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Everything posted by fordsho90

  1. did ya have any sinuses left to infect??...sheesh.....glad to see you cleaned it up guess you cant have a bump and a smile huh
  2. welcome Crimson tide fng and enjoy your stay
  3. damn bro. thats alot of blow
  4. check your amp change fuses it sounds like your getting a draw from amp
  5. not in the state of Florida baby....they teat it worse then dui
  6. I think its more cause we dont have a political forum or religous crap here (well for the most part) when we go near those subjects you can see what has happened. These forums are vinilla
  7. fordsho90

    Oil Filter Leak

    ^ie: teflon tape^
  8. ^thank you^ pic. please
  9. I guess NY was the only no vote
  10. go check your local ghetto ny and see how the other half lives leaglize.... it goes away cause the cartels are holding them hostage any longer
  11. im surpised it took him so long to chime in since he is our medical pothead
  12. like I stated in my previous post legalize it all and be done with it.......crime will come down and the economy will go up plain and simple as that. I would rather see my tax dollars go somewhere on something that we can help like poverty,education and homelessness(sp?) the "war on drugs" has been going on for 20+ years and what do we have to show for it? squat its a white elephant and I know Im tired of feeding it
  13. I just pull center console out and use open space put cup can or bottle and use an old work glove and wala no spills no mess nothin
  14. make it all legal take the black market out of it tax it control it grow it process it...make people register that they are a user and eliminate the "war on drugs" and try using all that wasted money on education or heath care
  15. 280-315 thats mixed driving from city to hwy to wheeling
  16. hey trainman try this link linky
  17. welcome and enjoy your stay :cool2:
  18. just gives you more time to surf for porn
  19. cool jj nice little mod hows it do over bumps?
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