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Hi All,


I tried doing a search and didn't come up with anything, so decided to ask just in case someone has a tip...


I hit the rear view mirror with my head today (while leaning in the passenger door) and knocked it off of it's mount. It is a 99 pathy so it mounts from the roof - not from the windshield, I was in a hurry and didn't get a chance to look closely at it (plus it was dark). I will look closer tomorrow but does anyone have any suggestions or tips when putting it back on? It doesn't look like anything broke, so I'm sure I'll get it back up there tomorrow.


Thanks for the help...


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  • 1 year later...

Just get a replacement for another vehicle that mounts to the windshield.. I hate that review mirror that refuses to hang parking passes properly...

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Haha, I totally have knocked mine off twice since I've had it...it's a simple deal and takes 12 seconds to put back on.


And RowOSU, I hate how my IU parking pass hangs weird, against the windshield. Why did they design it like that? I just don't get it...

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