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Everything posted by vengeful

  1. My insurance will pay for any vehicle, up to a maximum of $750 per claim. And Pezzy...if I do lose the Pathy, I've got a set of sliders with your name on `em if you're interested.
  2. Hey, I'm not the one who smashed my rocker panel, on an easy trail no less!! How did you do that one, anyways? Make it down 16 without a problem (well, except for the bead, but that's an easy fix...but smash your rocker on that trail...don't remember what it was now...
  3. Welome! No need to apoligize, your english is very good...probably better than most Americans! I know some people were asking about Air Lift for their Pathies...not sure if you've stumbled across that thread yet, but its in the General Questions forum. Also, the GNV Conversion is very interesting, however, it is not easy to find around where I live. Heck, neither is Diesel.
  4. Well, to tell the honest truth, before I got my Pathy, I was looking at...and here's the list... Cherokee Blazer Discovery 4Runner Passport Explorer Expedition And that's just what I was seriously considering. Then I drove a Pathy, and was like...WOW! This thing blows the others out of the water. Told my car dealer buddy what I wanted...5 days later, he had THE TRUCK I requested on his lot...From ARIZONA no less. About a year later, I tried to sell it for an IS300. Then a year after that I tried to sell it for a GTI VR6. Then about 4 months later, a WRX. And from about 18 months ago, I started to think...maybe I should have gotten an Xterra or Frontier from the start... And about a year ago, I really started to wish I had bought a stick.
  5. I am exchanging the Rendezvous tonight for a Cobalt....it is cheaper, and will allow me to keep the rental car longer on my insurance's dime while I look for a new truck should the need arise. I am bringing the Pathy to the doctors tomorrow after work to have her looked at...which reminds me I have to wash her tonight... sssh At this point, I'm actually more worried that they're going to fix it and she won't ever be the same as she was, because, this is the second impact that has affected the frame. I will make a point of telling that to the body shop estimator, and see what his/her opinion is on whether or not it should be fixed. I have already accepted the fact that my Pathfinder ownership may well be soon coming to a close. However, I don't know whether I want my truck back or to get the Frontier more. I have always wished I bought a 5-speed truck in the first place. Also, if it is deemed "unfixable" (by insurance standpoints anyways), then I won't have to worry about potential structural issues from the frame damage, the timing belt coming up in 5k miles, or any of the other little problems that I've been having with it recently. But, have no fear. I will be getting another Pathfinder in the near future...preferably an early-90 m/y 2-Door. Yes, they do exist with the MPI, but are very hard to come by. Similar to the Fronty I'm after.
  6. It's a self portrait...that's what I look like at night... sssh
  7. I hope you're right...I just hope that they dont start to work on it, then find a lot of hidden damage, and then the insurance decides to total it out instead of fixing it, and then I have no chance of scavenging anything from it...i.e. all my stereo equipment and the like...that would REALLY piss me off. Although, there are times (and they have become more frequent over the past 6 months), when I'd wished I'd gotten a Frontier from the start... But, have no fear, even if FindAPath does get totalled...I will have another Pathfinder (a 2-door 90 with the MPI.. ) in almost no time...even if it means selling my Rabbit.
  8. Just priced it with the options I want...05 Crew Cab, NISMO Frontier with Traction and Towing packages comes to an MSRP of $28,950. Only 2 problems I can see though... 1) I can't get a NISMO Crew in a stick. 2) I can't turn $13,000 into $29,000 in a timely manner.
  9. Yes, it is the OEM silver one. It's just sitting in my garage collecting dust and cobwebs... Shipping...hmm...Probably about $30-35 (may vary because I just guestimated on the weight and size) thru FedEx...a lot less than I was charged by UPS to ship the other one.
  10. vengeful


    Wow, that looks really good man! I'd be happy if my truck comes back looking that good!
  11. Yes, Marcel, I am aware of the NISMO Frontier having a rear locker, however, I'm probably only going to get $11k from my insurance for the truck if it is totalled, and I can probably sell all my VW stuff and remaining Pathy parts for about another $3k, and my dad will probably loan me a couple bucks, so I'll likely be working with only about $13-15k....and I can't afford to finance anything....no steady job.
