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Everything posted by daftpup

  1. My flabber is gasted! That thing is is a Sherman tank Terrano...great vid Anyone wanna swap an r50 for a Sherman tank?
  2. Silly redfinder...THIS is my wife!
  3. Beautiful job dude. That baby is gleaming. I can see alot of swirls in my truch cuz it's black and would like to do something similar. Approximately how much time and money did you invest?
  4. Yeah...aint she a sexy chick?
  5. Have a nice holiday everyone Canadian.
  6. I'm not from the rock Riddles but I'm currently in Comox visiting my Mom and doing some work on her place. Gotta go home today so I'm bummed...it's frickin amazing out here. While I was here, I noticed there are way more Pathfinders rollin around than in Winnipeg. Climate/salt could be one reason but it still makes me go hmmm.. I mean i see more wd21's but I've also noticed alot of r50's as well. I Know there are a few British Columbians on the board, What gives? Anybody with theories on Pathfinder Nation.
  7. http://www.answers.com/topic/rant Uh, no I don't agree that it is a rant. As for veering off topic, many posts tend to do that after a few submissions. That can be the nature of forums and what makes them so engaging, don't you agree?
  8. You be right K9, time to put this one to sleep!
  9. It's a chemical reaction that occurs only when they eat Americans.
  10. YEAH! Or our wicked beavers oops...double entendre...are they allowed on this board?
  11. That's gonna be a mean lookin rig Man.
  12. I'm not that political and just a dumb Canuck but wouldn't anyone be better than Dubya?
  13. Prior to buying mine, while in the process of shopping, I remember seeing an ad for a 2WD Pathy in a local Winnipeg paper. Can't remember if it was a local vehicle or not?? Also could have been a typo I suppose but if they made them it sure must have been a small run.
  14. My buddy's Cheap does the same thing...he says it's ball joint.
  15. Not sure DJ. It's contingent on a couple factors but you'll be first to know.
  16. You can have mine as soon as I get the Westin rail kit.
  17. Man those look smokin hot chum!!! Nice choice. When I bought my truch last spring I was looking at the Incubus Poltergeists thinkin how good those would look on the black Pathy. http://www.wheelswest.ca/IN501%205%206%20B.jpg But then financial reality bit me in the A$$.
  18. Depends if you want a functional rack to actually carry your toys or that stock luggage rack. THese are pricey but check it out. http://www.westinautomotive.com/pages/PROD...SPORT-apps.html
  19. Yeah I hear you. I have a 96 and the rack isn't wide enough to comfortably carry my 18' Grumman canoe. I mean I can make it work by wrapping the towers in foam and other such nonsense but I hate hassles. I've seen people use what RWC recommends and it works as long as those boards are secured properly. You need a stable and flat surface so the gunnels rest comfortably. Obviously you're going to tie the craft to tow hooks or chassis or hitch anyway so you don't need anything army rated. This system may not be aesthetically pleasing but who cares...You're gettin out there right!
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