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Status Updates posted by NissanNismoZ

  1. now all i have left is to fix my speed sensor code and ill be a lot happier.

  2. Pathy deserved itself a new 800CCA battery..compared to its old 525CCA..its TONS better. it even cranks over a LOT quicker. :) Then traded my old battery for a steel rim mathing my truck!

  3. Do WD21's ball joints come with grease fittings? im hoping i may be able to get away with just repacking them...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trogdor636


      Stock ones? No. Aftermarket, maybe. If your ball joint is clunking greasing it probably wont help.

    3. nunya


      if the ball joint is bad, just replace it. it's kinda helping hold on an important part of the truck.

    4. 5523Pathfinder


      Some baljoints did come with them. My 95 has greasable uppers, but not lowers. There may be a bolt in the hole where you can install a zerk fitting.

  4. So..a D21 pulls up beside me at a stop light..what happens when the light turns green? somehow we stay completely even with each other... it was actually highly amusing knowing things the guy driving it probably didnt know.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NissanNismoZ


      is it seriously? i ended up passing them..but..i thought they had the same engine?


    3. Trogdor636


      Some do. Most have the 4 cylinder. Either engine, a Hardbody is normally quicker because they are so much lighter.

    4. Trogdor636


      Some do. Most have the 4 cylinder. Either engine, a Hardbody is normally quicker because they are so much lighter.

  5. Pathy is shiny...

    1. Reshma


      Pathy was shiny....

  6. Pathy's can go where Jeeps cant! :P It's really funny hen they think opposite and you have to pull them with your pathy. ;)

    1. Tungsten


      You just found out?

    2. smoke


      Its damn funny when you have a full size truck trying to pull a county cop car out of dich and u show him up.... also funny as hell when you pull the same full size F-350 quad cab long bed out of a dich a mile down the highway.... luv my R50


  7. So..rear diff fluid began pouring out as soon as i pulled the plug..doesnt that mean its full/overfull? would it being too full cause the whirring noise i hear around 35mph?

    1. MrT


      I suppose it could froth the fluid making air bubbles that reduce lubrication? just a guess though. The noise would be from wear on the gears though... does it do it with the popper amount of fluid?

    2. NissanNismoZ


      true..well..i let it drain out (assuming it would be the right thin to do since it was so full, and the noise is definitely a lot quieter! its still there..but a LOT quieter. i dont even see how you can really even overfill it..

    3. nunya


      Same way you can drain too much... Depends on the angle the truck was parked when filled

  8. Engine analyzer tomorrow! Cant wait to see if there's something going on i dont know about...

  9. New vacuum lines can work wonders....

  10. anyone ever thought of replacing the N with a W on their gearshift? so it goes PRWD21?

  11. Pathy's need a sharper turning circle, anyone else agree?!

    1. Tungsten


      Learn to powerslide

    2. Slartibartfast


      You can probably remove the steering snubbers, though I dunno if the CVs would like it. Plan B: put a Waggy front axle in the back. 4x4x4 FTW!

  12. hmm..what to do to improve pathy's performance..seeing how i've given up on my CEL..which acts more like its a VSS code than a MAF code. Any ideas?

  13. my blinkers actually click loud enough to hear when its cold out!

    1. Reshma


      XD i never hear mine cuz i always have music blasting. Sometimes i end up driving miles down the freeway with the blinker running. XD

    2. NissanNismoZ


      so it was YOU!


    3. Reshma


      XD yes...yes it was. :)

  14. ..violent misfire.. thats what SHE said!

  15. next project....push button start!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NissanNismoZ


      if you do, make sure you include a write up! would you wire it up through the relay...or what?

    3. Tungsten


      Do you mean remote start or a button on the dash board? If you want to start from a button on the dash and not from the key just don't do it. PM me and I will explain why.

    4. Reshma


      Well the old truck you had to put a key in then push a little red button and she would fire right up. :)

  16. why isnt straight wiring the MAF sensor to the ECU working??

    1. Tungsten


      How did you connect it? Two wires go to the ECU and one goes to the battery.

    2. NissanNismoZ


      B to pin 17 and C to pin 16

  17. Okay..its just set in stone..there's nothing to do about pathys CEL.. 100$ goes to the person who figures it out.

  18. electrical leaks suck...:(

    1. nunya


      let all the smoke out?

  19. stupid CEL is seriously stressing me out.. about to go completely insane...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. adamzan


      Pull the bulb out?

    3. NissanNismoZ


      that still doesnt fix my cruise control!

      and..its bugging me to know what it is..

      my cruise doesnt work with an engine light..


    4. adamzan


      Something to do with the speed sensor then?

  20. finally.. got my timing belt and coolant..now just to wait until friday to afford the water pump and thermostat..

  21. Wow..the difference two newer tires can make.. it only makes it easier to speed is the problem...

  22. Well..im off to a start with two new tires, atleast.. anythings better than what i have.. Goodyear Wrangler RT/S...anyone know if they're good or bad?

    1. nismothunder


      Decent street tire, not really a off road tire but there decent wearing when ran correctly. One set lasted 78k another lasted less then 60k.

  23. i hate you too, tension rod. -.-

    1. Harbinger


      I'm hating mine right now too.

    2. Tungsten
  24. Finally..got the keyless/alarm brains from another pathy and it works great! :)

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