  12. Exactly Pezzy, and everyone else. If they decide that it's worth fixing (which I seriously hope they do, but I am prepared for the worst), it is going to go to Olde Town Auto Body, the best body shop within 200 miles of here, and the most highly regarded body shop by my insurance, my mechanic and everyone else I've talked to. They did the work on my truck after my first accident (where the outside rear tire blew out in the rain going around a curve and I spun off the road, $6500 in damage, truck was PERFECT), so I'm not going in blind. And I know that not ALL jeepers are jerks, but most of the ones that I come across are usually very self-important and condescending. But that's just my perception of them... As for the rental, yes, the Rendezvous is comfortable, and QUIET, too! I'm so used to the constant HUMMMMM of my tires and I got used to gauging my speed by the wind and road noise...well, the Rendezvous has no wind or road noise when the windows are closed, and well, it got away from me on several occasions. In fact, on one occasion, I caught myself flying up on this car, looked down, and realized I was going over 110!! (That's where the speedometer ends.) Right after I slowed down to about 70 (65mph limit), Instant-On KA Band hit on the Radar Detector....WHOA! That was close! And that tells me that I can never own a fast car, because I WILL get into a LOT of trouble. I put over 1000 miles on it since picking it up yesterday and my back or legs don't hurt, which I must say is pretty good, because my knee would always bother me after a long drive in the Pathy.
  13. The Rendevous is a rental, and is being returned tomorrow and exchanged for a Cobalt (or similar)... How does it handle? Pretty OK. The suspension is way too soft, the seats offer absolutely no support (but they certainly are cushy!!), there is beaucoup room in the thing, little storage places everywhere! It's slower than molasses off the line thanks to a piggish 3400 EFI V6 and an overactive traction control system. The brakes are way too touchy. The E-Brake is a joke. Oh, and did I mention that it's the second ugliest car on the road...Next to the Pontiac Asstek (which is the same vehicle, only Pontiac). And only a temporary setback, as I've already decided what I want if my Pathy gets totalled out (which I'm prepared for, but praying doesn't happen, because I love that truck more than I did my ex-g/f!) LOL. But I've decided that I want to get an 01+ Crew Cab, Short Bed Frontier, 5-speed, 4x4 (of course), black on grey cloth (same color scheme as my Pathy). I'm going to find out whether she will go into surgery, or they'll pull the plug either tomorrow or Wednesday....keep your fingers crossed for me.
  14. Good News! Insurance is covering it....And they're covering a rental for me! Except, that the rental car that I got is embarrasing to drive....It's a Buick Rendevous...it's ridiculous, I hate it. LOL...
  15. I didn't do the front, I had a suspension specialist friend of mine do it for me. Hell, he only charged me $50 plus a case of beer, and I didn't have to screw with the strut assembly crap, so why not, right? But uhh...it seems that the metal is torn. I'm guessing they can just tear it apart and replace the mount. Unless there is frame damage, then they'll have to put it on the frame machine to straighten it out. Hopefully it's not too bad and they don't decide to junk it...cuz that would S-U-C-K SUCK! Anyways, insurance is going to cover it, and they gave me a rental....a damn Buick Rendevous...how the heck does that qualify as a comparable vehicle? I guess size wise, maybe.... Anyways...I got a long day tomorrow, gotta drive to Rochester...
  16. I was ran through a big honkin sink hole earlier today, and my strut tower has partially separated from the inner fender skin. It seems to have just been held together with rivets origially. What I want to know is... Is this fixable? Can it just be welded back together? Can the whole assembly be replaced? Or is my truck F'ed? No pics yet, no camera cord.
  17. Ok, so I'm driving down the beach going to the store just now, and I'm almost at the end to where I pick up the road. This asshat jeeper driving a wrangwhore decides that he's better than I am since he's in a Heep and turns right into my path and blows his horn at me to get out of his way....Well, being the nice courteous guy that I am, I turn to the right to let the c-sucker go by. When I do this, I see there's a BIG UCKINFAY SINK HOLE directly in front of me, that I have absolutely no hope of avoiding, thanks to the jackass in the heep. So I slam on the brakes to slow down enough to hit it without causing damage, but I only decellerate to about 20mph and I hit it... This thing must have been at least 2 feet deep....truck must have gone airborn, cuz when it came down it hit H-A-R-D HARD HARD HARD....and then bounced back up. I'm not sure of the extent of the damage as of yet, but I do know that the strut tower has been partially separated from the inner fender skin, and the steering shaft is rubbing against it. I'm also pretty sure that the struts are blown and at least one of my Ranchos are bent. No pics as of yet, cuz I don't have the cord for the camera with me here, and I'm too pissed off still to take pics... I wouldn't be that bent about it, but I'm 300 miles from home, 10 miles up a beach, and I have to drive to Rochester tomorrow and then I've got a Paragon trip planned for next weekend. Looks like I won't be going to Paragon.... :furious: I'm hoping that by some touch of God I can get the truck into a shop tomorrow and get it fixed by Thursday, and that my insurance will cover a rental car and the damages....because I really cannot afford this. I need a drink.
