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Everything posted by govols74n

  1. I head to Memphis every few months if any1 is interested...
  2. Lost in the sauce like a pot of meatballs.........f-ed up like a football bat huh?
  3. I hope it's not really sheet metal.
  4. I have a 94 SE it has or...had the electric shocks, I unplugged them and installed ranchos. We do have them in the U.S. they are just too expensive to replace or repair. Caddilacs and Infinity cars usually have them too.
  5. Hmmm im getting ideas...im going to soon become the first serial snowman killer. :gossip: Killing snowmen that is...................
  6. survival gear in New Orleans meant beads and a camera along with lot's of alcohol....now look.
  7. I put in 4 audiobahn 5x7s off of ebay, and also had sony explode 5x7s before that, they both fit, but I had to bend the brackets on the speakers for the front like the others said....you just have to play with them a little, they'll fit. I think that only 2 or 3 of my screwes lined up but they hold just fine.
  8. Thats where my oil, ether, and bunjees go too.
  9. I wouldnt get it for road trips....camping yeah, but they aren't totally waterproof, and at high speeds tend to start shredding and falling apart....
  10. cool thanx all, ill help him check it out.
  11. Hey everyone, my friend has a 96 pathy and it rocks back and forth real bad at any time while driving. It is so bad that the police pulled them over for it. He replaced shocks, struts...and I told him that maybe it was his sway bars. I haven't looked underneath yet, so what else should I look for? Thanx for your help once again, and he'll be joining the site soon.
  12. Well, if you are serious I could probably get u one from my work....(aquire not steal)....we have a few laying around with built in sirens.
  13. WAy way way way too much time on your hands.
  14. govols74n


    just disconnect the dinosaur, it's not like some one is out to steal an old pathy, and even if they are, the old alarm is garbage. (IMHO)
  15. Im afraid to let it get that low, but it's good 2 know.
  16. Exactly. where will you put your spare??? Its much easier than dragging it off of the roof, and takes up too much room inside IMHO. (get a bigger spare) and oil the hinges and latches....i soak mine in PB's lubricant....works like brand new.
  17. I had a problem with my pathy not starting, replaced 3 burned out starters in 6 months!!! finally the only people who figured it out was Nissan, the alarm was drawing too many amps "somehow from the starter?" and so I told Nissan to just disconnect it. They did, and I haven't had 1 problem since. (when i would turn the key, it wouldnt do anything....sometimes took 15-20 tries at starting it, then would just go out) The alarm is still there, just disconnected. Hope this helps. Actually didnt cost too much either, just a small labor charge.
  18. I would definately say that something isnt hooked up right. keep checking those speaker wires maybe you hooked them up backwards?? check the fade and balance buttons to make sure it is playing on front and rear....wierd.
  19. Hmmm, investigations? Maybe I can stay out of Iraq for good now! That country sucks ballz and is more violent now than ever. All i know is that we are in big need of a change.
  20. Spanked? 1 point....due to the vols beating themselves. A win is a win, but noone got "spanked"
  21. Forced to live in missouri for now, in the middle of no where....Fort Leonard Wood MO.
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