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Status Updates posted by tmoore4512

  1. Man, I used to live in Seattle. I miss WA. I would frequent BC on a regular basis...used to be some great wheeling around the border.

  2. Love the profile pic...lol

  3. Hey man, where did you score those Chev 2500 KYB shocks? Cannot find them anywhere...

  4. Thanks again dude.

  5. Word. Go get em man.

  6. Man if I still lived on the WC, we would get together and jam!

  7. Not too far from me, we should wheel some time.

  8. How do you like the Calmini HD steering? Worth it? Thinking about the HooHaa myself, as it is about a 1/4 the cost...Get some pics of your rig up bro!

  9. I agree with Pex. You ahve mass knowledge brother.

  10. Oops. PEZ. Its late.

  11. Dude what is it that you do?

  12. Work brother...where do you work...you mentioned in a post, "on duty"

  13. I used to play all the tiem, then work got the best of me...then got married and had kids...time flies bro.

    Believe it or not, the mods to the truck did not cost a ton. Over a period of time I would acquire a part or two when finances would allow it...it was a long slow process...

    Hang in there, just takes time!!

  14. I was about to ask how you did it with our meager IFS setups!!! LOL

  15. Dude, you gotta get some pics up of your ride!!

  16. Man, I have heart burn.

  17. Willy Wonka!!

  18. Gas mileage is average with non ethanol fuel. The lift is nice, as there is no other like it around, which makes it unique...and now it stands out, like a sore thumb. Oh well. I enjoy it, and rarely go off road myself...it is my DD as well.

  19. Thanks man. Here is a link to 88's re-index "how to." It is what I used to get my t-bars right.


    You will have to cut and paste as the comments section wont allow for HTML URL's

  20. Your right, I apologize. However the information is vital if the bars are already cranked and your still sagging. Basically, loosen the top nut, and place a 19 mm wrench on the lower nut, then use a ratchet and turn the bolt, it will raise the front. But make sure you do both sides the same...

  21. You will have to get an alignment after you do bro. Just FYI

  22. I guess it depends, bro. If whoever had the truck before you, had it aligned while sagged, then it will be off when you get it back up to height, and will need it again...or if it sagged since...its hard to tell. Most shops will check it for you, free of charge, and let you know if you need it or not.

  23. Nice write up on the SAS. Did one on an S10 Blazer, and reading your thread brought back memories...Very cool.

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