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Posts posted by Runnerman

  1. You guys are F*cked! He went before his peers and was found NOT GUILTY. I hope to hell none of you neigh sayers end up with money and have someone make the same accusations towards you. I don't think you'd be too quick in denouncing what is a fair and just system in a hurry if the shoe was on the other foot.

    Well if you admit to sleeping with little boys and inducing them with alcohol and admitting to it.

    You should then be casterated P...


    Now if this was some sshmuck off the street he would of been found guilty and would of spent the trial in jail!


    WTF are you talking about. I'm talking about the million dollar pedophile that you are saying is innocent. And if you agree with his antics on what he does to childeren then I put you in the same catagory as him.



    This is why before they tried him they waited for all the evidence and there was a ton with his "home videos" What kind of sick bastard does this to kids and you get off by saying we are f@#cked because he was found not guilty that should be good enough. -thnkboutit-

    Wake-UP and stop protecting the pedophile!!!!!!!! :oops:

  2. :furious: :furious: :furious:


    I was hoping I would be wrong about the verdict but after the OJ case, it seems if you have money then you can do what you want. Even if you admit to the (I am a dork for trying to use profanity here) he has done to kids, I'm surprised one of the parents don't go for there own kinda justice on his @ss!

  3. I here you Mr.P but I ordered the ARB from a shop in B.C instead of driving out to Seattle to get it the price was around 300smacks Cad then the ones in the US not including shipping.


    This time I will be coming to G/F as I have to get a mirror installed for my X. They cannot get them here in Canada as it is not offered and after brokerage fees and Duty well price would be the same just to get it installed actually installed will be cheaper just to drive down there. ;)

    Figure I will make a trip out of it go down to G/F then come up through Ontario and hit Thunder Bay.

    Still debating ThunderBay but have to make that trip sometime this summer. Might wait on T/B not sure........



  4. Those Blood suckers are out full force. I can puit up with them it's those fricken Wood Ticks I have grown To hate! Mind you, close to the end of June they seem to dissapear. Thanks God.


    Trainman I wish I had a Pathy to do a trip to B.C that fast :)



  5. Well I have to go and get a new mirror for my X which is not offered here in Canada only in the states.

    So figure I would take in some sights since I'm there.

    It's about 2 1/2hr drive from here to there.


    Oh ya if you guys ever come my way for a few days I can take you into some pretty cool places to fish just give me a weeks notice B)


  6. I think anyone that does the things he's admitted to is guilty. He's a sick perverted bastard! Which should be casterated!!! No use for people like that at all :oops: That will have to do no machine gun smilie


    But the question is will he be found guilty? NO with all the evidence against him no there's just to much eg.OJ


    :beer: :

  7. I like the look of the new ones allot better then the older ones I think they are more sleek looking instead of the high square box.


    About 2 years I seen a program with the discovery against the H1 and the discovery did everything the H1 did except for 1 approach angle. They could not do straight on.

    They beat both trucks over this miliatry terrain and the drive inside the Discovery was much better less of being shaken around so less fatigue in the Discovery.

    The Discoveryu they used had an Air lift Suspension (factory) and it crossed the same water crossing!

    It was amazing after watching that program I had allot more respect for those SUV's. :clap:



  8. Well going from a pathy to an X-trail why :wacko: .


    Why though :confused:


    The X-trail does have some neat nicknacks eg. heated or cooled mug holders.

    But offroad well take it out on a test drive and see you will not go 1/2 as far where your Pathy can go. :)


    You can get the S version of the X which is more base no Locker, smaller tires and less G/C by 1/2" but still great offroad. That version is about 2800 cheaper then the O/R pkg.


    Oh BTW I am averaging with the O/R pkg 05X 460-480Km per tank of mixed driving mostly city and some highway and on just highway I was getting an average of 510-530 per tank. I am very pleased with the mileage this was going 109kph Just under the Radar :D


  9. Since the OR pkg does not come with that little bit of convenience and the only one that has it is the Se I ordered the part and installed it.

    Pics are in the link.


    So here's the link for it.


    Install of Sunglass Holder


    Well since I'm spoiled by the pathy I have to improvise and change some things on my X. ;)


    Oh BTW Slick I am making a skidplate that will cover the bottom of the winch. :D




  10. That's the wifes Pathy just used it as if it was mine B)

    First mods :

    Trailer Hitch

    Sunglass Holder

    MTR Tires

    Skidplates in replace of factory ones.

    Later on I am replacing the window switches over to the Pathy switches.



  11. There is a junkyard 10 min away from me with dozen's of R50's. Haven't been there in bout a month but last time I was there, there was 25. I'm sure I could find one. I'll have to plan a trip out there.

    Thanks !!!


    If you can possibly take a venture over there when you have the chance that would be Great :D


    I asked a couple more wreckers here and they have nothing also. I did a search on that site came up empty but I'll e-mail them as well.

    I have about 3-4weeks as this is when that ARB gets here and I would like to get it powdercoated at the same time ;)


    Thanks again DJ :clap:



  12. Hey guys I need a rear spoiler from a wrecking yard can be banged up scratch up just in 1 pc and not broken or bent.


    I need to see if I can get my powdercoater to do this spoiler without wrecking it, apparently he can do some plastics and other materials so he said he's up for it.


    All the wreckers where I live do not have any pathy's except for 1 which is a 88 and is not ready to be parted out yet.


    So the rear spoiler on the Back hatch for 96-04 pathy.

    If you come across one for cheap let me know.




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