacing and design.. but I don't think this will hurt too much... I will be mounting my one set of 31's on them tomorrow. (I have 29's on the Pathy right now) Notice how the Pathy has no fender flares.. took them off 3 days ago, but the tires stuck out too much so I had to put them back on today b 4 I got a ticket...like all the darn lowriders have them sticking out into eternity..but I don't need a ticket..sooo I will give in. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pathy4x4/det...1e9.jpg&.src=ph BTW.. the new rims are also 15x8..I know the one looks real small..that's the way the ground is... http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pathy4x4/det...b71.jpg&.src=ph notice the rim design difference.... http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pathy4x4/det...c33.jpg&.src=ph I will take pics after the tires and rims are on the Pathy
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