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Bunchie last won the day on June 6 2017

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About Bunchie

  • Birthday 06/10/1960

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  • Your Pathfinder Info
    Goldy: 2002 LE w/330K. Tan leather interior. Bought for $900, w/$900 & many hrs more sunk into it for repairs and overall "de-icking". EVERYTHING important works now and it smells real nice-lol. RIP Marvin.
  • Mechanical Skill Level
    Skilled/Experienced Mechanic
  • Your Age
  • What do you consider yourself?
    Weekend Warrior
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  • Location
    Super Natural British Columbia
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  • Interests
    Fishing, diecast car/truck collecting/restoring, fixing "things", herb, etc...ima little adhd, "SQUIRREL"

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NPORA Fulltime Resident

NPORA Fulltime Resident (4/5)



  1. OneSpiritBrain, Michael, thanx very much for reaching out and sharing. We're all full of one form of selfdestructive behaviour or another, aren't we?? But that's Lucifer's job to deflect you from the correct path through life and he and his crew are REAL good at their jobs!! I could imagine how your parents sad exit would have messed you up to the degree it did. You are blessed to have found faith. He WILL answer your requests for help but you need to be looking for the answers you seek. I've done almost everything at least once save for s#it in needles and the fact that I had belief and faith most definitely saved me from a very different life plan and I thank him for that!! I don't preach but I know his protection is REAL-I am still here bc physics were defied on one foolish youth fueled weekend. About 12 years ago I started looking at life a little differently-a dear friend lost his wife at 44 and was left w/2 children, 5 & 8. After we lost Eunice(blood clot in her bronccia-dead within an hour of 1st critical symptoms) I realized just how short aand precious life can really be and decided to live each day better and be positive more I've experienced alcoholism in my family but not to the degree and 1st hand like you. It most definitely can destroy lives if left unchecked. I strive to accomplish at least one positive, tangable thing everyday bc if you project positive, you will receive positive. I'll leave it at that as midnight is almost here. Good night sir.
  2. RainGoat, thank you for your support. Yeah dude, honestly I think I'm doing OK, generally but currently, for me, it's all the clutter and neglect, the house still remains in, 10 years after Dad passed. Im living here now and it makes me nuts. I believe myself to be pretty organized person ( bosses think so and now have me streamlining the day to day at work) and am fine so long as I have a plan. Talking to people lately has been helpful. This whole thing is on me (formally separated in Feb and an only child). so I'm taking any helping hand that's offered-not THAT stupid or proud-lol. I inherited Mom's deaf dog who is inconstinent (and CONSTANTLY underfoot) but have recently gained my b'dingo back from the ex. Shyloh is pretty and has no apparent brain. She's really my quantum of Solis. She's a 3-1/2 yo Carolina dog (North American dingo) who acts like a puppy, thinks she's tough and is afraid of shadows-keeps me laughing. Most days I'm not abusing herb or alcohol but I am smoking like a chimney which really Pisces me off cuz I was ready to quit before s#it went sideways. Was going to say, if able, gently talk to your parents and remind them that their collective accumulations may pose extra issues for you in the future. My old man kept all kinds of stuff and never used a lot of it and paperwork, Lord Jesus, give me strength, the papers me and my daughter went through AND shredded was staggering! Example: 1981 Reine Canada tax guide...I was at a loss for words and THATS not me. Took over a week but that being said, we DID find some real neat stuff. That's my bedroom now brand new, top to bottom. One day and one step atta time. Success on the alternator installation at 4:27 PM of Day 2. I will post my findings and exasperations very soon. Thanx for letting me ramble. Cheers, V.
  3. Hey Raingoat, Sept/Oct has NOT been good for me-Mom got very sick suddenly and passed away shortly after, the dryer failed, the dishwasher failed, kitchen sink tap set has been leaking for years(unbeknownst to me) underneath and rotted out the bottom 6 inches of cabinetry while I'm trying to arrange her funeral and get her estate in order and the nightmare that is probate. I'm the only child....sigh. Needless to say I've been drinking and smoking a lot. Didn't go to work for a month then yesterday morning, the alternator finally packed it. Had bought a new one, thinking that it should be fairly straightforward and I could change the PS pump and AC pump while I was at it and had it all apart...BWAAHAHAHA! WTF was I thinking?? "He's a looney, I tell ya, a looney! The bugger's off his nut!!" Changing the alt on an R50 is a horror show! Some braintrust at Nissan decided that a "floating nut" that has ZERO access to it was the best way to fasten the main alternator mounting bolt-every time my back spams, I'd like to kick that guy in the junk! I'm on Day 2 w/this nightmare! BTW, ALL the YouTube videos related to this go to great lengths to describe what to do to make this an easier job then promptly, fast forward to video showing everything already reinstalled...JC, are you kidding me??? Only by reading other people's comments, did I find out about this floating nut issue and any sort of solutions to it. I left a few comments myself...in frustration! Well I can feel my hands again so I better get back tater. Thank Christmas it's not raining yet...tomorrow they say. Will update w/what I was able to use as a solution, fix or fire-lol. Cheers, Victor. PS: Decided to clean out garage to do any more work on the PF.
