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Posts posted by 87pathy

  1. typical V6.


    bla bla bla.. bull @!*% bull @!*%.


    I'm on here everyday as well.. and just thought he left.

    i've never heard of any bad things happenin to him either. and although i didn't care for the guy,i don't wish this on anybody and hope that he is doing as well as can be, IF he in fact is in this condition.

  2. I will never use a winch w/o synthetic line.....200-300 bucks to save a life? Hell yes.



    This is not 100% true. less recoil yes...................... BUT

    I wheel alot.. i mean ALOT.

    We pull winch cable every time out.


    I have NEVER seen a steel cable break on a vehicle winch (i have seen cable break though).


    I have seen multiple synthetic lines break, and no.. not from abrasion.


    if the line is dry, there is very little re-coil, if it is wet, there is much more recoil.


    and only 200 bucks for new synthetic line? where do you buy yours.. hell, i know the masterpull guy and i can't get a deal like that. I get new cable FREE.


    i just wait till somebody pulls their new calbe off the drum to replace it with synthetic, and they will GIVE it to you.


    Ill keep my old trusty cable, that looks like @!*% and will still suspend my entire vehicle.


    you can keep your sketchy synthetic line! :thumbsdown:


    Disclaimer : it is my understanding that they hold up well in dry environments, such as utah, or arizona.. the WET coast.. not so mcuh

  3. I completely agree! It would be way fun to have a rig lifted like that and working right. I think all pathfinder owners do. Unfortunatly, the real world dictates what can and cant happen. If it was easy to do, well, we would own Jeeps!



    bite your tongue.


    There are only 3 jeeps i would ever own, and just for the "cool" factor.

    those would be



    jeep camando.


    you can keep the rest.


    oh, and when i was done, the only jeep part left wold be the body.. i'd change the frames even

  4. I have about 6-7" suspension lift and 3" body lift.


    but thats not very accurate either.


    when i started my build i had 14" to the frame rails, i have 24 now


    I used to have 36's and just went to 38's. however, there is actually only 1.2" difference in diamter between the 36 x 12.5 x15 tsl's and the 38 x 12.5 x 15 tsl/sx's


    Here is a pic in the garage with 38s' as you can see, i really can't make it any lower.



  5. pics of that rig have been around a long time, its a POS and still does not have any front drive shaft. because he'll never get one in it.


    I had to do a bit of a work around on my rig to get it all to work right (front ujoint angles) and i'm not even as tall as that.


    its a show truck.. maybe mud.. but from my standpoint.. worthless.

  6. here is the deal with wheel spacers.


    I have seen people run them with absolutely ZERO issues.


    then i've seen them come off on a regular basis.


    I just don't trust them.


    (they seam to hold u fine on toyotas, maybe its the 6 bolt pattern, and most failures i've seen are on a 5 bolt pattern)

  7. everybody complains about the expensive 880 bucks for a calmini lift.


    can you do it cheaper?


    i don't think so.

    new coils

    new torsion bars

    new ball joints

    new bushings,

    new shocks

    pan hard drop.



    ext ext.


    ya, if you ONLY get new arms and coils.. its gonna be cheaper.

  8. Ok, there used to be a manual for the 94 / 95 you could down load on this site.


    I had it at one time, but can't find it..


    I have spent the last hour trying to find it again on this site.


    anybody know Where TF it is?

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