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SpecialWarr last won the day on December 8 2015

SpecialWarr had the most liked content!


About SpecialWarr

  • Birthday 06/25/1973

Previous Fields

  • Your Pathfinder Info
    1990 VG30E, 4 door 4X4, swamp rat rated.
  • Mechanical Skill Level
    Standalone Tool Chest Mechanic
  • Your Age
  • What do you consider yourself?
    I Go When I Can
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  • Interests
    Fixing things, 2-stroke engines, chainsaws, mountain biking, dark beer, smooth scotch in front of the fireplace and beers at the fire pit. Wheeling, lunch on the dock in the lake during the summer.

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SpecialWarr's Achievements

NPORA Old-Timer

NPORA Old-Timer (5/5)



About Me

Apparently being a bicycle mechanic / technician is an essential service so while some of you may have had some time off during the 2020 unpleasantness Adamzan, myself and a bunch of other were still working! I have made myself as invaluable as I can manage in the shop, which I now manage and would still do what I do even if the pay was $0... but there are bills to pay! Time to myself is a raaaaarrre and wonderful thing, it means that I get to rebuild my Pathfinder! I'm hoping to get it done for my nephews' 16th in 7 years time (being a project it takes more time than you think!) which means that I can maybe get him to swing by after school and swing wrenches with me on the Pathy. 


If anyone is looking for me swing in Saint Sauveur, Quebec, swing by Performance Sports on a Saturday afternoon! See you there!

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