  4. Re & Re of an alternator on an R50 is a utter beotch... I'm on Day 2 w/this problem. After trying to mount it using the wrong hole (min 3 hrs wasted there), it's the "floating nut" that has me losing my s#it!! What was Nissan thinking when they came up w/THAT solution??? Stupidest thing, I think, I've ever seen. Dude on YouTube ended up JB welding it to the alternator-I tried a similar technique but bc I did not use enough adhesive, it ended up falling off when I tried to thread the bolt into it. My back is on fire and I'm cold!! Will update if I succeed or I burn my truck to the ground in frustration. Seriously considering buying a Dodge turbo Cummins diesel....seriously!!!
  5. It sounds like it's time for Scott to go to Princess Auto and buy himself a digital vernier caliper. A very handy and inexpensive device...just sayin. So Scott, where abouts in BC are you? I'm in South Langley. Cheers, V.
  6. Raingoat: Yeah I bit the bullet and bought a new key from a local locksmith, $100.77 taxes Inc(not too bad). I had an original key that he was able to clone. The new stealer ship supplied key I got for Marvin, he was unable to clone...just so you know. I guess it's just the Scottish coming out in me that has declined interest in dropping $150 on a new fob but I should probably just suck it up and buy one-lol. FYI: Removing the door lock cylinder is a bit of a beotch. I had to remove the "stiffener bracket" and a few linkage retaining clips(be careful w/these), wiring quick disconnect & it's associated tie strap retainers. The atypical problem of "big North American hands in a little Japanese hole"-lol. Lord only knows how hard putting it all back together will be... Cheers, V.
  7. Raingoat: yeah I didn't think that it would be different in it's action-as it's a nice feature. AlabamaDan: I did use a "dry lube" made by Liquid Wrench(I believe it uses PTFE)when I 1st got the thing but even then it seemed like it had seen better days. And I still had a working remote(THAT seems to have vanished, unfortunately)at that time so I didn't give it much further thought.
  8. Raincoat, that was NOT the answer I was hoping for-lol. I DID get another door lock from another source(Passenger side) so I could see if it was possible to "repair" the lock assy. It's raining today so no brake swapping as originally planned so I'll take that lock apart to see if repair is an option. Will advise....V.
  9. So my single drivers door key lock only "unlocks". I cannot lock the door(s) w/ the key(key will not turn counterclockwise) nor can I "unlock" the rest of the doors/lift gate by turning the key a 2nd time to the unlock position unlike my former '01. Is this normal for an '02 lock system or is my door key lock just broken? And I still don't understand why a 2nd "unlock" action with the key does not unlock the rest of the locks. And no I don't have a working key fob any more-I seem to have lost it. Your thoughts...Cheers, V.
  10. He guys, went a different route w/the AC compressor. Bough a used one and a PS pump($140 CAN) from a guy who was partin out one from an aborted engine swap job he was doing for someone. Gotta do the brakes tomorrow-all 4 corners, just to be sure if the weather decides to cooperate....AC compressor and PS pump installation will follow. Will advise...V.
  11. Banned for not being positive...ally'all.
  12. All your time and efforts are truly appreciated as this is my "Go to" forum for all things Pathy!!!! And "Surprise, surprise, surprise", Victor remembered his password-lol...my tablet was stolen, amoungst other things by the junkie son of the owner of the house I'm housesitting.....sigh. Thank again and now I shall go to Fluerys Website to order me some parts, woo woo!!! Cheers, Victor.
  13. Got it that way from PO. Just got around to changing them now. Vehicle did NOT have an a/c belt when purchased. Checked the idler pulley and it is tight & smooth running. ★★If you can service an Altima a/c pump bearing why couldn't you w/the Pathfinder?★★ The clutch bearing is really the ONLY moving part at that end of the compressor. An electromagnet holds the pump drive shaft when you turn ur AC on. The actual pump drive does not spin when NOT engaged. The bearing would be the most likely failure point-its ALWAYS spinning. And the idler pulley looks newer than anything else down there. "It seems we have a mystery on our hands"....
  14. Hey peeps, figured out why there was no A/C belt on Goldy-clutch bearing is shot. The Q is: did Nissan change the a/c pump at all from 2001 to 2004? I ask bc I would like to be able to pre purchase the bearing so as to not stop "mid job" to go buy a $10 part. IF no changes were made, does anyone happen to know the bearing number???? And yes I searched this topic, found fiftytwelve items which gave me absolutely no further insight on the subject. Input pls. Cheers, V.
  15. Arrrgh, some days I HATE technology! I was going to say it would be prudent to listen to Tdawg50's experience as it is 1st hand. I only read only the availability at Ace (some) I ended up finding a reputable locksmith here in BC, that could provide that service. Cheers, V.
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