  18. I've had CafePress t-shirts in the past, and I must say, they are not worth the money or the trouble. It would be a much better idea to have a professional silkscreening shop make the t-shirts, and have a Paypal account setup to accept the payments for the shirts, then all the profits go straight to NPORA. That's my $0.02. I would be proud to sport an NPORA shirt, but I do not want to spend $13, $15, or even $5 on a shirt with a cheezy iron-on graphic that will come off after 2 or 3 washes. I know of a screenprinting/silkscreening shop that does absolutely outstanding work. I have a few t-shirts made by them, and have put them through numerous washes (probably on the order of 40-50) and they are just starting to show wear. Yes, they cost more up front, but think of it this way, would you rather spend $20 on a t-shirt now, and have it last you 2, 3 years or longer, or spend $13 on a shirt and have it last only 2-3 months. Also, with a professionally made shirt, it will make them stand out that much more, people will notice them thinking "Wow, that's a nice shirt! I wonder what it's all about?" instead of, "Damn, that is one stupid looking shirt, I bet they got it from CafePress." Another thing, I absolute despise shirts with different color sleeve and collar endings like the ones Kris posted. The shirt design needs to flow with the color of the shirt. A design with a black background is going to look retarded on a white shirt. Also, you have to make sure that the aspect ratio of the design is maintained, otherwise it will look very skewed (which is another issue with the CafePress stuff, they make the designs square to fill the back of the shirt, even if they're not, and mess up the aspect ratio of them.) Look closer at the back of the shirt that Kris posted with Mr.Jim's Pathy jumping...it looks tweaked, and that makes the shirt look crummy, IMO. Why don't we look into getting someone with experience designing shirts to step in and take the reigns on the design, and then I, along with several other people, can step forward, and bring the designs to t-shirt shops around the country, and get quotes, and make a determination from there. I know that Pezzy has some experience with this, since she did the design for the SOXC Tee's last year. If she can't do it, or would rather not, we could try to get ahold of Brad (RedX, on other forums), as he has done all the t-shirts for NOAS, and they look awesome. Or, if someone here has graphic design skills and wants to show off a lil, come on down, show your skills! My feeling on this, is that if we're going to do it, we may as well do it right. No shortcuts, no easy way out, no cheesy photoshopped collages. I've seen shirts like that, and while the design may look good on a computer screen, it usually looks cheesy or trashy on a shirt. Something to think about.
  19. hahaha...I just did a Google Image search for "Pathfinder Chick" and ET was the first hit...Proving at they do not exist in this dimension....Pezzy and Slick must be extra-dimensional...LOL. Here's the sexiest woman alive....even though she is in a heep, a girl willing to do this supercedes the fact that she's in a heep. http://community.webshots.com/photo/43839272/62913183VQpCJR#
  20. We're only here till Saturday Morning, but, I was thinking of makin my way down to the Hatteras park either Tomorrow or Friday if it's nice out.
  21. Bringing this back up in light of the recent Fundraiser thread. Have we figured out what to do on the picture issue? Have we found a shop? (I have a line on a place that does EXCELLENT work at GREAT prices.) I think those are the only two hangups we were having back in December..
  22. Even though this way didn't work out, I like what you're thinking wheelman...I think we should try to come up with other ideas to raise money for the club...outside of membership fees and donations of course.... Maybe we could get that T-shirt thing started back up again, and have all the profits go straight to the club? I may have a line on a shirt place that does excellent work, too.
  23. Hey Dude! I saw your truck the other day pulling out onto 158 West! Totally bad-freakin-ass! And in case you're wondering, I'm vacationing here in OBX (staying north of Corolla about 9 miles past where Paved NC12 ends...I'm lovin it down here!
  24. If anyone needs one, I've got a used, but mint drivers side 96-99. I'd prefer not to ship it, cuz it was a PAIN to pack up the other one, but say...$50 + shipping/handling, or $50 pickup. I've already gotten sliders, so I have no use for them and figured one of you would rather spend less and just replace the bad one...heh. Anyways, I'm gone for a week starting tomorrow, and I'll have limited access to the board, so email me at findapath@gmail.com if you're interested.
  25. The steps are generally outlined on the back of the remote, or in the user manual for the alarm (if it's aftermarket) or the vehicle owners manual (if it's factory). I know on my aftermarket alarm, I have to press 2 buttons on the remote simultaneously to deactivate valet mode.
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