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Status Updates posted by Reshma

  1. I just read 14 of 19 pages in this forum....Its soo interesting. lmfao http://www.nissanpathfinders.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=22491&st=260

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Reshma


      oh well. your loss.

    3. Tungsten
    4. tekazgtr1984


      In all fairness, humour can be taken out of the situation, to a point. But Alex's excuses and general idiocy went from funny to downright ridiculous in record time. Having been resolved, I can look back on this situation now and shake my head. Things got pretty outta hand, though. But I'm not about to rag on some kid over the interwebs as to what's funny and what's not funny. Glad you could enjoy it, I guess. :P

  2. Soo Im looking for a Land Rover....Please dont hate me. XD

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Der_Vier
    3. ANDY


      since you want a gas friendly car get a prius ha ha

    4. NissanNismoZ


      meep meeep. oh wait i think the horn says im gay im gay..

      haha..sorry. seen the prius and thought id have to make a joke i seen on the comedy show. :P

      though in all honesty..the pathy would eat a prius.....as an appetizer.

  3. soo...limo for senior prom or clean the truck re paint it and a new set of rims...choices choices...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Reshma


      XD you make a good point

    3. headpeace


      No doubt man, more than likely in a year you won't even talk to this chick, don't let your date decide how YOU spend YOUR money.

    4. Tungsten


      lol @ more than likely

  4. Umm why cant i find good BFG M/T's that fit my truck?!?!? according to the site only A/T's fit....WTF

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Reshma


      Thanks for the input. Im going with A/T's a I guess...when i lift i will have M/T's

    3. silverton


      AT's are better for snow, MT's are better for... well, mud.

    4. silverton


      AT's are better for snow, MT's are better for... well, mud.

  5. The older wd21's are smaller arent they. I saw one today and it was tiny as HELL

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Reshma


      coulda just been you aswell?


      XD jokeslol

    3. Tungsten


      one of those 2 doors did that to me as well it just seemed so much smaller and i was mind blown

    4. unccpathfinder


      if i see a WD on stock tires it looks small to me...but i'm used to seeing mine and the gf's on 33's now...but yea i was there not too long ago

  6. Went out to the truck to find out I have a leak somewhere around the sunroof. Driver's seat was soaked and the mat was covered in water. Now I want to sell this truck and buy a car.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. silverton


      If you've got bloody water, there are other things should be looking in to!

    3. Tungsten


      it's the windshield

    4. Reshma


      No. Its leaked through the sunroof. I found Ice there this morning.

  7. 100+ mph on the highway. Our 153hp Pathy's keep up pretty well with the new ones.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. nismothunder


      3k at 100 seems low in od. Mine was at 3k at 80 in od.

    3. Reshma


      4 speed auto's DAMN. lol. Im on some next @!*%.

    4. 1994SEV6


      for me, 100mph=jail


  8. Hey NPORA!! Im Back

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nunya


      you cant be all back, gotta be half front....

    3. Reshma


      Sorry. LOL




    4. Towncivilian
  9. On the 95's When the running lights are on. is the section with PRND21 supposed to light up? mine is completely dark. so i was wondering if i needed a new bulb or it is supposed to be like that.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NissanNismoZ


      my bad..to make myself more clear.. pull the leather boot on the 4X4 shifter, look around for a little lightbulb..or even a light somewhere..i felt around and found the hole, and re-positioned it. :)

    3. Towncivilian


      "i felt around and found the hole"

      you set yourself up for that one buddy

    4. NissanNismoZ


      LOL hey, sometimes, you gotta do what you've gotta do.

  10. so those screws, in the inner step thingy next to seats on the floor holding the carpet down, are completely false and useless or are my threads striped because i tried using a screw driver and it did nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. adamzan


      No because the holes are designed for the little fastners. Just turn the nut slowly and maybe try and get a finger nail under it to encourage it to come up, once you get them all the trim just comes off.

    3. Reshma


      ima try ur idea Tungsten

    4. Tungsten


      just keep the round retainers don't remove them or you will have square holes

  11. I need metal paint to spray my legos right? Any sanding or primer first? could i use bedliner?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Reshma


      well do i need special paint for metal or is normal spray paint fine?

    3. Tungsten


      Most if not all automotive paint is for metal. VHT paint is good stuff if you can get that.

    4. Reshma
  12. Mods can delete this account. :] I won't be coming back to NPORA.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Reshma


      um.. first..


    3. Trogdor636


      For a guy not coming back, you sure do log in everyday.....

    4. Reshma


      Waiting to see if it was deleted yet... and it auto logs me in on chrome.


      I just open the page. see if my status is still up then close it.

