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Everything posted by CDN_S4

  1. EPIC!! SO jealous! What kind of antennas for you CB's do you guys have? Sorry if this has already been answered. Both these PF's are amazing!!
  2. ^^ lol thanks, I do have a bit of a thing for car detailing. I own way too many cleaning products, buffing, polishing, the whole 9 yards. That's a positive side effect I guess of owning a show car. A status which my S4 has only been able to achieve due to the Pathy, because now it will never drive in rain or snow again. I will definitely take some before and after pics. Today, I actually took it off-road for the first time. Nothing crazy, nothing spectacular, just dipped my big toe into the water to check it out. When I came back I got the service engine soon, light on. I changed the oil, but holy crap, where on earth is the oil filter??!! LOL I have a spare filter, but even with the manual and internet pictures I couldn't figure it out. And the whole "nintendo" combo thing of resetting the warning light hasn't worked for me either. So tomorrow, I'll put on the NPORA decal. I'll wait with the big PF decal until I actually have a lift and wheels and tires. I got too much beer down range right now to put the decals up now, they probably wouldn't be straight lol.
  3. It's no longer applicable, you already answers. Reference decals. Thanks Sent from Tapatalk
  4. So I ordered the Yakima Load warrior with extension. A bit pricey but I'm hoping this will prevent me from having to buy a higher end one after my less expensive one brakes. Hopefully this assessment is correct. Also, next week, a 2"'lift will be on order, installing the spacers. I received my decals from Fleury and my wife is now calling me a hill billy for wanting to put the pathfinder decal across the windshield. On any other car, I totally agree that it's super lame to do that, and I personally make fun of people in honda civics (no offense to any civic owners) that put great big Honda decals on their cars. But I find for an off-roader, it's much more appropriate and actually looks good IMO. Looks like I'll just have to wear the flame suit at home for a while lol. My wheels are still 6-7 weeks out from being ready as they are made order. Stupid unicorn bolt pattern. Sent from Tapatalk
  5. If you're looking for lift on a budget, check out Fleury 's spacers from 4x4 designs. Good start with the spare carrier! Sent from Tapatalk
  6. Pics please!! Sent from Tapatalk
  7. ^^ that's what I wanna know too. Didn't find it on his website. I received the spacers today and wanna know how to install them... Sent from Tapatalk
  8. Recharged the AC today and added a Canadian Flag decal on the rear window. Also ordered window wind deflectors and a bug/rock deflector for the hood. Received Fleury's spacers...but, Steve, please check your email, I had a question.
  9. Recharged the AC and put a Canadian flag sticker on it.
  10. What do these hubs do or add to the vehicle? Is this just OEM replacement or what's the deal with hubs? I've been trying to find out by reading a bunch of stuff but it feels like I'm listening to a conversation that I have no idea what it's about lol. Rememer, I'm new to the 4x4 world. Thanks
  11. I have quite a few tools at home that should be able to tackle all 3 of those things. Unless the size of the bolts/lugs is one of a kind. Also, I noticed I wrote Gorilla Rack in my first post, I mean to say Rhino Rack. Different beast. That's just one I was lookin at. I can't seem to pick one. I like the Yakimas as there are a lot of attachments that come with it, but the price, especially with the extension is hefty. I really just wanna be able to strap some jerry cans, a spare tire and a tent up there. Maybe a shovel on the side. There are a lot of scattered bits and pieces of info on these racks, so I'm open to suggestions / recommendations and see what others have or wish they had. Quality is definitely a factor I'm planning on keeping it up year round. Especially with a snow shovel attached. So Yakima, Rhino, Stanchion, Thule, and Craig have been some I considered. Any others I should look for? Any good sites to find these in Canada? Thanks Sent from Tapatalk
  12. Diameter plays a role, but bends are detrimental. Even the type of weld, if it isn't smooth, it's negatively affected that's why performance exhausts always advertise mandrel bent. And then there is the cats, the biggest power robbers. Either way, for sound, all this doesn't really matter. Your muffler and downpipes determine your sound. Sent from Tapatalk
  13. The way these mufflers run with all those twists and turns, I can't see how there could be a product that would improve flow. Even the slightest bends rob power. That's why on sports cars you'll always want to try to get the pipes as straight as possible. Sent from Tapatalk
  14. Pretty cool. Anyone done this in an R50? Sent from Tapatalk
  15. What kind of spark plug stuff do you mean? Like the extended socket? I have one of those. Also I bought oil for an oil change. Picked up Castrol 5W30. Is there any oil that is recommended over another? I know with my Audi it's always a heated topic. Sent from Tapatalk
  16. I would like to know more about the above "eBay find" I remember seeing those in vehicles way back in the day when I was a kid. Does it plug into anything?? Or is just based on gravity? Sent from Tapatalk
  17. Got it registered, insured, drove it and picked up oil and filter for an upcoming oil change. Sent from Tapatalk
  18. http://canada.carparts.com/search/?D=Fender+flares&Dx=mode+matchallany&N=0&Nf=price6%7CGT+.01%7Cshipping2%7CGT+0&Ntk=Main&Ntt=Fender+flares&Ntx=mode+matchallany&Nty=1&PN=0+12038&VN=0 I think this was it. Sent from Tapatalk
  19. I was contemplating the same thing when I came across flexible flares, much like the EZ lip, you essentially glue it on and shape and form it how you see fit. Cheap too. Not sure if that's an option. If I find the link I'll add it in here. Sent from Tapatalk
  20. ^^ good to know. I wanted sliders eventually, but didn't know they have to be welded. Guess I'll hold off on that purchase. A front bumper with rails might be in its future too. Sent from Tapatalk
  21. If you want sound, get an aftermarket muffler, that should be independent of your resonator issues... Sent from Tapatalk
  22. Right on, I'll keep my eyes peeled for one. I'll probably end up with a high jack eventually anyways. Sent from Tapatalk
  23. Yeah I found the jack, but haven't found the "arm" Sent from Tapatalk
  24. I'm sure you can rig up a Magnaflow muffler. But as far as your heat problem goes, you can simply use heat wrap unless you go off-roading a lot and get it soaked and caked in mud. Might not be so good then. Fabricate a heat shield? Or get another resonator. Sent from Tapatalk
  25. Yeah the PO only had it for a bit. And it was a second vehicle for him. The PO to the PO was the main owner who I suspect must have been some old lady or old man who took it to go play Golf on weekends. I found a peg under the seat when I folded them up to clean underneath them. There was definitely a dog involved by the PO and he never cleaned it inside. And no post is complete without pics: Also, found the trailer wires: What would this strap be for? It's located in the middle of the back seat, under the seats. Sent from Tapatalk
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