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How A Bill Becomes A Law


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Just because i'm an A$$. It has come to my attention that alot of the out of USA people don't understand why some bills have not become law.

Lets use gun control for aguments sake, and the last one i voted NO on.


Iwill explain this in laymans terms so us dumb folks can understand

A bill is read to the court

The bill is refered to the commitee (depends on what commitee the bill falls under.. i don't know all of them)

The commitee reviews the bill

The commitee takes action. The following is what can be done


1) report the bill with favorable recommondation

2) report the bill with amendments and a favorable recommondation

3) report the bill with the recommondation that s substitute be adopted

4) reprt the bill without recommondation

5) report the bill with the recommondation that the bill be refered to another committee

6) take no action on a bill

7) vote to note report a bill out of committee


so, generally speaking it seams like action 2 and 3 are the most common by the commitee.


so this goes down the chain, through the house, and or senate. then to the governor. if the governor vetoes it.. then back to the commitee it goes. for round two. you see a trend here?


Also there has to be a minimum of 3 readings of the bill (note, they don't read all of it, and you can look this up).


Generally by the time a good bill gets to vote, it is so screwed up that the original intent was lost. example.


about 9 years ago here in washington they tried to introduce trigger locks. I would have voted for trigger locks. I think its a good safety precaution when you have kids around. But by the time it went to vote here is what it was


1 trigger locks

2 manditory licence

3 licence is given by the DMV (department of motor vehicles)

4 some other BS that i can't remember


Now the bad. the way the law would have worked is;

If I had a licence for my 3 rifles but my wife did not, and i was over sees on a business trip (as i alwasy am) my wife would have been commiting a FELONY for having guns in the house that she did not have a licence for.



WHAT KIND OF BS IS THAT? Would you vote fore that law? trigger locks.. yes, giving the police the ammo to put my wife in jail? NO

I like our system and i don't have a better one. is it perfect? NO.


I just wanted some of our friends understand why we don't have some of the laws we should. and ignorance of how the system works is a big problem.


I didn't research any of this. this is what i KNOW. No links, no go read this statistic.. just a fact on how our system works

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Yeah, it gets rediculous sometimes. It would be good if the fat cats on the Hill would come down from their ivory towers once in a while and live among us "regular" folks. Then maybe they would see how their actions actually affect the citizens they were elected to govern.


And for further information on how a bill becomes a law, click here.


Edited by jj big shoe
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well, there are a couple of other things.. if the bill passes both senate and the house then it has to go back into a committee where they make one bill out of the two. usually the house and senate versions are never the same and sometimes not even close. so in reality the bill that was actually voted on is not really the bill that comes out in the end. (are we really represented? hmm)


another thing is that even if the governor (or prez) vetoes a bill the house/senate can over ride that veto but it has to be 2/3 majority in most instances.


and also, the ammendments (addendums) don't always have anything to do with the real meat of a bill. that's how we get the pork barrel projects.


in my state, any bill that makes it out to become a law, HAS TO PASS again in 2 YEARS otherwise it's striken from the books. i realy like that safety valve from those idiots. things don't change that much around here.. lol

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Yeah, they get sneaky on throwing things into Bills in the fine print on the back page.


They would think its a contract.. well actually i guess it is. But how would that work if i didn't put my name on it?..



Hmmm..a loophole?

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