  13. removing tints so i dont get a ticket.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Reshma


      i fskcing hate ny tint laws

    3. devonianwalk


      It seems the further south you go the more lax the tint laws get.

    4. devonianwalk


      It seems the further south you go the more lax the tint laws get.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. silverton


      I just vomited.

    3. OldSlowReliable


      if he can get 3 outta that, mine is worth 100k....

    4. Der_Vier


      Didn't know illegals made it into Indiana. . .either that or its some ghetto homeboy.

      Make's lowering and cramming 22"s on a d21 seem civil

  14. I could just take a can of spray paint to the tire carrier right? no primer or anything?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Reshma


      ^ has given me more work...i think i'll leave the tire carrier alone for now.

    3. Slartibartfast


      I just chipped the nasty bits off and hosed it with rustoleum mock-hammerite. It's held up pretty well so far, and looks much nicer... except for the rust and grease coming out of the bushings.

    4. NissanNismoZ


      all i did was sand it down with a bit of rough material and painted it..so far so good!

  15. I really dislike the fact that I was relaying information to inform a person on my status on a purchase and my rep was brought down 2 points. I honestly dont think it was necessary.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reshma


      I under stand the winter Pics one. I was being an A** then. But i had gotten points off when i said my dad is afraid my the pathfinder we were looking at might die or need work. We just dont want to get stuck with something we need to put money into right now.

    3. Reshma


      And thank you for helping me out with my rep.

    4. Tungsten


      the point is if you are afraid, then don't reply with things like i want it but i'm afraid to buy it because it will die because then people will think you are trolling

  16. Somebody found and sent my wallet back to me. :D IM SOOO HAPPAY. TIME TO RESPPOND TO THIS PERSON. HE OR SHE DESERVES A MEDAL. AGREE?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tungsten


      Did they take all the cash?

    3. Reshma


      i was broke when i lost it so no. XD

    4. Precise1


      I always have a note in my wallet that says "If you find this, please take all the cash as a reward and send the rest back to me at this address. Thanks much and I hope it was payday that you found it."


      It gets you your wallet and cards back...



  17. okay I will stay. stop begging. XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reshma


      You know it!

    3. nunya


      Typical, can't be without attention

    4. Reshma


      That's me. Attention whore! :D

  18. went to the park yesterday.....lost my license. I can no longer drive.

    1. Tungsten


      Why? Did you wheel in the park? lol

    2. Reshma


      LMAO. noo Bmxing. i found my permit and test results. so i cn drive again. YAAAYY


    3. Tungsten


      oh i thought a cop took your license away

  19. how could i get some led strips to light up only when the interior lights are on. or doors are opened? could i splice a certain wire and then connect it there? or must i do a whole bunch of wiring?

    1. OldSlowReliable


      run a wire from the dome light to a relay that controls the led lights, and if I were you, I'd add a manual switch so I could turn them on alone.


    2. OldSlowReliable


      if you don't want to run from dome light, you can run it from the dome light fuse area, or the door switch

    3. Reshma
  20. Looks like the guys at thenissanpath.com are going to let me attempt to run TOM. well there its POTM. Anyways wish me luck. HOPE to SEE MANY NOMINATIONs (since there isnt many restrictions) :)

    1. nunya


      i quit reading at 'thenissanpath.com'...

    2. Trogdor636


      Haha, I somehow found that place a week before here, glad I kept looking.

    3. Reshma


      oh yea. I prefer NPORA ten fold. but still. XD im going to give it a shot.

  21. GODDAMMIT, couldnt remember if there was a S at the end of the url to this site...i wrote nissanpathfinder.net.....time to run outside and fix the note

    1. Reshma
    2. nismothunder
    3. Reshma


      yea, but if i wrote NOPRA and left it on a note it wouldnt jump out as a pathfinder website.


  22. That guy who puts up the useless status to stay on the main page. :]

    1. 1994SEV6


      what's a "status"?

    2. nismothunder


      Its like dry humping.

    3. Reshma
  23. Nunya? Marck TOM time? LoL just a reminder.

    1. 5523Pathfinder


      what is being Marck?

    2. Reshma


      March* Wow I didnt even notice...3:15 in the morning

    3. 5523Pathfinder


      Makes sense. I thought maybe it was some wierd NY thing...

  24. Unaware of the fact I shouldn't promoting another forum on here. Whoops. Sorry. The butthurt has been heard. I also didn't know I was banned until 1 hour before it was over. Full weekend huh?

    1. nismothunder
    2. nunya


      Maby you should read the forum guidelines before posting things. Ignorance is no excuse and will not be accepted as one.

    3. Reshma


      yea, i understand. I'll refrain from speaking of it again.


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