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Vsicks Pathy

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Everything posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. 1. Availability, I have never seen one here.... Not that I bothered to ever look mind you. Just haven't had the need to. I don't want to have to hunt one down or try ebay... I have the unit and want to install it.. YESTERDAY! 2. The stereo/head unit comes with its own plug(s). 3. It is not hard to splice the stereo/head unit plug that came with your particular unit... 4. Correct me if I am wrong here but.... A "universal" adapter still has to be spliced into the stereo/head unit plug as well as the cars wiring harness doesn't it? So why use it and make the job harder with twice the splice work? 5. Money to buy this useless piece of hardware. Granted, I don't know how much one would cost but the conflicting prices here are enough to turn me off anyway. Need I go on?
  2. Repost nearly! Find out why they are closing. I think you'll find there are valid reasons for the closures if the reasons for them are anything like they are here. Ultimately, what it comes down to is, that a few f*ckwits spoil it for everyone else and it is hard to argue the damage that these few thoughtless idiots do.
  3. You'll have to take a pic of how the plumbing fitted in with your twin turbos.
  4. I can't think of any excuses but I can think of reasons.
  5. That is a f*cking good map. I am laughing to the point of wetting my pants. Still, if they used this map in US schools, they'd know where the USA was would they. lol.
  6. Disregarding her answer, let's be honest, she's too hot to even notice that she spoke... the door is still wide open as to why 1/5 of Americans can not find America on a map. I thought that most Americans pointing out Australia and thinking it was Iraq was a sad reflection on your education standards.. I think this is far worse. Pathetic!
  7. Package it and hope the owner doesn't see the add. Good score btw.
  8. You'd think that you would be able to transfer the registration upon sale like when you sell a car. That's how it works here.
  9. You missed my point mz. I am referring specifically to stuff like this. The urgency is is clear and the help came thick and fast, yet we, as a collective, are none the wiser as to what the problem actually was or even if it was resolved. There are hundreds of similar postings and it doesn't add to our knowledge base. I think it is just a lack of courtesy that people don't give the final resolve and I felt compelled to rant about it..
  10. Seems only a 'Richard Cranium' can not tell how an "internet brawl" is started. The debate proved in favour of gun control. Even the most pigheaded pro NRA member on this board admitted as much, hence this thread was over long ago. His silence on elaborating on what he said was in itself enough said. Unfortunately idiots, like you, are always just around the corner aren't they. Even if your diatribe has nothing at all to do with anything the topic suggests, you can't help but post up a childish little rant just so you can lay claim as to trying to have a go at me. I would lay money down that they are far more intelligent than you could ever aspire to be. To attack everyone on this board as you just did speaks volumes about your character and low intellect. Mmmmm, better not look at your post then???? Wow, I only act intelligent.... at least you said I can act, unlike you. And, our first and more than likely only point of being able to agree with something... Get a life! By the way, your name.. Benfreeride... free ride like as in a parasite, yes. Benparasite, you're new here and bore me already... YAWN!
  11. I'll go out on a limb here and state the painfully obvious. GLOBES!
  12. I hear that there may be a draft in the USA to sustain the US military numbers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Has anyone else heard this? Is there any truth to these rumours?
  13. Yep I agree 100% with jj, the Pathy engine bay is tiny, one of the smallest I have ever seen, and you'd never fit your twin turbo setup in there without spending mega $$$$$ on extensive structural and body mods.
  14. Why don't you take your spare and see if it fits his car? That way you will know for sure.
  15. Barr your 'coolant' reply, you have a lot of good advice. I will add to it with tyre pressure. Correct tyre pressure is vital for good fuel economy too.
  16. I'd hasten to say the he has resolved the problem already. Has noone noticed the lack of reply? One can only assume it has been fixed. As to what the fix was.... who knows!
  17. Someone lend poondo a camera so he can post a pic! :worthless: :worthless: :worthless:
  18. No one is talking about a pat on the back or who's right or wrong, I am looking to see the 'fix' of a problem. IMO, taking from the pool of knowledge but not putting anything back in it will only cause it to run dry. I would like to deepen it.
  19. Freak city right here guys. Take a f*cking pill!
  20. What really annoys me is when people ask for help to solve a problem, we give it and they can't be bothered getting back to us with what the problem actually was. Boo Hoo, it makes this noise or that goes bang when I do that. Please help me blah blah blah, cry cry. We give our sometimes limited knowledge on what the problem might be based on what is conveyed. More often than not there are many different answers. FFS if you ask for help and the help did help say so so we can add to our pool of knowledge for future reference. Even if the help didn't help, post up what the problem was. Or is that too much to ask?!
  21. Is your fan spinning the correct way?
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